OM in the City

A single woman’s journey to finding more peace, manifesting more love and finding that elusive relationship that will last an eternity.
by Nadine Christine Hamdan
Hollywood Writer and Television Producer
My beautiful Los Angeles. The city of lights dreams and hopes. La La Land it’s called. For those who come to LA, it’s usually to pursue a dream of fame, fortune and notoriety. Millions upon millions of people roaming around all looking for that one special break. So I made it my mission in life to learn the “the biz” of entertainment and break into Hollywood as a writer and producer. I cultivated magnificent relationships, met all the right people (who I might add are incredible human beings), went to parties and worked my friggin’ tail off. And then I woke up one morning, a decade later and realized that I am an absolute mess when it comes to relationships with men. Instead of creating Zen and more OM in my life, I created more chaos and OMG drama. And so OM in the City is born. A single woman’s journey to finding more peace, manifesting more love and finding that elusive relationship that will last an eternity. Or at least a few years, whichever comes first.
It’s hard to believe that another Valentine’s Day is upon me. Yet, again, single and dateless, still trying to find my spiritual balance and not in a gallon of chocolate-chocolate chip ice-cream on a daily basis. Learning, growing, balancing and trying to figure it all out day by day. So I decided that the best route I could take was to interview my best friend, astrologer and spiritual mentor, who told me to get away from an ex-boyfriend who was TOXIC. Might I add, she did yell, TOXIC. I was perfectly willing to keep him, to get a card on Valentine ’s Day, but she highly advised against it. And casually reminded me “you’ve never received a card from him on Valentine’s day”. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. OMG, he has never once bought me a Valentine’s Day card. WTF is wrong with me? Why am I still vying for this relationship? Take the F out of shift and what do you have? ME, dateless on another Valentine’s Day. I have to make a shift. PATTY HELP ME! The interview began and what unfolded was amazing, enlightening and gave me serious hope for my future.
Patty: This particular Valentine’s Day Mars is retrograde.
Nadine: So we’re ALL basically screwed this year? That makes me feel better. From what I know, Retrograde isn’t a good thing. What does it mean?
Patty: Retrograde motion pulls back and gives you an opportunity to take care of your past (old business). The past that needs to be resolved is directly related to the planet involved. Mars is the planet of passion, action and initiative. This Valentine’s Day is really about where you put your passion, how to align those passions with your heart and spirit. And if they’re not aligned, this is the perfect opportunity to adjust them.
Nadine: I totally don’t get that at all. Do you mean I’m actually supposed to take responsibility for the men I choose? And if I do, I can actually manifest a fabulous man?
Patty: Yes girl to both. You’re a mess when it comes to men. Especially since you go after all your goals and aspirations in life and are reaching incredible accomplishments. But the men you go after don’t have an ambition and if they do, they pull on you to achieve their goals. The men I’ve known you with take advantage of you in every way and you let them. Girl, now you really need to start looking at why you haven’t cultivated a good relationship with a man and start making the changes.
Nadine: I need French fries.
Patty: Haa haa. You are such an amazing woman with such gifts and talents. Yet you continue to choose men who don’t match or rise above them. But I have to say that I am super proud of you because you have started taking the right steps.
Nadine: These men must be in Alaska. Because they sure aren’t in Los Angeles.
Patty: There are a lot of fabulous men in Los Angeles, it just takes time for you to shift your vibration to a higher level and stop picking the ones who aren’t worthy of your time and especially all the effort you put in them.
Nadine: OMG. I’m doomed
Patty: Well, that won’t solve your problems Nadine. You’ll still pick the wrong person. Be it man or woman, because you need to do the work.
Nadine: UG. More work. Why can’t it be easy? How much work does one little girl have to do to find her man?
Patty: I’m looking at your chart and one of the aspects is that you see men through rose colored glasses. You see the best in men; you manage to find the beauty within them. This is not necessarily in your best interest. So one of the things that will need to shift within you is to sit down and ask yourself ‘what am I passionate about in a man’. What kind of man are you looking for? Is he successful like you? Can he hang with a girl that’s super motivated? Does he motivate you or do you constantly need to motivate him? Does he give you energy or take energy away? Is he someone who lifts you up and will stand by you no matter what?
