That Darn Mercury Retrograde
by Patty Kamson
Well it’s that time again… Mercury is retrograde March 12th – April 4th. As I write this article I am in Starbucks with no internet connection and my car is in the shop! I have already received a double whammy and it’s just starting. But I’m going to stay positive and patient and hope that Mercury doesn’t mess up my trip to Egypt. What was I thinking when I planned this once in a lifetime trip! I’m hoping that since Mercury retrograde deals with issues of the past I will experience an amazing past life memory while I’m in Egypt J Yes, I said it! I guess I’m that spiritual girl everyone laughs at and with. Needless to say, I will be putting out the vibes to experience the most amazing time with my kids while on our trip. Mercury be damned or embraced whatever the case may be!
For all of you not in-the-know, Mercury, the planet of communication, thought, transportation and travel in “retrograde” can cause dysfunction and confusion… But remember there is a method to the Universes’ madness. In other words, when Mercury goes “retrograde” it’s about putting things in order and reevaluating things in life. It’s time to back-up your computer, schedule maintenance for your car, brainstorm projects, and spend time with old friends and family. Pay attention during this Mercury retrograde and look back to see what happened during the last Mercury retrograde (Nov 25th – Dec 14th, 2011). Did an old friend or family member call or write. Did a past boy/girl friend show up where you least expected? Did you have computer problems, car problems, scheduling problems? Pay attention, there is a rhythm and a flow to our Universe and the more you are in sync with it, the more the Universe will work with you.
Mercury will retrograde in Aries, the sign of assertive, independent, and competitive qualities and then into Pisces, the sign of creative, intuitive, musical and healing qualities, so these signs will be most affected, especially the early birthdays of Aries and the late birthdays of Pisces. Mercury will also make a strong aspect the Uranus, the planet of surprise and rebellion. You may have a desire to lash out so just make sure you think before you react because there are always consequences for those types of outbursts. They cannot be retracted.
Isn’t it amazing that we live in a moving galaxy and are not aware of it? If we would just open up our perspective and perception, then we could see that there is so much more to know and understand about life. I find the cycles, patterns and rhythms of our little galaxy so fascinating. I was watching the History channel and there was a series on called The Universe. The episode I watched was about the largest structures in the Universe. A scientist put the size of the Universe into perspective… She said imagine the Milky Way Galaxy (our little neighborhood) as the size of a poppy seed (Milky Way Galaxy is more than 100, 000 light years in diameter) and then to place that poppy seed in the middle of The Rose Bowl (representing the entire Universe)!!!! That should give you some idea of the scale of our Universe.
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Patty Kamson is an Intuitive Astrologer and Spiritual Consultant. Connect with Patty on her website at
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