Where Have You Been?
By Janice Chrysler
The young man wearily makes his way home from the long day of labor in the fields. He wipes his brow before pushing open the heavy wooden door of his log cabin. Inside the fire burns warmly and brightly in the hearth, casting shadows around the sparsely furnished room. After closing the door, he makes his way to the long wooden table where he sits and waits, as he does every evening, for his wife to bring him his dinner. They appear to be the only ones in this one roomed home and by the cut of their clothes, it would appear they are from many years gone by.
Then it happens again as it has happened many times in the past. Just as the woman begins to speak to her husband, you wake up. Were you dreaming? If you were, why did you always dream the same thing time and time again? Over the years this scene has entered your nighttime slumber, always leaving you questioning its appearance. It seems so real, not like your other dreams. It feels like you are one of the actors in the scene, feeling like you but at the same time not looking like you, why you are not even the same sex! It has a familiar feel to it as though you had actually been there before. Well, perhaps it isn’t a dream after all. In fact, you were remembering a past life experience!
Recurring dreams are only one way that our past life experiences present themselves to us. Consider the following and see if you can identify with these experiences:
- Visiting a home, museum, or even a foreign country and feeling very familiar with the items, dress or the place itself.
- While watching a movie, documentary, reading a book about a specific time in history and just becoming totally absorbed in it.
- Preferring certain things around you in your home for no apparent reason – such as ancient Egyptian artifacts, Far East artwork, Victorian decor, antiques.
- Or, you feel very uncomfortable with specific articles, furnishings from a certain era
- Unexplained fears and phobias, opinions, pain in your body with no apparent physical reason.
- Trouble with relationships where you seem to be constantly attracted to the wrong person.
Do you have a fear or phobia, which you cannot explain? Attracted to a certain era, type of person, place or activity?
Feel as though you have a destiny but do not know what it is you should be focusing on? Cannot seem to lose weight, stop smoking, self-sabotage in relationships or career? Remember we bring with us cell memory from our past lives, which in turn affects our life today. For example, perhaps you were a struggling pioneer, and died of starvation after a long and cruel winter. How do you think that would make you deal with food in this life? You many find yourself always stocking up (compulsion to buy more than you need), overeating (weight problems), depression during the winter months (inner fear of early death as in previous life). What if you died in a house fire, burned at the stake? You may physically have respiratory problems (resulting from smoke inhalation), compulsion to smoke (more people who have been exposed to fire in a past life have problems stopping smoking in this life), fear of fire, (may want to have children near you when they sleep, no candles in the home). You may not have had a traumatic ending but rather lived a very long and uneventful life. In this one you feel restless, or feeling a need to do something, ANYTHING, as your subconscious knows you didn’t previously. If you received a physical injury in a past life it may literally, come back to haunt you. Perhaps you were strangled, hanged or choked to death (Neck pain and throat irritations).
Not just “bad” memories come through. You may find you have a keen interest in herb growing, making teas, working with oils but don’t know why it interests you so much or why it seems to come to you so naturally. Perhaps you are creative in a way different from you family or friends but again it just flows through you. It is quite possible you did these things in a past life. Your emotional and spiritual developments are also carried over. It is important to remember that you have chosen what lesson it is you want to learn and improve on.
Through a past life regression, you are able to go back to another life and time that has significance to whatever you are experiencing at this present moment. In order to make any changes, you need to confront the issues, the blocks and learn your own strengths, weaknesses and allow whatever healing is necessary. It is extremely important for us to learn to let go of any grievances, regrets or past mistakes in this life in order to bring joy and happiness to the “now” and to be able to move forward with our development, both physically, emotionally and spiritually.
We need to understand the past in order to be able to release it. By doing so we are able to break down the very block that is stopping us from moving ahead, whether it is an emotional release, physical pain, or spiritual growth. When we cannot seem to establish the block in this life, we need to dive deeper into the subconscious; back to another time to see where we came from, what we left undone. Once there we can begin the process of healing, forgiving and understanding.
If we learn to look upon all life’s experiences as lessons, we will then be able to move ahead in our story and not have to repeat the same experience over and over again. I like to compare these various lives to playing a video game. As one level is conquered, a new one is revealed and we find ourselves growing in knowledge and understanding of how the game is played through our earlier experiences. We all play with a different strategy but our desire is the same – to complete the entire game in order to be one with the creator and share in finally understanding and knowing the reason for the game. Each of us will experience the game of life uniquely, finding our own path to inner peace and contentment that comes with creating and living our own destiny.
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