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J J Benitez – A Visionary Beyond His Time

J J Benitez – A Visionary Beyond His Time

J J Benitez OMTimes

J J Benitez is one of the most widely read authors of Spain, with a work of great prestige. He has authored over 50 books, among which the saga of the Trojan Horse, a monumental work of research which has sold five million copies.

An Exclusive OMTimes Interview with J J Benitez



Juan José Benítez, known internationally as J J Benitez, has directed the famous television documentary series “Haunted Planet”, an investigative report on the great secrets of the planet that runs into 13 chapters out of 17 countries in which theories reveals the shapes drawn on the mountain “Candelabra “in the Paracas peninsula in Peru, who built the giant stones called Moai in Easter Island, the heart of Mali inhabited by a strange tribe, the Dogon, the” hidden years “of Jesus of Nazareth on a tour Israel and Jordan, the secret history of Christopher Columbus, the famous image of the Shroud and the enigmas of carbon 14, and the controversy over the disappearance of the Ark of the Covenant on Mount Sinai.

J J Benitez describes this series, which allows the viewer to witness the universal mysteries of incomprehensible facts and mysteries with no apparent solution, as “an ambitious project that aims to enrich the spirit and vibrating the imagination …”


A  Brief Background

Writer, researcher, journalist, we may not know how to define a man who has spent half a lifetime to the study of everything that surrounds us. J J Benitez was born in Pamplona on 7th September 1946. With only 15 he won his first salary working in a ceramics factory, painting and decorating vases. Degree in Information Science from the University of Navarra in 1965. He began working for the newspaper La Verdad de Murcia in January 1966. After military service performed in Zaragoza where he began working for the newspaper Heraldo de Aragon. He married Rachel, who had four sons: Ivan, Satcha, Lara, and Tirma.

Following the submission of their stories to the newspaper, the PPI group and its “Mission RAMA” were known throughout Spain. Subsequently, these experiences Juanjo would be collected in his book “UFOs: SOS to humanity,” although the first book was published it was the second he wrote, entitled “There was another humanity”, and in investigating the “Stones Ica.”   Following the success of this book, in that year could finally see the light of the first: “UFOs: SOS to humanity.”


In the footsteps of Jesus Christ

Twenty-five years have passed since the first “Trojan Horse”, where the author explained a secret experiment that led both drivers to the Jesus, the Galilee. We traveled through time with the Trojan Horses in the footsteps of Jesus.

Editor’s Note: J J Benitez, author of ‘Trojan Horse’ and many other mind-triggering books is an acclaimed investigator of the Supernatural and an expert of Ancient legends and historical occurrences. It is surprising to me that his incredible mind-opening books were never available in English: Mr. Benitez is a worldwide respected and recognized author, visionary and scientist. The Trojan horse series tells the story of the Magnificent Master of Our times, Jesus Christ; in his many of his possible real-life pilgrimages, and bring the Biblical character to life into a new light, a Man of supernatural powers earthly and divine at the same time.

It has been more than 25 years and over 4,000 pages since J J Benitez began the saga of ‘Trojan Horse’. Now, says that 5,000 pages (which will be the estimated total construction) located in nine volumes are sufficient. “It’s much, ‘he said. Also, it needed to finish.”

The Jesus portrayed by J J Benitez is seductive in the sense that is friendly, and sympathetic. “It’s the Jesus I found. I was the first surprise, says Benitez, I had an image made as a result of the education I received in the church: A judge Jesus, far, far away in the heights. But here I find a man-God who is very near; One in good spirits who loves fantasy stories.


Interview with J J Benitez

Omtimes: What were Trojan Horses? Or are they just fiction?

J J Benitez:  No, they are not fiction, they are research. I have not much imagination.

Omtimes: So why is the book with a novel label?

J J Benitez:  What can I do? It is sometimes better to simplify things. Some people have beliefs very crystallized. Who am I to hurt anyone?

If what matters is true, has the information of the century. But since the evidence shows, many people may believe it is a fake…

Everyone is free to believe whatever you want; I do not tell anyone what to believe. I have documented with 14,000 sources over twenty years. And I have a very special source, but that I cannot reveal.

Omtimes: Did you follow signs to write?

J J Benitez: Yes, I have seen signs afterward. In the ‘Horses’ sensed a symbolic reading. There is a section in which the protagonist gets to measure the cave (page 409), says as much in width (6.3 m), this long (14.57 m) and both high (3.2 m). I wrote these measures and sent to three experts in cabal asking if they had any symbolism. The three said they meant, ‘underground home of a God. If you are notified, you know that the numbers and dates are not free, so I invite readers when they see a figure that comes to mind, know that some say. It is a game that I would like to enter.

See Also

Omtimes: What do you think that many historians call into question the existence of Jesus Christ to the absolute lack of documents that prove?

J J Benitez:  Yes, there are historical records: there are the Annals of Suetonius. Josephus is a bit later, but in their chronicles speaks of a “doer of wonders.” In the Talmud Mock Jesus, call it “lame” but appears.

Omtimes: Who was Jesus, a god or a man or a man-god?

J J Benitez:  The words do not help … There are things beyond our understanding.

Omtimes: You mention in the book avoids the word alien. But across the sky, lights in formation, the blue cloud over the head of Jesus looks like a ship …Was Jesus as a contact?

J J Benitez:  Maybe it was more than that. But yes, the contactees now call prophets. The prophets of antiquity would be the antennae of a superior culture.


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