Doreen Virtue – The Angels Speak

Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology and a fourth-generation metaphysician who works with the angelic, elemental, and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops. Doreen is the author of more than 20 books about angels, chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels books/angel cards.
Doreen, who holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, was the founder and former director of Woman Kind Psychiatric Hospital at Cumberland Hall Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. She was also an administrator at Woodside Women’s Hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Both all-women psychiatric hospitals specialized in treating women’s psychological issues. Doreen also directed three outpatient psychiatric centers, including an adolescent drug and alcohol abuse center.
As a child, Doreen was a natural clairvoyant, seeing and conversing with what many people call “invisible friends.” But this natural gift and ability was little understood by the young Doreen and her family, and was the cause of teasing by her friends. Consequently, Doreen learned to deny her abilities, effectively shutting them down before she was mature enough to fully appreciate them. But on July 15, 1995, Doreen’s personal life and her career, marked by exemplary but conventional success, would be irrevocably altered by an incident that is nothing short of miraculous.
Doreen had been ignoring her angels’ guidance to become a teacher of mind-body-spirit issues, so when an angel warned Doreen that her car was going to be stolen on that fateful July afternoon, Doreen ignored him. After all, her habit of arguing with and ignoring the angels was deeply ingrained by then. Despite this, the angel did not abandon Doreen in her most dire moment—as she was parking, two armed men, intent on a carjacking, brandished weapons and physically accosted the unsuspecting Doreen. The voice spoke to her again—it was loud, distinctly male, and it instructed her to scream with all her might. This time she listened, and her life was saved by passers-by who became alarmed and sent her attackers running.
Doreen immediately began a daily rigorous practice of receiving and deciphering her Divine Guidance. Simultaneously, she was reexamining her spiritual beliefs, along with her Western psychological beliefs, the end result being twofold: Doreen was guided to look at psychology from a whole new perspective, and her natural clairvoyance rapidly returned with the same clarity and strength of her childhood experiences. Dr. Virtue’s practice then naturally evolved into “Angel Therapy,” in which she combined her background in psychology with her spiritual abilities.
Today, Doreen is known around the world for her connection with the realm of the angels. She has devoted her lifework to teaching us all how to clearly hear the messages from our angels. “When you work with angels, you can lean upon their light to help you heal at miraculous rates and in amazing ways. The angels can help us heal physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.”
She conducts experiential workshops on spiritual psychological issues worldwide. Many of her students are medical and psychological professionals, including M.D.’s, R.N.’s, psychologists, and social workers.
Doreen conducts a call-in online radio show on Hay House Radio. For specific shows schedules and more information, visit Hay House Radio.
A frequent talk-show guest with appearances on Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, The View with Barbara Walters, Donny & Marie, Roseanne, and other national programs, Doreen is also a columnist for several monthly publications. Magazines and newspapers that have featured her work include McCall’s, TV Guide, Woman’s Day, First for Women, Vegetarian Times, Lotus, Woman’s World, Miracles, Bridal Trends, USA. Today, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Daily News, The Boston Globe, Men’s Fitness, Shape, and The Denver Post.
Among Doreen’s most recent works include: the Connecting with Your Angels Kit, to assist you in getting to know and understand your angels; and the Angel Medicine book, where she demonstrates how to heal the body and mind with the help of the angels.
“The angels are with us as a gift from our Creator, and their aim is to establish peace on Earth, one person at a time. Working wing-in-hand with the angels, I believe that this goal is possible. May your inner light burn brightly today, and all the days to come.”
Doreen immediately began a daily rigorous practice of receiving and deciphering her Divine Guidance. Simultaneously, she was reexamining her spiritual beliefs, along with her Western psychological beliefs, the end result being twofold: Doreen was guided to look at psychology from a whole new perspective, and her natural clairvoyance rapidly returned with the same clarity and strength of her childhood experiences. Dr. Virtue’s practice then naturally evolved into “Angel Therapy,” in which she combined her background in psychology with her spiritual abilities.
Today, Doreen is known around the world for her connection with the realm of the angels. She has devoted her lifework to teaching us all how to clearly hear the messages from our angels. “When you work with angels, you can lean upon their light to help you heal at miraculous rates and in amazing ways. The angels can help us heal physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.”
She conducts experiential workshops on spiritual psychological issues worldwide. Many of her students are medical and psychological professionals, including M.D.’s, R.N.’s, psychologists, and social workers.
Doreen conducts a call-in online radio show on Hay House Radio. For specific shows schedules and more information, visit Hay House Radio.
A frequent talk-show guest with appearances on Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, The View with Barbara Walters, Donny & Marie, Roseanne, and other national programs, Doreen is also a columnist for several monthly publications. Magazines and newspapers that have featured her work include McCall’s, TV Guide, Woman’s Day, First for Women, Vegetarian Times, Lotus, Woman’s World, Miracles, Bridal Trends, USA. Today, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Daily News, The Boston Globe, Men’s Fitness, Shape, and The Denver Post.
Among Doreen’s most recent works include: the Connecting with Your Angels Kit, to assist you in getting to know and understand your angels; and the Angel Medicine book, where she demonstrates how to heal the body and mind with the help of the angels.
“The angels are with us as a gift from our Creator, and their aim is to establish peace on Earth, one person at a time. Working wing-in-hand with the angels, I believe that this goal is possible. May your inner light burn brightly today, and all the days to come.”
