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Celebrating Earth Day with Crystals

Celebrating Earth Day with Crystals

Earth Day, at its core, is a day of coming together to both celebrate and to Heal the Earth.

Healing crystals and gemstones are one of the most beautiful, mystical and profound “energy medicine” tools, which have been used for centuries throughout all cultures, religions and empires.  Crystals bring amazing benefits to the healing arena!

Consider celebrating Earth Day creating a Reiki grid or meditation space with these crystals. Use them on your private altar or healing space to attune to the earth’s energy!

Here are some of my favorite minerals for Earth Day:

Barite/Barium: Barium, is an orthorhombic mineral form of barium sulfate(BaSO4). It is the chief barium ore and is also called barytes and barite. It is a white or colorless mineral which is often tinged with blue, brown, gray, red or yellow. It’s name is derived from the Greek word “barys” meaning heavy. Barite is used by the Native Americans in their ceremonial practices. They used it to go from physical matter to the spiritual. In Dream Therapy, barite is used to promote and stimulate the dream state, allowing one to remember their dreams. On a physical level, Barite is used to cleanse the system of toxins, to soothe a nervous stomach and to assist in the healing of addictions.

BERYL Family: Beryl stones represent a group of minerals, which include aquamarine, emerald, golden or yellow beryl, heliodor and morganite, to name a few. Beryl assists its possessor in learning how to filter out distractions and unnecessary stimulation. Good for relieving stress, calming the mind. This stone works with the particular color in relation to each Chakra center. This stone is known to stimulate communication (blue), acceptance and healing (green), reawakens the love of married people (pink), supports spiritual growth (gold and white) and gives us strength and power (yellow).

Boji Stones: Iron-magnetite concretion. Solid round, grey-brown discs with high iron. Grounding, electromagnetic. Balances body’s energy field. Many have found they reduce pain by holding 1 in each hand. Recharges electrically in sun. (Store boji’s apart -magneticness neutralizes each other. Also wearing/holding with tiger’s eye or other stone containing asbestos may bring on ill feeling.) Rough “male” and smooth “female” stones both have + and – charge.

Copper: Excellent energy conductor! Sends and amplifies thoughts, healing, and gem electrical energy into wearer’s energy field. Next to skin: Detoxes and soothes arthritis, rheumatism, other inflammation problems. 3rd chakra: stomach, intestines. Warms, releases resentment, anger. Built up in joints as arthritis.  Exhaustion recovery, circulation, balances warm sun energy and cool lunar energy. Energize with sun.

Cuprite: Deep wine red. (High copper content) Opens flow of Root and Spleen Chakras, Kundalini energy, will power. Also, with Heart Chakra. Strengthens thymus, heart, blood, and oxygen, metabolism, stamina and healing. Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (for men) and confidence/security issues. Access past life.  A red to brown mineral found in the US, Australia, Mexico, and USSR.  Beneficial for metabolical imbalances. Helps the heart and blood, muscle tissue, and skeletal system. Helpful for people having difficulty dealing with father or authority figures. Considered helpful in investigating past-life experiences.

Flint: A gray, white, black, red, or brown stone found in all countries around the world. Beneficial to the entire body. All tissue, internal or external, will be helped, but especially the cardiopulmonary and cleansing systems. Helps one feel more whole and healthy. Gives a strong boost to your mental state and is extremely helpful for persons who have been afflicted by degenerative diseases.

See Also

Granite: The elemental powers of water and earth, ocean tumbled granite is a unique stone combining the elements of the sea with the deep rooted foundations of the earth! These stones are often full of shiny, light reflecting drusies. This stone is a great balancer of water and earth (emotions and practicality). Earth helps water to keep its deep emotions in check. This incredible stone works on both the Base/Root and Sacral/Spleen Chakra as it grounds unstable or unsure emotions. Therefore, granite is wonderful for allowing for increased protection and abundance. This stone works well on skepticism. It allows for diplomacy, discretion, cooperativeness and negativity. Granite is a wonderful relationship balancer. Ocean tumbled granite in particular helps us to see and understand the big picture. So it shows us to look past the little puddles in our lives and focus on an ocean of opportunity and advancement!

Marascite: Silver-gray metallic is an iron ore which is iron oxide (like Hematite) . Marcasite is iron sulfide. One of the most grounding of all stones (Root Chakra.) Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep. Confidence, will power, boldness. Egyptians used also to calm hysteria and anxiety.  Yang. Helps us adjust to being physical. Spleen, blood, cleanse. Can deflect. Regroups after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia.

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Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit

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