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The Love Energy of Christmas

The Love Energy of Christmas

by Gina Hardy

Have you noticed as Christmas approaches a certain energy descends on us? Like a mist it silently drifts into our minds and hearts urging us to, connect deeper and appreciate those we love more or act on things we don’t like in our lives, or reflect on times gone by with those who are not around us anymore.

Each year as the decorations go on sale, the weather gets colder and the days shorter, I notice people acting slightly differently including myself, almost in response to a mysterious force that moves through us.

I call it an energy because it’s not touchable but “feelable.” How do you feel as Christmas approaches? Is it a time of happiness and joy or not?

Christmas energy kicks in for me around early December as the Christmas lights start to appear in and around people’s houses and TV ads for the latest gadgets and pressies entice us to get our credit cards out.

It feels like a love energy that searches out all the feelings in conflict with it, pushing them to the edges of our unconscious mind, so our conscious mind recognises them in all their good or bad glory.

Christmas, depending on your experiences from the past, can bring up all sorts of feelings from the “fab can’t wait to decorate the tree and shop” to “arghhhhh, not another Christmas!”

Some people switch onto autopilot “I must write cards, I must buy presents, I must make that Christmas cake” and just do “what’s right” with little or no real joy because deep down it feels like a chore and “it’s for the kids anyway.”

Some people totally love the whole Christmas experience and sail through with a huge smile and crooked cracker hat dangling from their wine glass. Big respect to those who maintain the true essence of enjoyment of this festive time!

I am a some and some Christmaser. I love Christmas trees and lights but most of all, feeling connected to those I love. I am a real foodie and love Christmas dinner and chatting around the dinner table. I loathe shopping among stressed out people, spending ages in the car park queues and Christmas card writing is not a fave either.

Christmas is totally relational. It’s about being with people who mean the world to us. It’s a heart centred time. It shines a light on each and every relationship, present or past, bringing to our awareness, probably more than any other time of year, the quality of our relational world and attitude to love.

We are still in times of huge and furiously fast transition. Like it or lump it, the truth of how we relate to love is being shown to us every day and no time more apparent than Christmas.

What doesn’t feel right in our relationships, can’t be ignored anymore as we are facing old and deep internal rubbish that is manifesting as un-ignorable health and other challenges.

Sadly love is still angst ridden, certainly in intimate relationships, as we strive to get over our fear of the apparent loss of love. It’s a human miasm of the mind and one that is very much work in progress.

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Problematic relationships can blow a fuse during the festive season. Statistically it’s the greatest time of the year to fall in love or lose love as the energy drives to the surface any emotional scum in the way of the purity of love.

Christmas movies are packed with happily ever after stories to stir the heart from it’s slumber. People who are still grieving from a lost relationship or one that is limping along will often have more bad days as the Christmas snowball gathers pace. Not surprising if being single is a scary or hopeless place to be.

An invitation to pep up any ailing relationships this Yuletide

Whatever your view of Christmas let it show you the way to greater love this year, perhaps with those relationships that could do with a little more of you.

  1. If one or two of your relationships need an extra dollop of love this year, go give it. Don’t stop to think “why should I make the first move?” You will be surprised how a little love without any condition or irrational thought can create a new path probably much easier than you could have imagined.
  2. Forgiveness – wherever you are at with anyone right now, forgive. It’s not about forgetting but draining any toxicity from your emotional life with an olive branch called forgiveness. It’s power is immense and number one, YOU will feel better. You are a loving being, don’t stifle your own loving heart with grudges and stories about who is right or wrong.
  3. Go and have a conversation with anyone where things have gone wrong this year. A colleague, a friend, a family member. If there is anyone who you feel needs a chat. Be brave and courageous, call them up and invite them for a Christmas coffee. If you are nervous of how to approach them then give me a call. I can help you find the right words to relate in a healthier way.

So my conscious relationship pioneers, I wish you a love filled Christmas right to the brim! Enjoy relating and being in the energy of this wonderful time and let’s look ahead to 2012 with an open heart and a willingness to go with the flow whatever it may bring.

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