5 Feng Shui Ways to Change Your Fortune

Want to increase their fortune? Go with Feng Shui!
Use Feng Shui to Change Your Fortune
by Ken Lauher
What’s holding you back? Maybe you’re having trouble finding a job, finding your passion in life, making money or holding on to it, or maybe you’re even having difficulties in your relationship or finding the love of your life. When things go wrong, it’s very easy to blame others. Employers don’t want to hire you because you don’t have enough experience (or you have too much), men (or women) you meet aren’t interested in a serious relationship, or you just have bad luck.
Well, I’m here to tell you that there are easy, tangible ways you can change your luck. People who seem to have good fortune, who have everything go right all the time, and always have enough money in the bank aren’t really any “luckier” than those who don’t. They just know the secrets of success, how to change the energy around them so that the Universe, or the greater power they believe in, assist them in their goals rather than constantly throwing obstacle after obstacle in their way.
5 Feng Shui Tips for You to Change Your Fortune
Feng Shui Fortune Tip 1. Transform challenges to opportunities.
Here’s the first change you can make: Stop looking at obstacles as challenges and begin, instead, to view them as opportunities. When something goes wrong, or not exactly as you expected, look for a way to turn it into a benefit, instead. For instance, you’re turned down for a job that you think is your dream. Maybe you discover that, three months later, the company is out of business.
Meanwhile, you’ve pinpointed what you found so appealing about that job, and started your own company, instead. Now, you’re a thriving entrepreneur and the person who was hired instead of you is on the unemployment line. It happens every day. It’s just a matter of looking for, and expecting, opportunities around every corner. John F. Kennedy is quoted as saying: “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger, but recognize the opportunity.”
Feng Shui, when we use it in our homes, communities, and places of business, provides us with ways to mitigate the risks and dangers in our lives while helping us be prepared to take advantage of opportunities. Let’s consider some additional small changes you can make in your home and your mindset to help you recognize opportunity, get unstuck, and begin living the life of your dreams.
Feng Shui Fortune Tip 2. Look behind open doors.
When I tell you to “look behind open doors,” you might interpret this as a metaphorical phrase about looking for opportunities in places that are easy to reach. It’s true that keeping your eyes open, being present in every conversation you have, and living in the moment, whatever you happen to be doing at the time, will make it easier to spot opportunities. But I’m also speaking literally.
Doors that don’t open a full 90 degrees, whether your front door or a door to a home office or a master bedroom, block opportunities from entering the home. Often, especially in smaller homes or apartments, people store shoes, jackets or even boxes and packages that are entering or leaving the home against the wall behind a door. Even if this doesn’t make it harder to get in or out of your home by blocking people from entering and exiting comfortably (which it may), you are blocking the chi, which carries opportunities and good fortune, from entering your house or a particular room. Decide if you really need these items and, if you do, find other storage solutions.
If you have packages waiting to be mailed, get them to the post office. Don’t let items build up in that space behind the door. Consider purchasing (or finding through Freecycle or a friend) a coat rack or clearing out a closet to put coats and shoes.
Feng Shui Fortune Tip 3. Learn how to recognize rushing chi in your home or apartment. – Do you seem to have good success at attracting money, luck, and opportunities, but trouble holding on to the spoils? Rushing chi, sometimes caused by a front door and back door that face each other on opposite ends of the home, or a staircase that leads directly to the front door, may cause this common problem. If you find yourself saying, “Money goes out as quickly as it comes in,” or you meet fantastic people only to have them vanish after one date, rushing chi could be the problem.
When the energy flows into your home or apartment, it carries opportunities. But if it rushes out before you can take advantage, you’ll feel as if life is a struggle.
If you have doors facing each other or a staircase directly in line with your front door, hang a crystal on a red string mid-way between the two doors or at the bottom of the staircase. The crystal should hang high enough that people won’t hit their head on it. You may also hang pictures on the stairwell walls to slow the flow of chi down the stairs.
Feng Shui Fortune Tip 4. Start thinking of yourself as “lucky.”
“Lucky,” or successful, people do something that others don’t — they think of themselves as fortunate, while always remembering to express gratitude for their success. I know one woman who always wins what she thinks are the best prizes when she plays the raffle at charity events. First, she gives generously by participating in the raffle and buying chances to win. After she won the first few times, she started expecting to win. Now, she takes home the prizes she wants nearly every time.
In any area of life, when you think of yourself as fortunate in that area, you’ll start to notice your luck improving. Now, if someone can be “lucky” in something as small as winning a nice gift certificate or a pretty plant in a raffle, why not begin to think of yourself as fortunate in every way, and just see what kind of prizes life sends your way?
Feng Shui Fortune Tip 5. Express gratitude for what you receive.
So much has been said on the topic of gratitude and different ways to express it. These quotes, by Thornton Wilder and Sarah Ban Breathnach, respectively, sum it up well:
“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.”
Keeping a written gratitude list, which you add to every morning or every evening, is one way to make sure you stay in a mindset of gratitude. Another good way is to write a gratitude letter.
There are other ways to remain in a mindset of abundance, fortune, and gratitude, too. These include: giving back with time or money by doing volunteer work or making donations, making sure to always say thank you for every kindness, no matter how large or small, and placing gratitude reminders, in the form of photos or mementos, in key places in your home. These “anchoring objects,” when we see them, bring us back to the present moment and remind us to be grateful for the moments that occurred in the past, what we have right now, and what we are about to receive.
This quote from Buddha reminds us: “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”
Living in the present is the best way to be aware of, and take advantage of, opportunities. And the more we express gratitude for what we have, the more opportunities we receive to be grateful. Are you ready to open every door to opportunity in order to begin living the life of your dreams?
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About the Author
One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants, Ken Lauher helps thousands of people achieve their goals through Feng Shui. He can help you become a money magnet, attract passionate love, jump-start your career and get unstuck. Visit www.kenlauher.com to get your FREE Feng Shui guide and discover the ancient secrets that can help you unlock your true potential.

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