Doreen Virtue Interview with Shay Parker of Metaphysical Minds Radio
Doreen Virtue Interview – Metaphysical Minds Radio (click to listen)
OM Times Interview with Doreen Virtue
OM Times: We are now in 2012, and there has been a lot of speculation about the Shift. Do the angels have any messages about 2012 for our readers?
Doreen: Yes, 2012 is a time of extremely high vibrational energy in which our thoughts are manifesting into form in record time. You are called to hold your thoughts up to the light of examination to insure that they reflect your true intentions. Give all worries to heaven for healing and transmutation.
The angels say that the earth has always experienced “natural disasters”, and will continue to do so. And it is even more essential than ever to take good care of the planet. Each of us doing our part to recycle, reduce, reuse, and use eco-friendly products, makes a huge positive difference.
The angels ask us to trust our intuition, which is guiding each of us upon the path of safety and protection. Don¹t second-guess your feelings anymore.
Toward the end of 2012, even more light and opportunities will arise. So don’t force or rush into anything prematurely in the first part of 2012. Let your dreams come to you fully manifested, and don’t settle for less than what you desire.
The angels have long showed me the evolution of humanity and the earth, but it is occurring over time, and not in one sudden movement during 2012. The angels have told me the following in response to people’s fears about 2012: The earth has always experienced changes, such as earthquakes, floods, tornados, and so forth. These changes occur in cycles, and they aren’t any worse or more frequent now than in the past. Remember that the time of recording the history of earth changes is only very recent. The earth is still here, despite past earth traumas, and it will continue to thrive in the future. The year 2012 is just a framework for measuring time. It is not based upon the equivalent of your human birthyears which accurately measure the length of your lifetime. 2012 is from the Gregorian calendar, which is based upon Jesus’s life, and this calendar is inaccurate by at least 10 years. Additionally, the Gregorian calendar has nothing to do with the Mayan calendar, which in itself is not aligned with the actual age of earth. Therefore, this isn’t actually 2012 either by Gregorian or by Mayan standards. The ego does enjoy fear, so it looks for ways to frighten itself by focusing upon death and apocalyptic fantasies. Do not indulge in the ego’s games, as they are time-wasters which will always bring you down. Look instead to the inner wisdom within yourself that knows that life goes on and is eternal and love-based in all ways.
OM Times: As you know, February is a time for love. We know that angels are synonymous with love, but are there angels that seem to “stand out” moreso than others in reference to matters of the heart?
Doreen: Yes, the main angels which help us with relationships are: Archangel Chamuel, whose name means “The eyes of God”. This angel helps us to find whatever we are seeking, including finding our romantic soulmate. Ask Chamuel to help you with this and then notice any intuition which guides you to take actions, as this will lead you to find each other. Then there’s Archangel Raguel, whose name means, “Friend of God”. This angel helps you to heal and brighten existing relationships, just by asking for his help.
OM Times: Soul mates are a tricky thing…many search their whole lives to find them, yet may or may not succeed. What advice would you offer to someone seeking their soul mate, but not having any luck finding him or her?
Doreen: Your soul mate has guardian angels, just like you do. Go to a quiet place, close your eyes, and hold the intention of connecting with your soul mate’s guardian angels. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know who your soul mate is. Just by holding the intention to connect with your soul mate’s angels, it is done. Then silently or aloud, pour out your heart to these angels. Tell them about all of your thoughts and feelings. Then ask these angels to prepare you both to meet and to orchestrate your meeting.
OM Times: Can you explain to our readers the difference between soul mates and twin flames?
Doreen: You have many soulmates, which come in various forms such as siblings, friends, and co-workers. Only a few of them are actually romantic partners. A soulmate is someone with whom you share a soul connection, usually from past lifetimes together. You and your soulmates come together to help each other to grow spiritually, and this path can be painful sometimes. It may involve friction or be fraught with problems. As long as you grow from these experiences, your soulmate relationship has fulfilled its mission. Soulmate relationships are often short-term, and it’s always vital that you forgive your soulmate for any painful experiences which occurred while you were together. Unforgiveness is a magnet which attracts similar situations repeatedly, and you don’t want that.
Twin flame relationships in the physical world are more rare, and refer to someone who is your other half energetically. Usually, one twin flame is in the spirit world as a guide while the other one incarnates. If you’ve done all of your spiritual growth work and broken free of karma and reincarnation through the process of forgiving yourself and everyone, THEN your twin flame may incarnate at the same time as you. This will be a very happy and magical relationship and you are very fortunate indeed.
OM Times: We know that you are the author of more than 20 books about angels, chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angelsbooks/angel cards. Having accomplished so much already in your life, what would you say your key to success is and how would you advise others to reach their goals?
Doreen: Thank you for the compliment. I love writing and know it’s my life’s purpose. We each have equally important life purposes, and they always involve something we’re passionate about. It really is about trusting that you can follow that passion and be fully supported doing so. However, it’s important that you do the human footsteps and that means taking guided action steps daily. For example, to get books written, I must sit at my computer and focus upon writing for hours and hours. It means that I sometimes say No to other activities which I enjoy. That’s what’s required to accomplish and complete projects and priorities. I WISH the angels and fairies would come and write my books for me, while I’m out playing with my friends and pets. But in the end, the old adage is true for me and for you: “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.’ I am praying that everyone remember and works upon their life’s purpose, for it is a source of great joy and fulfillment. And when you are on your purpose, you help to uplift and inspire others.
Connect with Doreen Virtue at

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