Creating Soul Synchronicity
As we grow and spiritually evolve, we become more “soul aware” by discovering the tools we need to manifest and create the synchronicity we need to realize our life purposes. Your soul knows why you’re here. It knows your themes, purposes, karmic debts and past lives. Your ego self only understands the reality of what is now and immediate. When we are operating from the ego self, we battle with our souls for command control. When we operate in unison with our spiritual or soul self, we set in motion the choices, paths and experiences we were meant to learn. We recognize the signs, people, places and events we need to pay attention to. We know it all leads somewhere for a purpose and we feel it in several ways.
Our deepest fears, need for competition, and unfounded anxiety can stem from feeling lost and untethered from the source of life and energy we need to thrive. When we let go and let our hearts and guides feel strong and stable in their connections, we can feel and rationally understand the spiritual guidance we’re given each day to help us through anything. Just knowing that they are never alone and can feel the healing and spiritual energy is a miraculous thing for most people. It is life changing to undergo such a transformation. It can come in a flash of decision and meditation or it can be a profound moment of connection and realization after years of study and practice.
When we are connected to our personal synchronicity, we connect our paths with others. It can be a positive life-long connection or a short, strange life lesson, but each has purpose to our soul’s evolvement. Letting go of the control dramas and the defensive actions towards others makes way for the soul self to step in and take over. The need to be right, to constantly defend without provocation and to think our happiness depends on others, can all melt away into acceptance and forgiveness. This is pure and beautiful healing which allows purpose to come in and be fulfilled!
We all have the ability to tune in to higher frequencies and senses. We can attune ourselves to the messages and warnings and information on a regular basis by reminding ourselves of our true abilities as spiritual beings. It is easy to get caught up in the hype, materialism and competition that exist in the real world now. It can be like a virus that is hard to shake and it feeds the ego self sometimes overpowering even the most spiritually minded.
Even if you have felt off track, you can start the magic again. Sometimes just getting away from the noise of the world is all most people need to reconnect. The ritual of meditation helps keep the connection flowing along with a conscious decision to pay attention. We can always astral travel to the knowledge and the places which bring us hope, comfort and light. There are signs, clues, meanings and wonders out there for everyone to discover everyday about themselves, the people around them and the places they wander to. If we pay attention and keep our connections, hearts and minds open, we can realize we have immediate and infinite help from a Universe in sync with everything we truly need.
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Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.