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Bear – Aboriginal Spirit

Bear – Aboriginal Spirit

by James Henry Spencer – Wave Walker

My main power animal or my Totem is Tequaty the great brown bear of the Northwest. We have walked together through many lifetimes. We come to bring peace, love and harmony to a troubled world. In this lifetime, Tequaty first came to me during a dream time.

I was walking on a sunny day along an animal path through the grass beside the bank of a salmon river when I saw a huge brown bear coming from the opposite direction along the path. As he approached I felt that I should be afraid. I had no weapon and there were no trees near. I was bare from the waist up, barefoot and totally vulnerable, but strangely I felt no fear.  As we met I felt a bonding. Tequaty motioned with his paw for me to follow him, which I did. When we came to an interesting path that led into the forest, again he motioned me to follow.

Along the forest path bear stopped by a young cedar tree. He stopped and clawed down a small pile of soft bark, then, taking the shredded bark in his mouth again he motioned me to follow.

After a lengthy walk along this pristine forest path we came to a cove with a small village along the gravel beach. The children that were playing called excitedly to the adults to come see the stranger walking with the great brown bear beside him. Bear walked through the village and entered the big house. I entered after Bear. When my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw a small fire in the center of the dirt floor and sitting by the fire was an ancient shaman. No word was spoken. Bear sat down opposite the shaman. I too sat by the fire.

The shaman reached across the smouldering fire and bear dropped the shredded cedar bark into his hands. The shaman held the bark over the fire while incanting a prayer. When he completed the ceremony he passed the cedar bark to me, only it had turned into a book with nothing on the pages.

The shaman spoke to me, saying, “Take this book and record.”

Bear and I have walked together ever since, although he misses the lonely pristine life of forest, river and mountain. Bear gives me the required bravery to go forth with a quiet courage to fulfill my purpose in life.

JAMES HENRY SPENCER is a descendant of Mary Ebbits of the Tlingit Tribe. Known affectionately by his friends in the spiritual community as “Wisdom James”, he has found a place of peace and harmony and strives to share that with anyone in his energy field. “I have an inner joy that continually overflows to those around me and a constant need to share these beautiful gifts that I have been blessed with. It is my desire to imbue the gift of peace, love and harmony into your life.”

In a recent issue of True Bue Spirit I shared a story about a visit out to see my mother on the East Coast of Canada. My mother now resides in a senior’s facility on the Alzheimer’s ward.

In the story I shared that although my Mom’s memory is not what it used to be, she is more content then I have see her in years.

When I shared these thoughts with our office administrator, she said to me, “I like to think that no matter what, eventually we default to peace.”

See Also
Dear Source OMTimes

What a wonderful insight. It says it all. Like a switch inside of us and, when it’s needed, we turn it on and default to peace. We spend our lives looking for that elusive switch. It’s reassuring to know that whether we stumble upon it or not, just as it did for Mom, it’ll find a way to turn itself on.

I like to think that the articles we share in True Blue Spirit help to direct us a ittle closer to that switch. The article above is a reprint from a past issue of our magazine, and James Henry Spencer is one of our many regular columnists who share their warm and insightful stories.

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