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The Gathering of the Force of Light

The Gathering of the Force of Light

What’s behind increasing UFO sightings, crop circles, new ‘stars’ appearing around the world and other unexplained phenomena? According to British author Benjamin Creme, all are evidence that the Forces of Light – the World Teacher Maitreya, his group of enlightened teachers known as the Masters of Wisdom, and our Space Brothers and Sisters – are beginning to work openly among us.

Maitreya and the Masters are here to inspire a complete transformation of our planet through sharing the world’s resources, so that all may have the basic necessities of life – food, shelter, health care and education. Our Space Brothers and Sisters, working directly with them, are here on a spiritual mission to help humanity save the planet from environmental destruction. These space visitors are responsible not only for crop circles, but also for preparing the way for a new technology of light which will give us unlimited power from the sun. When we banish war forever, that technology will be ours.

Fantasy? In his latest book, The Gathering of the Forces of Light: UFOs and their Spiritual Mission, Mr. Creme speaks from personal experience about Maitreya and the Masters as well our space visitors, and says the truth will soon be apparent for all to see. Available in paperback or e-book format from, and in paperback from your local bookseller.

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