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Ask Whitedove April 2012

Ask Whitedove April 2012


Celebrity psychic Michelle Whitedove is a world-class medium whose mission is to empower humanity as a spiritual teacher and visionary. Named America’s #1 Psychic by Lifetime TV, Whitedove answers your  metaphysical questions.

Ask-Michelle-Whitedove_OM-TimesDear Whitedove,

Our family dog just died and we miss her so much.  Do good dogs go to heaven?

~Dog-goned in FL


Dear Dog Lover,

Our canine companions are Earth Angels that are highly evolved souls.  They are here to teach mankind the value of unconditional love.  Dogs are truly man’s best friend and represent the finest attributes of loyalty, faithfulness and service.  That’s why they lend themselves in service as cadaver dogs, k-9 police dogs, search and rescue, bomb and drug sniffing, helping the blind and hearing impaired, and even seizure alert dogs. Dogs have proven to be of great service to man and these are their natural characteristics. They lead us byexample.  All animals have souls, and yes, all dogs go to Heaven!  In fact, our loved ones and often our pets are there to greet us on the other side when we return to our true home.


Dear Whitedove

For my birthday I received a necklace that contained an evil eye pendant on it.  It is very pretty but I’veheard a lot of conflicting information on its true purpose.  So I’m a bit nervous to wear it. 

~Cautious in Cleveland

Dear Cautious

The evil eye dates back to ancient times, when it was believed that certain people had the ability to curse you or cause you misfortune just by staring at you.  It is usually directed for reasons of jealousy and envy of the good fortune someone else is having.  This belief was so profound in ancient cultures that the Egyptians began wearing ornate eye makeup as a way to ward off evil stares.  In more modern times, the concept of wearing eyeliner was converted into charms of protection, hence the “Evil Eye” charm.  There is nothing wrong with wearing your evil eye necklace; it is a positive power object that represents “Gods Eye” the Supreme All-knowing Protector that is watching over you. How does this protection work? Like spiritual symbols that are strongly believed in …it is our faith that permeates the object with power. Remember we have the gift of co-creation, if you believe it, then it is relative because you give it power.


Dear Whitedove,

See Also
Ancestral Patterns

My Auntie is a miser that’s hoarded every nickel that her husband earned. She spends money only on necessities and has lived frugally for an entire lifetime.  She has so much money although you’d never know it.  My dilemma?  There’s been a hardship in our family and I want to encourage Auntie Money Bags to loosen up her purse strings and be generous with our loved one. Can she learn to become generous?

~ Cash Poor in Canada

My Dear Canadian,

Anything can be learned! Generosity begins with a pure intent. Selfless giving is a gift and a good deed. When we leave this realm we don’t take our money with us.  What we do take is our deeds. So set an example for your Aunt and hopefully she’ll follow your lead.  Freely give her your smiles, a kind word, helpful deeds and your prayers and do the same for your family member in need too.

Now remember, it’s not something you do with an underlying motive of self-gain…then it’s not pure intent or authentic.  But show your family the joy of giving and sharing. You’ll find that true generosity creates abundance for you and for the recipient of your kindness.


Mystic and Spiritual Teacher Michelle Whitedove is here to help give clarity on topics from Archangels to Zodiac, just ASK WHITEDOVE. Ask your specific questions at the  Contact Page

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