The Power of NO

“No” is just a two-letter word. Ask the parent of any two-year-old child, and it’s likely a word they hear more often than they’d like. So why is it so difficult for you to utter this word as an adult?
You are not alone. Far too often we try so earnestly to please others and not hurt their feelings that we end up overextending ourselves and placing ourselves in the very situation in which we did not want to be. Do you find yourself spending more energy on others than on yourself? Are you worried about the consequences and lost opportunities if you say no? Do you not want to burn bridges? These are all valid reasons to not say no, but ask yourself these questions: At the end of the day, when you said yes to X, Y, and Z, are you unhappy with your choice? Do you find yourself resenting the person or thing with which you agreed to help out? Do you feel upset or annoyed that you neglected your own needs? Are you stuck in a relationship that isn’t working? Are you so over-extended that you are experiencing emotional stress and high blood pressure?
If you answered yes to any of these, then maybe it is high time you explored your other option. And it is an option. You can say no, and it is not as daunting as you may think! You will be surprised at how liberating and self-empowering the use of the word “no” can make you feel! You will find that you can free up your life to make room for your priorities and at the same time, reduce your stress and anxiety. This is a win-win option! You will find that your entire outlook and attitude towards the things you choose to say “yes” to will be positive and even more productive. You may even manage to get more work done than when you piled all those projects up on your plate. They key to making it work for you is in your delivery of the word. The way you say “no” can have a huge impact on the outcome of your situation – for both you and the person with whom you are dealing.
Be Polite.
There is no reason you need to be rude when saying no to someone. Often, the way you say “no” matters far more than the fact that you are saying “no”. If you are faced with a choice or task, it is absolutely your prerogative to say no. However, there is no reason to be nasty or attack someone with mean comments in doing so. You can politely say, “I would love to help out with this project, but I am so sorry, I have other priorities at the moment.” This will let someone know that you are too busy to take on this task at this time.
Be Helpful.
Perhaps you are approached for something, but really don’t think you are right for the task. Do you know someone who is? Maybe you can say “no”, but offer up a solution or alternate person they can approach instead. “I don’t think I’m the best choice for this project, but have you considered X, Y, and Z?” This way, you are saying no, but still being useful and kind.
Be Firm.
You are saying no for a reason. Listen to your higher self. You respect and value your time and needs. If you are firm on your word, others will respect and value your time and needs as well. If you let on that you can be pushed around, then chances are, you may find yourself being walked all over. Sometimes the best approach to take is to be simple and direct. You may be surprised at how well this approach is received. Others may start to respect you more and will think twice before trying to push your boundaries again in the future.
So say YES to NO! You can do it without making excuses! Life is far too short to add more stress and high blood pressure to your plate. There are only so many hours in the day – how do you choose to spend them? After all, this is your life you are living. You will surprise yourself with how well you will be able to take care of everything else on your plate if you take care of yourself first.
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Deborah King is a Master healer and teacher whose New York Times Best-Seller, Be Your Own Shaman: Heal Yourself and Others with 21st Century Energy Medicine you on a one-of-a-kind journey into the powerful esoteric world of healing. Deborah travels worldwide, helping thousands of people transform their lives through her experiential workshops. Her online training program, 21st Century Energy Medicine, attracts those who want to become healers for themselves or others. She also hosts a popular weekly Hay House radio show.