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Oracle – Cornerstone

Oracle – Cornerstone


Oracle_Darity-Wesley_OM-TimesThe energies and directions for the month of April are evolving around the need for you to establish a new Cornerstone for the foundation of the changing reality you are now experiencing and the openings that will be coming this summer!

Now, “Cornerstone” seems like a word not used much anymore but indeed it is a very important part of the foundation of a structure.  In this case, the new structure, the new foundation, you are building around yourself this year as you continue to integrate the changes have already experienced and the ones you know and feel are coming into your reality.  The concept of the cornerstone is important as you discern the forces at play in the Universe this year of 2012.  While its general meaning has to do with masonry and it represents, in masonry, the nominal starting place in the construction of a monumental building, usually carved with date and laid out with appropriate ceremony (Sounds like something to do when you’ve got it, eh?).  The word also represents something essential, indispensible or basic such as “The cornerstone of democracy is a free press.”

You have been guided and directed to integrate, so far on your journey this year,  the concept of cooperation of January, the connections made in February and the grounding of your confidence in March which now brings you to  establishing your very own personal “cornerstone”, the starting point for your monument, your structure, the foundation upon which you will build for yourself and for the new reality – a structure for your expression, your part in the Great Coming Together – pulling in that which is basic, indispensible and essential to your belief structure so that whatever befalls you, whatever challenges you experience, whatever tests you perceive are part of your reality at this time—you will have this touchstone, this cornerstone upon which you rely, upon which to draw your courage, your strength, your substance.

The foundations of our lives really tend to be our core beliefs, our core philosophies, the core principles upon which we see and relate to the world.  Now, generally speaking, these “foundations” are based on cornerstones that were passed on to you by your parents, your society, your culture as well as your peers.  Your perceptions are formed at an early age and rarely questioned or thought about by most people.  When one is on the path to move forward in expanding consciousness, self development and increasing the vibrational energy of who you are, it happens occasionally that the foundations upon which you have built your life shift or even crash and if you are awake enough to pay attention, these tend to be times of great breakthroughs, cleansings and AHAS!!!  These are times you can laugh with and sometimes cry with and at yourself for the cognition of it…but these are also the times to establish new cornerstones, new thought, new ideas about you and how you see yourself.

So, you have entered such a time and space.  The energy of this month of April is about finding and establishing this new cornerstone for yourself, this new beginning foundation. How do you do it, you might ask?  It is through your  meditations, your readings, your sharing your feelings and thoughts with likeminded friends and acquaintances, tapping into your intuitive heart’s knowingness of yourself as a growing authentic True One expressing your Self in the most positive and informative way.  You will be adding your tone, your new vibrational sound, to the harmony of the Universe.  This is the time for that for you. That “tone” and your “cornerstone” are one.

Open your heart to the Divine Guidance upon which your non-physical team of angels, guides and spirits bring to you.  Open your mind and integrate that guidance into your reality, allow that the cornerstone upon which you build your foundation is there for you to discover this month of April.

What this will do is bring you to focus on your heart’s knowingness.  This focus will bring new information which will be added to that which you have already established in your spiritual life.  These times are about moving to a new level of consciousness.  Building on all the work you have done, lifetime after lifetime, to be where you are right here, right now doing what you do.  Knowing at your heart level that you have been brought to this time to establish your very own Cornerstone of who you are now and how you express yourself in your world and to the world in general.

You are urged by this Oracle to look outward this month.  Out there in the world at large, out there in your own world.  What is it you see that calls your attention?  Is it helping humans mentally?  Is it   helping humans spiritually?  Is it healing, understanding, learning?  Is it business?  Does the Earth call?  The animals?  The trees?  The rocks, the ocean?  World Peace?  The Peace Corps? Something calls?  Staying aware and alert, with an open heart, your attention will be pulled to help you find and establish your new Cornerstone.  Now is the time!  Do pay attention!  Your Spirits and Guides will show you, just allow it to be so.

With eyes wide open this month of April, put your Cornerstone in place – your touchstone—feel it!  Integrate it into your life and make it your own.  Know that you are guided at all times and that you are so well loved beyond measure and this understanding, this knowingness will hold you to reach out and grasp your Cornerstone.  In order to build, this is something you need – by putting in the energy, the desire and the focus on what you are shown this month, your Cornerstone, will truly ground you further into the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time, no matter what…so, remember, All You Really Need is Love…it will sustain you as you allow yourself to be guided and directed to the Cornerstone upon which you will build the next iteration of who you truly are.  The world is waiting for your contribution, your cornerstone is your new beginning.

Let your mantra for April be:  I am finding the Cornerstone upon which I build my new reality which I will contribute to the Great Coming Together of this planet and its inhabitants…And So It Is!!!

See Also


Note:  Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2012 Darity Wesley All Rights Reserved.


Keywords: Darity Wesley, oracle, incoming energies, predictions, Revive Your Spirit, cornerstone, spiritual foundation

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