Don’t Make Resolutions, Set Goals
Use Feng Shui to empower yourself and your environment so you can achieve all your dreams this year.
By Ken Lauher
I hear so many stories every day from my clients who have achieved amazing success after their Feng Shui consultation. Families who begin getting along better. People looking for love who finally find their soul mate and get married. Business owners who achieve incredible financial success and acclaim.
And they all have one thing in common: They set solid, measurable goals. Sometimes, they already had these goals in mind when they called me, and I helped them fine tune them and then bring their space into alignment with those goals. Other times, they had only vague notions of what they wanted and, in a face-to-face consultation or a phone call, we talked it out and I helped them determine the exact end result they wanted to achieve. From there, we were able to draw a roadmap of how to get there.
It’s the time of year when everyone is making — and breaking — New Year’s Resolutions. I know, because I do it myself. I vow to do this, or that, and by February, I’m sometimes back to my old habits. Not all the time, though. When I place my focus on really achieving something, set my intention, and can already see and feel myself doing it, I have success.
In this article, I’m going to share with you some ancient Feng Shui secrets that will help you set your intention on a specific goal, and then empower your space to help you achieve that goal. It starts with one step, and that is simply deciding on your one goal that is most important to you. (You can certainly work on different areas of your life at the same time, but you will achieve amazing, and fast, results if you place your focus on the one thing that’s most important to you.)
So what is it? What do you want to do more than anything else? Finding true love? Increasing your income? Strengthening your relationship? Simply getting “unstuck?”
I’m going to ask you, now, to write it down.
Writing down Our Thoughts Gives Them Greater Power
When we write something down (or even enter it onto a tablet or computer) we are making the thought more tangible. The tactile feel of physically putting pen to paper can be even more significant in today’s digital age, when we rarely write anything by hand, but many people who journal, mind map and even create virtual visualization boards have success with these techniques.
Once you’ve written down your goal, take some time to think about it. Why do you want this? What are the feelings it will create once you have it? For instance, people who want to increase their income rarely want more money just for the sake of seeing a bigger bank balance. What they really want might be:
– a greater sense of security
– to buy nicer, more luxurious items
– a greater sense of prestige and esteem amongst people they know
– higher self-esteem
– to be able to buy nice things for their kids
– to pay for their child’s education
– to be a better parent
Let’s take a look at another common goal: Finding true love. People looking for true love often really want:
– Passion
– Security
– Comfort
– Fun
– Companionship
– Greater self-esteem
– A family
Capture the Feelings that Come from Getting What You Want
Once you’ve determined what it is you really desire, the driving purpose behind your goal, you can start to live as if you’ve already achieved it. What happens when you begin to do this is that your energy shifts. You begin to move from a state of “wanting” to a state of “having” all you desire. Since everything in the Universe is made up of energy, and like energy attracts like energy, events begin happening that make it possible for you to attain the object of your desire, whether it’s a person, more money, or even specific things.
I sometimes consider Feng Shui a way to align the energy in your home so that you’ll begin creating, and seeing, opportunities. This is one reason your front entrance is so important in Feng Shui; it is the way chi and opportunities enter your home. Similarly, your stove, also one of the home’s three most important areas, represents your income potential, your ability to provide for your family both literally in terms of food and sustenance but in every other area of life, as well.
Aligning Your Space with your Goals
It’s not always easy to capture that feeling and achieve a state of “having” when you know you really don’t have what you want. When there’s a great incongruity between where you are now and where you want to be, it can feel really frustrating.
That’s where Feng Shui, and even working with an expert or a Change Agent like me, can help. You need a change, internally and externally. It doesn’t matter which change comes first; the important thing is that it happens so you can begin to live the life of your dreams.
So let’s think about changes we can make in our environment so they can help us achieve the state of mind we want so that we can successfully reach our goals.
Feng Shui to Have Everything You Want
You’ve already identified your goals, the reasons behind them, and how you’ll feel when you get there. Now let’s look at three ways our home or apartment can lend us a helping hand.
1. Feng Shui Method #1: Anchoring objects – An anchoring object is anything that, when you see it, reminds you of your goal. This could be because it’s directly related; for instance, photos of money in your wealth corner to increase your income. Or it could be symbolic, such as a pair of red roses in the romance trigram of the Ba Gua.
(If you’re not sure how to lay the Ba Gua over your home, click here to read this article on using the Feng Shui Ba Gua to achieve your goals.)
You can also use objects that are the same element of that trigram of the Ba Gua, described in this article on Feng Shui elements. This is why a water fountain is so popular in the wealth trigram for people who want to make more money and why Chinese restaurants often place a fish tank in the wealth trigram of the restaurant for success.
2. Feng Shui Method #2: Use color to align the chi with your goals and energize a space. – You can use color across an entire room, or in merely one trigram of the Ba Gua in a room, to energize the space that is most closely aligned with your goals. For instance, a pink, peach, or flesh tone bedroom will attract romance into your life. While red is the color of passion, it is also very lively and should be used as an accent color in the bedroom if you are looking to find true love.
3. Feng Shui Method #3: Energize specific trigrams of the Ba Gua with live plants, fresh flowers, crystals or light. Many of the ancient Feng Shui remedies can be selected based on what fits in your home or apartment, your personal taste, and what you feel works. (You can use your intuition or call in a Feng Shui expert to guide you.) My clients have applied crystals, wind chimes, mirrors or live plants with great success to get the chi flowing to a specific area. These objects can re-direct, reflect or attract chi to bring your energy into alignment with your goals.
Are you Ready for 2012 to Be Your Best Year Ever?
I talk about the entire process of goal setting and aligning the chi in your home with your desires in my eBook Feng Shui Secrets: What Everyone Should Know About How to Be Successful with Feng Shui. If you’re still feeling stuck my book may be just what you need to get unstuck and start taking action.
If you’re more of a hands-on person and want to get started even faster, I’m offering a very special deal to my loyal readers in 2012. The Ultimate Feng Shui Makeover Package gives you the chance to work with me, on a one-on-one basis, for a fraction of the price of what I usually charge for a whole home Feng Shui consultation. You’ll get all your questions answered, a Feng Shui action plan roadmap to achieve your dreams, and a ton of free goodies to help you on your journey to realize your goals in 2012.
What’s the next step you’re going to take?
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About Ken – One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants and Change Agent, Ken Lauher helps thousands of people achieve their goals through Feng Shui. He can help you become a money magnet, attract passionate love, jump-start your career and get unstuck. Visit to get your FREE Feng Shui guide and discover the ancient secrets that can help you unlock your true potential.
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