Is This an Objective Universe or Not??
Is This an Objective Universe or Not??
By Lonny J. Brown
Get ready for more questions than answers, and one answer that make no sense.
What do you think? Is this an objective or subjective world? Is the essence of reality spiritual or material? Is it “out there” or “in here?” Is this a knowing universe or a blind dumb one? Is life simply a case of what-you-see-is-what you get, or does it have a deeper meaning and purpose?
It’s hardly a new question. Indeed, it represents the time-honored territorial divide between science and religion: Is the entirety of existence God’s own daydream or the inevitable result of the infinitely arbitrary possibilities of blind matter/energy manifesting over endless time? Are you a temporary material object, or a projection of an ancient soul? Is the world a given artifact and foregone conclusion, or are we actively creating it? Is consciousness the very warp and woof of creation, or just a minor, local, epi-phenomenon that can be snuffed out as easily as biological life itself? Is the world we know and love itself a fleeting, empty illusion, as some eastern religions suggest?
Of course, even presuming to seriously pose these audacious questions begs the larger question: Can we mere mortal earthlings ever really discover The Objective Truth about anything, let alone all of creation? Is this persistent theoretical / philosophical conundrum about the ultimate nature of nature even solvable?
In quantum mechanics the question comes down to the startling paradox of the observer effecting the observed. Einstein himself refused to accept the implied uncertainty: Some of his cherished fixed “laws the Universe” were being broken.. by the same universe that established them! The search was on for the Unified Field Theory that would finally once and for all explain everything.
Of course, the next question is, would having THE ANSWER really make any difference to you and your life?
Well, when the going gets tough, do you ultimately resort to “hard science” or personal faith? If you are your body, then where do your personal human experiences – like fear, meaning, memory, purpose, love and joy and bliss – fit in to this hard-wired, pre-determined vehicle?
If, on the other hand everything is all in your mind, then you must be The Creator, manifesting IT ALL, right now, for your own cosmic reasons. The implication of this realization is you’d have to take responsibility for your entire experience. You’d have to own your divine powers in your world. Whatever you think, believe, expect, intend, desire, fear, feel, and aspire to makes a difference and matters absolutely, to everyone, forever. Clearly, belief determines behavior.
Now if all these mind-numbing questions and dualistic choices give you a case of brain-lock, that’s actually a good sign, and you’re closer to enlightenment then you think.
Which is of course the point: thinking has its limits. Reality is not the thoughts, ideas, concepts or words about it. Even the idea of a “thinker” is erroneous. Ultimately the only certainty is that awareness is aware.. life is alive. It’s the only conviction you just can’t shake, and no one can dispute. You are Life, which is part and parcel of creation. You don’t have to go anywhere, study any theories, or practice any methods to experience this truth.
Ultimately, the answer to every either/or questions is always BOTH, because the universe is One. All opposites are constructed of union. All realities are real because they are relative to the infinitely empty potential that allows them.
The only thing that keeps us from realizing this true nature is the self-absorbed, self-centered reality filter called “me.” This is the isolated, socialized, story-telling defense mechanism that projects all the beliefs, preferences, passions and delusions that keep enlightenment at bay.
Babies are born with none of these self-referent encumbrances, which is why most of them are happy most of the time; they just came from the Universe! Lose the little “me,” while fully becoming the eternal “I,” and understanding comes naturally. All questions are spontaneously answered, and the Way becomes clear.
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About the Author
Lonny J. Brown is the author of “Enlightenment In Our Time” (, “Self-Actuated Healing” (Naturegraph, Publ.), and the online column, The Holistic Mystic (

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