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Fire I Beg You to Burn

Fire I Beg You to Burn

By Andrea Martin

Someone wrote into to a chat room I belong to and asked the question of the moderator “How do you get rid of deep seated anger”?

You know this one right? Yes, we all do……That long standing, deep seated rage that you think you have seen the last of only to watch it rear its ugly head at the most unexpected trigger…like … someone glances at you funny. We all know it because we all have it or at least know someone who does. When we are not experienced in dealing with anger we get burned while it rages out of control. When this is the case it’s not even like WE HAVE anger anymore…It is far more like the anger HAS US! Yes within each smiling face and happy human facade, deep inside, is the demon of anger, even in puppy dogs and pretty Shirley Temple curly haired little girls… No one is exempted from it. Inside….The anger will burn!

I don’t know about you, but I’ll tell it straight. I have been so angry a few times in my life, that it felt almost like the anger had hijacked me (or at least my mind) … ? ** hanging head in shame** and certainly my vocal chords….and it had a life of its own that just waged war with someone. (A most admirable quality in a budding spiritual teacher …don’t you think?  … NOT!)

Yes, Full mortal combat was declared on this woman, who on any other day, would not have phased me or taken me from my center. BUT but on this day… anger entity wanted a piece of hers, it hijacked my reason, and the two exploding forces, much bigger than either one of us, waged war on each other…… and took both of us along for the ride!

Now, I have said this in jest, but, in fact, there is a bit of truth here. Anger fed repeatedly almost has a life of its own and certainly demands you fan the flames for it to burn a little brighter by having you look for ………………CONFLICT!

Oh yes~ when our anger is up, we could find fault with Mother Teresa! The anger entity wants its due! Conflict is the food or fuel that keeps your anger going. Of course it wants a side of judgment and a big helping of self-righteousness… but main course is always conflict. Even if the person we are in conflict with is US!

What is the point of anger anyway? Did God make a mistake when creating the emotional body? Certainly anger is one of the emotions we least like to express and we don’t want to suppress it either as it will consume us or eat us alive. Anger is important and necessary… Now don’t run off –just listen a moment and I will explain.

Anger helps us to establish well placed boundaries and is our defense mechanism. We are not here to be door mats or victims. Anger helps us say NO. Anger helps us stand for what is right when there is injustice. Anger helps us develop a sense of intuition that something is just “off”here and it say “Beware… I don’t like this”… person, place or thing. When you have been wronged or are down on your luck, anger can be your best friend. It will motivate you and light a torch under you to move out of this bad situation. Anger will get you into action instead of lying down and playing the victim.

All of these are reasons to accept this key player in our emotional body and come to terms with it….. but we all know some are eaten alive by hating life and all that is in it..due to an over active pattern of anger. Lives get destroyed by the hate that anger feeds on. The stress of running it through our system leaves us damaged and full of toxic hormones and neuropeptides. People who go unconscious about anger simply react!!! Thus we wage war and hurt one another because of blind patterns inside of us.

So where did this anger come from? IF WE ARE TO PULL IT OUT BY IT’S ROOT CERTAINLY WE SHOULD KNOW WHERE IT IS HIDING. Anger comes from many places… and some will surprise you.

Anger came when you were born. Each of us inherited prejudices and a legacy of negative thoughts and patterns from our ancestors. Some call it the biblical Curse of the Generations; Father of Homeopathy Hahnemann called it a Miasm. Matters not what you call it. You learned to cope or not cope from your parents and they from their parents before them. (This is why peace and learning harmlessness is SO important. It will take a few generations to “weed “it out of our genetics). How many of you get angry just as a reaction to things that are not really your generations’ issues or upsets? This is your inherited anger.

Anger is a big part of culture. Sadly, it is admired. The dude ( or diva ) who can talk smack and have a quick come backs that can cut a guy to his knees…well he/she is cool by society’s standards. We watch action and adventure genres daily on TV. We have become not immune to violence (fueled by anger and conflict) but rather are fans of it! Anger is the main asset of TV and movie heroes. This is your cultural anger.

Anger is a meme –a virus of the mind. It is in our music, our tv, the lyrics of songs. It is in the playground in preschool and for the most part we don’t even notice. We have gone unconscious about it. We are surrounded and inundated with such harsh images and dark dramas from every side it is a part of the matrix of our mind. This is the anger download you were programmed with.

And, if that was not enough, there is your personal history. We all have many, many example of people who hurt us and we are still pissed, to this day. We hold on to these angers and conflicts like they were treasure, dating back to our day playing in the sandbox. It is our pain body as Tolle calls it and it takes on a life of its own. So many of these angers merge into one big story we call then call life. No wonder we pray…..Dear God help me… deliver me! We have made our anger bigger than ourselves. This is our personal anger.

See Also

The antidote to anger may be found in a word……. Namaste. When we see things as they are, for what they are, when the angers surface we can just reach down and pluck them as soon as they show. We can remember that — God who created me – created you. We are not different. In fact we are not even separate! We are ONE! Connected, created and composed of the same Divine Spark. There is only ONE having an experience of Being. We are creatures learning to LOVE. Some are learning, some are learned…but we are all for the same lesson. We must vanquish these toxic patterns and return to our natural state of harmoniousness.

Namaste ….WE can only feel our heart when we say it., not the pain.

Namaste…..We can only practice harmlessness if we live it.

Namaste…. Beautiful one(s)..We are the generation of change.

Namaste……I love you ALL……

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