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Altars: Creating Your Own Sacred Space

Altars: Creating Your Own Sacred Space

by Candice Diggs

There is something so special and so sacred about altars. While some people may feel an altar is something spooky & cultish, or best reserved for a Church, you may have one in your home and not even realize it. An altar is a sacred space; it can be a central point in your home where you go to pray, where you place religious symbolic items, photos of family members, or other objects that you hold dear to you.

I found myself creating altars for the last several years without even consciously realizing. As a teen I always had small round table in my room and it was reserved for all my pretty little trinkets, candles, flowers, cards and photos. Every time the seasons changed I placed an object there to honor it. As I grew into adulthood, my altar became the front window seal, I placed all sorts of plants, crystals, and sometimes notes of my Letters to Spirit (manifestations) there. It was like being on auto pilot, no one told me to do this, I was not brought up by family who did this, I simply did it and it felt good to me.

Now as I am on this journey as someone channels Reiki, I have deliberately ‘setup’ and altar for healing, manifesting and clarity. I bought a small side table with a shelf and cabinet. I keep it pretty simple, candles, sage & an abalone shell, meditation (symbols) chimes, and my distance healing/manifesting boxes. I find myself going there several times a week, either to add someone to my distance healing box, lighting the candle and taking a moment for myself after work, or to breathe in the cleansing aroma of sage.

On my desk at work I have a montage of family photos and a small box of angel cards; this is my place to be reminded of Spirit during fast paced work day. I didn’t intend it to be an altar, but it has that wonderful effect.

You can be as creative as you want with your altar. In Denise Linn’s book, Altars, she has some great ideas and beautiful imagery to help get you started. Some ideas she lists are altars for healing, honoring family who has passed on, art& creativity, small desk altars and many more. You can use materials you already have at home; you can create stone altars, wood, etc. Make it work for you.

Before you set up your altar, ‘announce’ your intentions to the Universe and allow objects to come to you. Once it is set up to your liking, light some candles and speak to Spirit out loud. Speak your intentions for your altar, bless it, cleanse it, and affirm it as Sacred Space. This is also a great time to ‘clear your space’.

Listen to your soul; you will know what to do from there.

See Also
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