Nadine: Well, now that you put it that way. Yes, I have gone for men that mostly want more and give less. Ick. Now I need to call my therapist on top of getting spiritual balancing from you.
Patty: You have to stop accepting and attracting men who are train wrecks, but that’s what you seem to keep getting involved with. If you’re looking for that spiritual man who has a heart of gold, who loves his job, loves his life and will treat you like the beautiful Diva that you truly are, you will need to shift your energy. And I have some really good news. The relationship area of your chart is really going to open up at the end of March.
Nadine: YAY. Celebrate. I need some really good news right about now. Go on.
Patty: From now until then, it’s really time for you to get in alignment with the true you Nadine. You know you’re intelligent and super pretty. You are worthy of attracting the greatest man on earth. And lord knows girl, I know you don’t have a problem getting men . You just have a problem attracting the right MAN. So you need to open up and receive this man that is coming. He might be of a different culture or background than you’re used to.
Nadine: OH. You mean like Liam Neeson or Djiman Hansou. I’ll take either.
Patty: No silly girl. I think they’re taken. But your man is a real go getter like you. Tall, dark and handsome, just like you like them. However, if you don’t do the work, you’ll miss him.
Nadine: OMG, do you see him?
Patty: No, not yet.
Nadine: Where is he?
Patty: Here is the work you will do to manifest your man. On the full moon, February 7th, you’re going to take some time and really look at the men you’ve attracted in your life. And the quality and traits that you say you don’t want, but these men you attract seem to have them all. You’re going to write these traits down, get clear and you’re going to release them and proclaim to the universe. I AM DONE WITH MY OLD PATTERN. Full moons are about letting go, releasing and endings. And during this time, you want to put an end to these patterns that do not serve your desires and passions.
Nadine: Ok Patty. I will do the work. I will manifest my man. I will make it bigger and better than you can even imagine.
Patty: You know the universe will put a man in front of you just to test your old patterns. Hopefully you will recognize this type of man and walk right past him. Spiritual laws aren’t any different than practical laws. For example, if you HATE clutter and yet your house is always messy with piles of stuff everywhere, you have to take the literal steps to clean it up and in order to keep it that way, you will have to continue to motivate yourself to keep things organized and appreciate your clean home and the hard work you’ve put into keeping it up. YOU’VE GOT TO DO THE WORK! The universe is no joke sister; it wants to make sure you mean what you say.
Nadine: YES. YES. I’m starting my mantra. Wait, what’s my mantra?
Patty: Your mantra is ‘From this day forward I will find a guy who treats me like the queen I know I am’. ‘I choose men that are worthy of my love and time. I am uncluttering my head from accepting men who don’t treat me with respect and love’. ‘I am worthy of that Valentine’s Day card and those beautiful flowers he buys for me with love’. That’s your mantra.
Nadine: And takes me out to dinner, dotes on me, takes me on vacations, spa’s, massages and we have fabulous passionate sex for hours. Is that reaching out to far?
Patty: No, not at all. You deserve all of that and more. It’s one thing to say something, it’s quite another to put it into action. Now get into action.
Nadine: Thank you Patty. Thus far in my life, you’ve not let me down. You’re the one who’s amazing.
And so I am off and into action. I am manifesting my Valentine’s Day man. Maybe this year, maybe next, but rest assured, I will do the work. I will cleanse my soul of the old way of being and bring myself into the new and enlightened self-awareness. I will chant and meditate, cleanse and purge, do yoga, Pilates, write my dream man on paper and unclutter this head of mine of old beliefs. But not without stopping by Peet’s Coffee first and getting a big ol’ cup of java and maybe a little chocolate to take me through some of the harder self-awareness moments. I love you my good friend Patty Kamson, astrologer extraordinaire.
Happy Valentine’s Day. May all of you manifest your dream man or woman and if all else fails, buy yourself a big box of Valentines candy, believe in yourself and let’s catch up next month.
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