The Best Thing Ever
by Cristina Smith
Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it’s who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment. -Tony Robbins
What are the best three things you have ever done? As you review them, notice the vivid sense of accomplishment you feel plus any other accompanying emotions. Now, think of your life today. Do you perceive any of the same feelings about it?
I have several friends who have done wonderful things in their past. They regale me with their interesting stories and meaningful achievements. I love learning about them through these colorful tales and our relationship is enhanced by the sharing. There seems to be a disconnect, however between their past and this present life. When they speak of their current situation there is none of the vitality and juiciness in it. And often, they do not carry a vision of their future that is equally as remarkable as their past. It seems like the best things they are going to do have already been done.
Have you already done the best thing ever in your life? I think not. Why? No matter how spectacular the past accomplishment, as long as you are still willing to engage life, there are opportunities for personal evolution. Envision your life as an ever unfolding process, like that of a growing tree. You can see it filled with growth spurts, root development, budding, blooming, fruit, branching out, and dropping leaves. Inside there is our core being which is like the trunk of a tree that mysteriously directs the process of life unfolding.
When you feel like you have already done the best thing ever, it is likely a time when you are leaf-dropping phase. Ideally what happens next is that you go within, work on root development and prepare for the next growth spurt. Sometimes we can get stuck in dropping the leaves of our experience, obsessing about it either positively or negatively, and stop right there. We don’t take advantage of the powerful inward cycle of assimilation and contemplation to fertilize our roots and rejuvenate our core being. The lack of nutrients to our core can cause forms of dis-ease like depression and a sense of futility as well as physical manifestations like lethargy and digestive discomfort.
The good news is that at any time you can go within to allow the cycle of self-nourishment to restart. Now is a wonderful moment in which to think about the next best thing ever you want to do. Even if you have no idea how you can possibly do it, write it down. Next, think about how you can use the nourishment from all of the previous best things ever to help you create what you want in your world. Write that down. It is important to record this on the physical plane so you can work with it instead of just think about it. You can now look at your idea objectively and decide what steps you can take to begin to take to make it happen. The hardest part is done and you can start taking action in small increments.
You have entered the next growth cycle of your development and are on the way to creating your next best thing ever. Enjoy the journey!
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Cristina enjoys creating every best thing ever. She is an energetic healer and Sustainable Wellness™ coach. Her website is and you may feel free to contact her at
© 2012 Cristina Smith. All rights reserved.

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