Stewart Pearce – Angels of Atlantis

Stewart Pearce is a Master of Voice and Corporate Presentation Coach who finds and liberates the authentic power and presence in the world’s most extraordinary people. His latest offering is the Angels of Atlantis Card Deck.
Angels of Atlantis ~ An Interview with Stewart Pearce
by Karen M. Rider
“High-pitched harmonics moved like lasers of light through the right side of my head, down through my body, searing my heart.” When Stewart Pearce opened his eyes, twelve luminescent Orbs floated in mid-air in front of him. He felt embraced by their supernal Love.
A voice sounded, naming the Orbs as the Angels of Atlantis, and advised Stewart he would receive a body of knowledge concerning the power of sound at the core of creation – a temple of sound healing intended to illuminate humanity’s return to wholeness, from disharmony to harmony. And, through harmony, to show the way to balance the free will of humanity with Divine Will.
That miraculous day was in 1987 while Stewart was entranced in meditation during the Harmonic Convergence at Glastonbury Tor. Since that time, this charismatic metaphysician has been gifted with divine transmissions from the Twelve Archangels of Atlantis, revealing that within each of us is a signature note – a sonic talisman – the key to removing negativities in our humanity, and the feverish desire for materialism.
“I was both in awe of the experience and desperately overwhelmed by the Angels’ request. Everything in my life had to and did change in the years following my interlude with them. Relationships ended; my career as an actor diluted. Who was I to be worthy of this illumination?”
His angelic mission evolved alongside his career as a Master of Voice, guiding royalty and statesmen on stage presence, and the power of voice. His clients have included beloved Diana, Princess of Wales, Simon Callow, and Anita Roddick. In addition, Stewart coached actors at two preeminent stage companies, Webber Douglas Theater, and Shakespeare’s Globe Theater in London. Over a period of two decades, Stewart discovered his spiritual lineage, studied with a Native American shaman, and many great spiritual teachers. Since 1997, Stewart has progressively brought into creation the Angels’ divine transmissions through books and lectures, and through his work as a Seer, Sound Healer, Angel Medium and Voice Alchemist.
With inspired guidance from the 12 Archangels, Stewart travels the world, teaching the intelligence and compassion of the heart through the breath of the song of the soul. There is little need to wonder why the Angels chose Stewart to convey this divine body of wisdom. Who better than Stewart Pearce, Master of Voice, to lend his human voice to the messages of the Angels of Atlantis?
Chatting over Skype, Stewart’s radiant voice invokes a hypnotic serenity. In conversation, warmth and gentleness emanate from his every word as if to assure you “all is well.” At times, I felt like I was speaking directly with an Angel—perhaps, in a way, I was!
In this interview, Stewart shared insights on the teachings of the Angels, which he writes about in his most recent book and companion Oracle cards, The Angels of Atlantis: Twelve Mighty Forces to Transform Your Life Forever. He discusses the origin of souls; acts of evil in the world; and he shows us—through the world is very vulnerable on the cusp of 12/21/2012—the possibility for healing humanity exists through conscious choice and collective belief in the Power of Love.
Karen: How does The Angels of Atlantis tie in with your previous work on The Heart’s Note and The Alchemy of Voice?
Stewart Pearce: Since the advent of modern science and the rapid rise of literacy, we’ve been educated, conditioned and socialized to live in our heads not our hearts, and so we may hear or perceive this in contemporary society by the way we sound in our heads. The Heart’s Note shows the multiplicity of how to honor the heart’s counsel—just as in ancient civilizations the heart was honored as the ‘seat of the soul’. The Alchemy of Voice, reveals how to empower yourself by finding your sonic talisman, or signature note – an elemental sound too often given away as a reflection of your personal power, when you are faced with frightening or conflicting situations. Once you find your signature note, you find your power and you have the ability to move from disenchantment to enchantment, living, and breathing who you truly are.
The Angels want us to be who we truly are, to see ourselves as loving, honest divine beings and to create our world through the Power of Love, not love of power. The Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards provide a way for you to tap their wise counsel. They ask us to live in our hearts, the seat of the soul, to chant and speak their loving vibrations from our heart, which you learn from working with the cards.
Karen: In The Angels of Atlantis, you write “humanity is being engaged in an evolutionary impulse of the cosmos … passing through steps to become consciously self-realized divine beings.” Tell me more about this.
