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Oracle – Confidence

Oracle – Confidence


by Darity Wesley

Oracle_Darity-Wesley_OM-TimesThe energies and directions for the month of March are evolving around grounding your life and releasing your Confidence.  With the wild roller coaster ride we are on right now, with the ups, the downs, the turns, the shifts, the changes in life situations on almost a daily basis, it is important to pause even during this very busy month, as often as you can, in response to your Spirit’s prompting, to firmly and confidentially ground yourself in the experience that All Is Well.  There are more and more issues to come to the fore which are shaking the foundation of many lives.  Changes you have never dreamed would be your reality are there in front of you and it is a struggle to understand what all this means, what you can do, why this is happening.  Confidence is your keyword this month, no matter what your life situation is, no matter what experience you are having, no matter what is coming at or to you, you must pull up and remain confident!

Is confidence belief?  Is it faith? There is a qualitative difference between faith and belief and confidence although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.  Faith is substantially acting on a belief and belief can amount to little more than an opinion.  The Bible says faith “…is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1)  Belief really requires nothing, but faith requires commitment.  You can believe something without having faith in it, while faith requires some kind of action.  Generally faith revolves around hope and reliance on something without proof or physical evidence.  Beliefs are created generally from other people or are thought patterns from past lives or even parental belief structures passed on without any critical analysis as to whether it even applies to you or is a reality you want to see.  Confidence is a feeling or consciousness of one’s own powers or reliance on one’s circumstances or abilities.

In the hope of adding understanding to “Confidence” as opposed to belief or faith, I want to relate that most recently someone wrote me:  “Evil prevails and it is an abomination of all life.  The world has been corrupted by it.  All is NOT sacred…”  I must admit that It is difficult for me to grok this kind of language in this day and age and the funniest thing for me is that it does not sound like the person I know, it sounds like something someone told him and he either has faith in the person who told him that or, perhaps, that is truly his belief in life.  My consciousness does not understand that belief, concept, or faith…I wonder, is he confident that is so?  It seems to me there is no hope if evil prevails on this earth, why not just give up now, what’s the use.  This is the struggle of duality based systems, especially in their time of dissolution they scream from the rooftops:  This is the Truth!  Believe it!  There is no hope!  We are all doomed!  – Hmmmm, nah…

There is no denying in the duality/contrast based system there are differences.  According to Esther and Abraham, that is really why we come here – contrast is good!  We like it!  It’s fun!  So, even in our duality based system, we must have Confidence that all really is just what it is doing what it does. That’s the natural law of the universe. That concept gives so many folks grief though…it is very difficult for some…but it is part of our spiritual practice this month as the outer world shifts more and more.  Folks of good will must be confident in themselves, their abilities, their consciousness, their Spirit and those of like mind.

More world changes are coming.  In an interesting article by Jon Waltrup ( he acknowledged that we are on the cusp of a new worldview and this corresponds to an astrological alignment that corresponds to a worldview shift 500 years ago.  When was that? The 1450-1550 CE timeframe.  What was the worldview change?  At that time, the earth was flat and the celestial bodies orbited the earth.  Yes, that was only 500 years ago.  Wild, eh?  It was the time of Copernicus, the Copernican revolution.  Of course the nobility (the material government) and the church (the spiritual government) tried to keep the earth flat, tried to keep the status quo.  Copernicus was a nut case and no one should listen to him.  Sound like our times?  As our world is changing, lots of people want to go back – back to the way it was, back to the good ole days, back to…what? – there will be much more of this in the coming days…of how wonderful the way it was used to be. Therefore, we must remember to remain confident, grounded and available for supporting the birthing of the new reality.  It will be with new eyes, new ears, new perspectives and lots of love, love, love that we will make this happen.  No matter your life situation you are a part of this change.  You, dear reader, have a part to play and you must bring your heart’s knowingness up from the depth of your Soul over this month as we incorporate the energies flowing and developing this year with cooperation, connections and now confidence – bringing us to a place to encounter the changes coming this summer.

You are being urged by this Oracle to get and remain confident, look inward, let Spirit fill you.  Be confident you are always in the right place at the right time.  Your authentic Self expressing more and more confidently as you explore your depths and release them to become part of the collective consciousness.  Much energy is needed in the collective consciousness at this time.  So explore how you can begin to release the confidence you possess but which you may usually restrict, repress or are fearful of letting out.  Now is the time!  Take the risk!  Who cares what others think or their judgment upon you.  Now it is you and your contribution to all that is that is required.  Relax and be confident that you are you and so it is!

With eyes wide open this month of March, pull your confidence to the surface, allow yourself to express it…feel it!  All really is well.  True, things are changing and we are here as change agents but it is important to be confident, to hold the space.  Know that no matter what is happening in your life, the integration of confidence, that feeling or consciousness of your powers, of reliance on your abilities to overcome whatever,  into your “Who You Really Are” spiritual toolkit, will truly ground you further within the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time, no matter what…so, remember…Really, All you need is Love…it will sustain you as you allow yourself to become more and more confident in who you truly are and in expressing that to the world.

See Also
new moon OMTimes

Let your mantra for March be:  I know the place within me where my confidence resides, I hereby release it to my Self for grounding and full expression in my life…And So It Is!!!


Note:  Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2012 Darity Wesley All Rights Reserved.

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