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Jealousy, The Slow Poison

Jealousy, The Slow Poison



Most emotions seem to have a purpose in life. Fear warns us to flee or fight when we are in danger in order to protect us from harm. But does the emotion of jealousy have any function in our lives?

Unbridled emotions like jealousy are very dangerous. Violence and conflict, jealousy and competitiveness tear apart the purity of the innocent human soul and manifest the diabolic forces in every walk of life on a global scale. We must understand their danger and work to transform them into positive Light.

Thoughts and emotions are from the same root; they are two sides of the same coin. You may not know your thoughts, but you cannot avoid knowing your deep emotions.  While thoughts manifest in the mind, emotions manifest in the body. If you see that someone has something that you strongly want, be it a material possession, or a relationship with a certain person, jealousy can manifest. It is emotion that takes over the thoughts; you get ready to react and get hooked into competing and striking back if you are caught unaware.

Emotions have their seat in the heart, while thoughts have their seat in the head. God is happy to make your heart His Home, not the chattering head. Heart is the feeling center.

Initially, as the soul evolves, emotional involvement is unconscious. Anger, fear, jealousy, love, and hate manifest more as an instinct than as a choice. Each cycle of emotion takes only 90 seconds to complete in our brain; if we see someone we love paying attention to another, we feel threatened, and fear and jealousy clutch at us in an automatic response. But anything beyond that initial 90-second loop is our entire mind’s REACTION! Oh, if we could learn the 90 seconds of Pause in Meditation to complete the cycle and ward off any reactive negative stewing! But no, we usually get caught in the grip of our own self-inflicted suffering.

But as the soul moves through these experiences, it realizes the pain involved in the emotions of the lower plane. Eventually, one awakens to the higher reality of the same emotion. The emotion that creates pain is also the emotion that can free the soul from all bondage through deep love for the Divine.  Unbridled emotions can cause the greatest damage while befriended (controlled) emotions can uplift one from pains and agonies to a higher life of communion and celebration.

There is no better judge of where you are at with this than your own conscience, which is the Guru within. Just let the conscience speak to you, and when it speaks about situations of some sense of jealousy or otherwise, catch hold of that thief and offer it to the light of the Consciousness. Just let those negative emotions wash away.

Karma is just your action based to a great extent on your tendencies that are subconsciously programmed. At times you have so little strength to overpower those overwhelming thoughts and emotions even if they are negative. But don’t bother about it; it is a kind of purging as long as you can surrender it to the Light of the Divine by holding that negativity in the Light.

Remember also, in the small is the big, and in the big is the small. Anger, jealousy, frustrations, and everything disappear as we humble ourselves at the altar of the Self within, the vastness of the Expansion of our Existential Reality. Isn’t it such a joy to just be humbled, and yet have the Universe breathing and working through us!

As you observe with dispassion your emotions of jealousy, fear or anger, the power of meditativeness dissolves the negative energies and transforms the energy into higher light. The emotions transmute into compassion and love. You can work on meditating upon your body to feel the subtle sensations. You will be the witness to the emotions that play on your physical body. Once you start witnessing the play of emotions, not getting attached or identified with it, your emotions, if negative, will soon be purged.

Mind you, to nurture jealousy is to slowly poison the inner water (fluid) of the body. Jealousy and other negative emotions rob your enjoyment of life. The human body is a huge bio-chemical factory and it can always feed us with every chemical needed to maintain good health and harmony. But due to our wrong habitual patterns of food, rest, company, and attitude, we gradually fall easy prey to the negative world of greed, hatred, jealousy, anger, and anguish, thereby disturbing our body’s natural balance.

Once you start practicing with your breath and meditation, you will start feeling a change in the balance of your body-mind. Go into simple relaxation where you can just be silent and watchful of your own thoughts or body’s unique sensation and pulsation, the rhythm of your own energy. Nothing comes overnight to us, including our negative self-concept and tendency towards jealousy.

If you are jealous of the many things around you, and frustrated with people in your life, through watchfulness you will soon find the cause was never EXTERNAL, but was the imbalance of our psychosomatic self. Once those organic, glandular, cellular, molecular, atomic, sub atomic, quantum levels of your existence go through a transformation, you will realize that you are the Celebration. It was never separate from you. Only your involvement and attachment, your short-sightedness, did not allow you to read the messages that came all the time from the Universe around you to give you one more chance to prove that you are not the SITUATIONS, but are the Master of situations.

To be jealous of another is again a trait of the mind in a state of illusion and self-forgetfulness. When you count all the infinite blessings and grace that the Universe keeps showering upon you, you will be overwhelmed and awed and humbled too.

You need to develop yourself in such a manner that you know your positive qualities and would consciously acknowledge the gifts that you keep receiving from the Divine source.

See Also

Wish good for every one on earth. Know that everyone receives according to the share of his/her own predetermined karma, and you also receive according to your karma. Once you know this law of universe, you will see no reason to be envious of anyone.

In conclusion, all negative emotions, however important in life, should only be there till you wake up to realize that you are identified with your pseudo-self (Ego) to be taken for a ride by these non-Divine forces. Today or tomorrow we have to come out of it by being conscious of our Higher Purpose in life and seeing the Infinite Gifts we are showered with all the time when we are in Awareness, and then all these negative emotions like anger and jealousy would just drop off as unwanted stuff of life. Your mind will find delight in thinking about your space and your gifts and the way you could be united with the Divine, the sole purpose of human birth. Feel love and compassion, and feel the difference. Your choice is vital to your happiness in life. Let go of all sense of envy or jealousy the minute it raises its ugly head. Remember, why compare? You are unique and loved by God as YOU are!!

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About the Author

Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (India): Globally acclaimed spiritual and inspirational speaker, author, and visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. Received Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015.

View Comments (2)
  • So if one react’s in FEAR by being ‘jealous’, it can only cause pain & discontent. However, if one responds in LOVE rather than in FEAR, just the opposite will occur & all will continue to be well. FEAR is the poison we choose to eat when BEING RIGHT is more important than BEING LOVED.

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