Stewart Pearce: Humanity is moving away from a love of power toward the power of love. This is a conscious choice, even though people have a tendency to choose desperation rather than inspiration, in order to change or transform. Because our choices are so often based in miscreation, we firstly become physically and spiritually ill, rather than invigorated, inspired and intuitive. These conditions then herald change, as a movement, back to wholeness.
The heart symbolizes life on planet Earth. Metaphysically, blood flows through it in a figure of eight, the symbol of infinity. Physiologically, the heart has its own nervous system of about 40,000 neurons. Scientists at the Fels Institute for Cancer Research in Philadelphia discovered the heart sends messages to the brain. The brain responds to the heart’s counsel but the heart does not respond when the brain sends signals to the heart. Furthermore, within the heart lies a secret chamber whose very walls reverberate with the eternal jewels of love, empathy, and compassion. These gems evoke through their teaching our ability, in fact, our power, to heal our lives, and consequently to heal our world. It must be humanity’s utmost conviction to allow the power of our hearts to manage our thoughts and feelings.
Karen: Yet, too many of us still choose fear and over love, self-interest, and competition over collaboration and compassion. The result is war – war within the individual and war between individuals and societies. Why? Surely, the Angels can inspire us to do better with our free will.
Stewart Pearce: Those human beings who explore negative behaviors are attempting to expiate their soul’s karma. It’s just that they’ve lost their way, and in a world that is based on choice, they’ve become caught in either individual or collective thought patterns, making it difficult to express who they truly are, which is Love.
Karen: What is your understanding of where souls come from and what they are?
Stewart Pearce: A soul is a combination of frequency of light, color, and sound. Souls are sparks of light arising from the core of Source. Each soul is unique and it shapes itself.
Karen: Regarding humanity’s movement back to Source, to Truth and Grace here on Earth: Why such painful separation if the journey is to return to Source?
Stewart Pearce: In 1603 (when Elizabeth 1 passed), a thought revolution took place which utterly changed post-Medieval education and culture. This was the development of a theory that the Earth (considered up to that point as being sacred) was literally a piece of matter hurtling through space. Suddenly, we unplugged from the nourishment of the anima mundi (world soul). With the advent of Newtonian physics, we desacralized nature and moved from the heart into the head, from the body into the cerebral domain – and nothing has been the same since!
If you regard Mother Earth thus, of course, you cease to be co-creative. Therefore, although the prevalent belief was that “God had breathed on the waters and brought forth life,” if Mother Earth is void of soul, where do you go for principle succor when you require it? You go to someone else, and if you can’t receive it because they are unprepared, you steal it; it’s called the “control drama” or “co-dependency” or “a belief in scarcity” or “debt.” Wholesale, we unplugged from believing we were divine beings having a human experience.
Karen: Speaking of divine beings having a human experience, at the end of 2011, a group of Tibetan monks set their bodies ablaze to protest oppression in their homeland. I am still saddened and confused that such peaceful people must resort to such acts to make a point to world leaders who are “in power” at present.
Stewart Pearce: I am sure many people are equally saddened and confused by such acts. As for the Tibetan Monks, perhaps they thought of themselves as eternal beings and therefore could transcend death. As for our perception: their action reminds us how fragile the body is in the face of the Divine. They sacrificed their physical body, their humanness, as a metaphor for the self-destructiveness humanity perpetuates upon itself and the planet in pursuit of the love of power. Nearly three thousand people died in the destruction of 9/11 – most of whom, on a soul level, chose to sacrifice themselves to supernal energy far above the horror and carnage that the world witnessed that day. The lesson we can take from sacrifice, on a soul level, is that the soul may set itself free [from the physical/material world], to show us both the error of investing our energy in the love of power and to remind us there is more than what we see in front of us. There is eternal life!
And that’s why we are having this conversation. We are silently (and some not so silently) outraged by humanity’s condition, we are moved by the very choices we have made, and we are attempting to do something about it. Look at the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) movement: Groups of leaderless, peace-motivated people commenting on the corruption without and within, and then lamentably being beaten by BIG BROTHER!
Karen: Even those of us who are spiritually aware, often feel unable to come to terms with the evil acts people commit in order to acquire personal, emotional and financial power. How is it that such souls are, in any way, connected with Source?
