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The Akashic Records – Your Personal Soul Library

The Akashic Records – Your Personal Soul Library

by Beverley Golden

A defining moment that propelled me forward on my personal spiritual journey, was reading Out on a Limb, Shirley MacLaine’s 1983 autobiographical accounts of her own spiritual journey.  My quest has led me down many revealing avenues, exploring so many possibilities, that they are far too numerous to even begin to list.  It seems fitting that at this point in my journey, I re-found Shirley (though she was never really lost to me), by way of her newest book, I’m Over All That.  I know how far I’ve come, there has really been no turning back for me, so it was with great anticipation that I sat down to read her stories and to see where the last three decades have led her.

She never pulls any punches, always saying exactly what she feels and thinks.  The book has no index, so not knowing what to expect next, I was curious when I got to the chapter “Will We Ever Get Over the Akashic Records?”  I dove in with an open enthusiasm, as I have personally been aware of the Akashic Records for many years.  Also referred to as “The Book of Life”, references to them go back to antiquity.  They are non-denominational and have no ties to any religion or Church.  Those who believe in them claim they were used by ancient peoples around the world, including Indians, Tibetans, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Hebrews, Christians and Mayans.  The belief was that there was some sort of celestial tablets that existed containing both the history of mankind, along with all spiritual information.  Even the Bible mentions these records as “The Book of Life” in both the Old and New Testaments.

The Akashic Records are, simply put, the knowledge of all things.  Akasha is the Sanskrit word for sky, space or aether.  They are defined as the primordial source energy that is imprinted by each soul as it travels on it’s journey from inception to the present moment.  Each person also has their own record of their soul’s journey – all past, present and future information is recorded there.  Call it your individual personal library of your soul’s journey.  Like silly putty, it is imprinted with everything. Intriguing idea.

Everything that has ever occurred is recorded; each thought, word, action, feeling and intent of every person.  Like a huge cosmic world wide web that has existed since the creation of the universe, each of us has our own etheric webpage which when accessed, can guide us, helping to clear karma, contracts and vows.  Respected scientist Ervin Laszlo also referred to them as the A-Field in his book, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything.

Some people access them through doing a past life regression.  I believe an experience my daughter Lani and I had many years ago might in fact have been us accessing our Akashic Records simultaneously.  At the time, our house had been burglarized and one day, a few weeks later, my very young daughter and I were talking and she said to me, “sometimes I think you’re a burglar with my mommy’s face on.”  I didn’t understand and tried to reassure her I wasn’t.  But, after doing a guided past life regression, we all saw the same scene from a previous life, where in fact I was a burglar and had frightened a sleeping child, who my daughter was in that lifetime. The fear and trauma was somehow cleared.  Interesting!

Personally, I am very fortunate that my good friend Lisa Barnett is a certified Akashic Record teacher and consultant, as well as Vice President of ARCI, (Akashic Record Consultants International).  Very few qualify for status in ARCI, so how lucky am I!  I have my own personal guide who leads me into my Records.  We’ve done numerous readings which have helped me to clarify many things.  After giving her permission and saying my full legal name, she uses a sacred 50 year old prayer brought forth from the Mayans and opens my personal records.  It is that easy to do.  Now, I’m ready to ask any and all my pressing questions and receive direction from my Lords, Masters and Teachers. The Dalai Lama has referred to those that govern and protect the Records as a group of nonphysical light beings called Lords of the Records.  Although I haven’t done it myself yet, Lisa does teach how to access your own records, which is the way I read Shirley MacLaine works with them.

The list of well-known people who have claimed to consciously use the Akashic Records includes Alice Bailey, Nostradamus, Rudolph Steiner and Edgar Cayce.  Edgar Cayce, himself a Christian, when asked in an interview, stated that the Akashic Records and God’s Book of Life were one and the same.

Imagine the possibilities that accessing your own records can have for you!  You are free to ask about virtually anything.  Once opened, you can understand and clear past karmic energy that might be creating any current life blocks and stopping you from moving forward.  From love and relationships, abundance and money, to health or career; if there is something you are curious to know about, ask and you shall receive an answer.  I had my own recurring money issue that came up yet again, and in a session with Lisa, we identified where it originated and I do believe, cleared it forever.  What a relief, as it was a really long time coming.

See Also

Although these ideas might be new for some, and fodder for non-believers, I point out that even Hollywood has included the Akashic Record theme in films.  Think of Albert Brooks in Defending Your Life or Kirk Douglas in Illusion. And most recently, The Adjustment Bureau with Matt Damon and Emily Blunt.  So, I’ll leave you with a final thought from Ms. MacLaine’s book that to me, sums it all up.  In referring to the Dalai Lama she says, “I find it fascinating that his beliefs in the soul’s journey through time (reincarnation) never elicit cynicism or derision, but that same belief from a Westerner who works in show business elicits derisive smirks.  Maybe it’s only a matter of wardrobe.” (1)  Maybe for some, but I’m definitely a believer, regardless of the wardrobe.  Are you?  Most interested in hearing your thoughts on reincarnation, karma and the Akashic Records.

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(1) MacLaine, Shirley. I’m over All That: and Other Confessions. Cammeray, N.S.W.: Simon & Schuster Australia,   2011. Print. pg. 177

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