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How Much is that Lucky Cat in the Window?

How Much is that Lucky Cat in the Window?

By Laura Cerrano

You see them everywhere you go, especially in Korean, Japanese and Chinese restaurants.  In the West they just seem like decorative objects in the shape of a cat that waves at you.  To the Asian cultures these cats, known as Lucky or Beckoning Cats, represent much more.  They carry a certain energy within that helps to call in opportunity, luck, prosperity and more!

The Holiday Season is upon us and this is a great, inexpensive present that you can give to a family member, friend, loved one, boss or co-worker. So, How much is that Lucky Cat in the Window? You can purchase a Lucky Cat starting at $3.00 and up.  These cute cats can beckon in positive energy from your desk, office, home, restaurant, anywhere and everywhere.

After I adopted my Lucky Cat, where in my home or office will it be the most happy? Lucky Cats are very happy when placed near the front entrance of your living or working space from the inside.  Be sure to have them looking toward the front door.

Should I be thinking of anything when placing my Lucky Cat near the front Entrance? Yes! Think about the various intentions you need to call into your life.  Do you need to call in helpful people, Money, seeking romance,….it can be anything to help enhance your lifestyle and reach your goals.

Is it better to have a Lucky Cat with a waving arm or still arm? I personally have always adopted Lucky Cats that have a moving arm.  I feel the energy is stronger because of movement.  But, either way, the positive influence that your lucky cat will have on your home and business is great!

By the way, Children love, love, love Lucky Cats!

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New York Feng Shui Manhattan New York City Manhattan NYC Consultant Laura Cerrano is a Second Generation Certified Feng Shui Consultant who has trained with Feng Shui Long Island and Masters from across the Country including Shamans to incorporate Native American beliefs and Space Clearings into her Feng Shui Consulting Firm, Feng Shui Manhattan New York City NY.

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