Can Our Pets Still Communicate After They Pass?
by Michelle Caporale
Mediumship is a special gift, one in which holds much responsibility. When you are able to connect with those that have passed on it is the responsibility of the “Medium” to translate as it is the job of the one being read for to validate. Sometimes it can be a bit difficult. You are stepping between both worlds yet staying completely grounded and rooted on this earth plane.
Most people connect with loved ones, people. Relatives and friends who leave a legacy of love behind. When the connection is made with validations it is a rewarding experience. But what about our pets? Is it possible to connect with an animal who has crossed? My answer is a solid yes.
The Pet industry is a multi-billion dollar one. It is not uncommon for people to wish to connect with their beloved animal. We consider them family. Almost everyone I know has a pet or two. I myself have two and can never see my life being hairless. I favor dogs preferably Shepherds. Unfortunately I am highly allergic to Cats although they crack me up. I love them regardless and wish I could find a way to control the allergic reactions.
I have done many a reading when an animal has arrived or slipped in. The energy is different; it feels more pure and innocent. I am usually shown what kind of fur or the size of the family pet. Sometimes it gets a bit tricky between cat or dog; maybe even a larger animal like a horse will come in. They are loving and still around. They do not speak like humans but relay experiences that only the recipient would understand.
One year I flew to NY to do private sessions for several days in various locations. I was upstairs at a friend’s house waiting for two young girls who insisted they wanted to read with me. They were persistent as the schedule was kept tight. I could not stop hearing an older man complain to me that he was utterly disgusted and furious with his nieces for giving his Pomeranian’s away. They were small and orange. He was angry I started to feel anger within myself. If anyone heard me talking to him they may have considered institutionalizing me.
As soon as the girls arrived at the top of the stairs I pointed at each of them and said; “Your Uncle is horribly upset with both of you and would like you to go back and get the dogs from whomever you brushed them off to as he claims it is both of you who promised to care for them after his passing.” I never saw two people run down a staircase as quickly as these two.
They did promise him they would care for his two dogs after his death but then decided to pass the dogs off to another relative and avoid the responsibility. I imagine they decided after that experience to take the dogs back.
Many, many readings have shown me animals that still love and care for their human family. Many animals have expressed in feelings to me that the suffering is gone and they felt free. I know this must sound very strange and no I am not seeing Unicorns. (Laughing) However, animals have souls as people do so why wouldn’t they come around?
When my children were much younger and our cat passed, they saw him on the roof. (This was before I acquired allergies) I saw him in the yard. It gave us some closure because he just took off one day and we were never able to say goodbye. Seeing him gave the three of us peace. When I was read at a function years later after one of my Shepherds passed, the medium made specific reference to me and my dog. Things no one would have known. Like human beings, animals have a personality. I like animals far better, they do not judge.
Last year I lost two Shepherds within 6 weeks of one another. One to heart failure the other to very bad dysplasia. It was heart wrenching. I wanted to die. A year has passed, I still cry. They have left immeasurable amounts of joy on our hearts. When they are ready I am certain they will connect as I feel them every now and then. Animals leave such a mark on our hearts. It is comforting to know they live on as people do. Our Pets can and do communicate after they pass.
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