Mindful Job Searching
By Laura Goldberg
Many people are currently engaged in the process of job searching. If you have courageously embarked on this journey, then this article is for you. It is meant to guide and support you as you navigate this new phase of your life.
You may have started your search filled with a sense of optimism. After all, with your skills and experience, who wouldn’t want to employ you? You attend your first interview filled with confidence and excitedly await the phone call with the good news. You start telling friends and loved ones about the position in great detail. Everyone is excited for you. You promise to call as soon as your receive confirmation. Then it comes the surprise of a lifetime. They gave the job to a more qualified candidate. You decide it was probably a fluke. Surely the next interview will bring success. Yet, the phone does not ring. You begin to receive rejection letters. The ones that arrive in the mail are particularly painful to digest. Luckily most of the letters arrive in your email inbox and can be deleted with a quick click of a mouse. Out of sight and out of mind, so to speak.
The process of job searching provides numerous opportunities to gain humility. Most people have no idea how much they identify with their job until they no longer have one. When you are finally able to throw out your identification badge, the real journey begins. The Universe has just granted you the opportunity to reinvent yourself.
At this point, it is your choice how you want to proceed. You have the opportunity to live in fear or faith. If you choose fear, you will make choices based upon desperation. When you give your Ego full reign, it will gallop you down a bumpy road filled with muddy potholes. Cleaning up the mess can be quite exhausting. If you choose faith, you will be flooded with messages from the Universe. You will develop a new sense of clarity. When you live in faith you begin to see how every choice you make and every interaction you have, is assisting you to evolve. As you mindfully navigate your job search, you begin to pay attention to positions that allow you to be true to your authentic self. If a job requires you to compromise your values and your life mission, then it is not a good fit for you.
Mindful job searching requires you to quiet your mind and listen to your spirit. You need to tune into the “Divine Guidance” channel as you mute the “Everybody and Their Brother/Sister” channel. It is amazing how many people suddenly seem to know exactly what you should do with your life. It feels like your Ego is being tested twenty-four hours a day. People begin to worry for you and your jobless predicament. Family members encourage you to look for employment in all the wrong places. Folks you barely know are now filling your head with unsolicited advice. You are experiencing information overload to the nth degree.
Your Ego will spiral out of control if you let it. Feelings of hopelessness may begin to envelop your being. You decide to plead for assistance. Suddenly a tiny voice from the very depths of your soul speaks. It tells you to stop and breathe. You make a conscious choice to let your spirit guide you. You suddenly remember who you are and why you are here. You remind yourself that just for the moment you are safe and all is well. You string together several moments of calm until you experience a sense of peace. Congratulations, you have just passed a huge test sent to you complements of the Universe. Celebrate your success.
I have compiled a treasure chest of seven golden nuggets in order to further assist you with your MINDFUL job search. Please enjoy and pass them on.
M– Make each day a new beginning. Let go of yesterday’s unmet expectations and embrace today’s infinite possibilities.
I– Illusions tell you that you are not good enough. Remember that you are whole, complete, and perfect just the way you are.
N– No matter what happens, keep a positive outlook. Remind yourself that the Universe has a perfect plan for you. You take action steps and the Universe will take care of the rest.
D– Do surround yourself with uplifting people and uplifting readings. Fill up your spiritual gas tank regularly. Make a conscious choice to limit exposure to fear based media and individuals.
F– Follow your heart and know that you have much to contribute. Be true to your authentic self and do not compromise your values. You were born with a unique set of attributes. Somewhere out there someone needs your expertise and talents. Remember that for every need there is a corresponding need.
U– Understand that job searching is a process. It is important to have realistic expectations. Remind yourself that a burning desire and consistent effort will allow you to attract what you are looking for. It will happen on Universe time, not your time.
L– Love yourself unconditionally. Know that you are not your circumstances. Notice how much courage and perseverance you display as you navigate your job search. Remember that every time you rise above a challenge, you elevate your consciousness and contribute to the greater good.
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