Stewart Pearce: I don’t believe Soul is evil. Soul, at Source, is utterly inclusive and pure Love. The Soul, as an element of photonic energy downloads into Earth-and other planetary vibrations, remembering what is to be achieved or transcended. The Soul lives out its karma. Soul then redeems itself. Through the desperation of not perceiving Love, a Human being may then make choices that most of us find utterly despicable, even though the Soul (vibrating on a much higher frequency) is aware. When a Soul returns to Source, it is taken into the halls of Truth and experiences the pain that had been felt on a human level by the atrocities inflicted by the individual. Just imagine what Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden must be experiencing in the after-life.
Karen: You write, “The angels are here to remind us of the creative state of immortality that is the only true function of our creative purpose on Earth.” From your experience with the Archangels, can you share with Om Times readers practical guidance for daily living?
Stewart Pearce: The angels want to drench us in Love. Angels love for the sake of love, whereas we humans tend to love for the sake of being loved. The first step for humanity is to mature in the way we feel about the heart’s counsel, which I spoke about at the beginning of our conversation. To consciously choose to follow one’s heart brings about a bridge between linear thinking and intuitive sensing. We must stop living the stress-filled lives that we live, acting in ways that close the heart. In order to honor the heart, we have to curtail being fixated with living in the head. So, get out of your head as often as you can.
Just as important is for each of us to consciously choose inspiration over the drama of desperation. As a society, we seem to enjoy latching onto Armageddon. Remember that the world you see on the nightly news is misusing power and mis-creates through negative behaviors that simply appear to be functional in society. If all of humanity truly believes in the Power of Love, we would not inflict pain and misery on our brothers and sisters or our living planet, the ways we see the so-called powerful people doing.
Choose co-creation with nature, so we can cultivate the possibility to be at one with the great Mother and great Father. Focus on the fact that, for every miscreation, there are hundreds of loving thoughts. These are higher vibrations and seem to miss our attention. So, find your way back to Love, rather than focusing on the opposite. Condition yourself to move away from the illusory thought patterns that perpetuate fear, greed, and love of power. As Gandhi said: Be the change you want to see.
As thought creates reality – create a world in front of you that is a reflection of your truth, beauty, and love … say the Angels.
Karen: In my lifetime the last biggest prediction was the Y2K bug, which didn’t amount so much as a technological glitch. Now, 12/21/2012 looms in the not so distant future. Can you shine a little angelic light on why many prescient people have made some very catastrophic predictions that have not amounted to anything?
Stewart Pearce: I too have lived through many predictions that have not come-to-pass. Why didn’t these predictions happen? The straightforward answer is that the events didn’t occur as we expected. Everyone expected Y2K to manifest in technology. But, if you go back through the news of the day, you’ll recall there was an epidemic of influenza in Europe at the beginning of 2000. Literally, tens of thousands of people died from influenza. The Y2K ‘bug’ manifested as influenza because people believed it was going to happen, affecting the heart chakra, the thymus and the immune system.**
The supernal answer to your question is this: I believe the Light-workers of the world have been working through the energy of consciousness and the power of choice to stabilize nature. However, the world is still very vulnerable in its present condition.
Karen: What have the Angels communicated about humanity on the cusp of the Aquarian Age?
Stewart Pearce: As more people direct their energy and intentions to Love, as each of us learns to radiate Love, through the unique signature note we each possess, the planet moves from discord and dis-ease to harmony and healing.
The Angels wish to make us very aware of being the change we want to see in the world. Their hope for us is that we will live every moment as a pulsation of Love. The Angels’ core teaching is this: The space within us is an Eden, not a Hell, and we need to dwell in this Truth.
**Data in the U.S. is more difficult to report because the CDC in the U.S. lumps flu deaths and flu-related causes of death like pneumonia together. The CDC has been criticized for mathematical trickery of sorts. Still, looking at various clinical reports, there was a spike in influenza in the States in 2000.
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Connect with Stewart Pearce and the Angels of Atlantis
The Heart’s Note: A Practical Guide for Sounding Love in Your Life from a Secret Chamber within Your Heart
The Alchemy of Voice: Transform and Enrich Your Life through the Power of Your Voice
The Angels of Atlantis: Twelve Mighty Forces to Transform Your Life Forever
Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards: Inspiration & Healing from the Angelic Kingdoms
Books & Incantations (Mp3 downloads) available from Findhorn Press

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