OM Astro – 2 Week Forecast 26 May 2012
OM Astro – 2 Week Forecast 26 May 2012
by Holly Hall
The witty “twins” are in the house! WoOt wOoT! The Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Gemini-And yes everyone seems to be arguing about who is right! Which inevitably makes someone wrong. In theory. This seems to happen more with loved one, family and friends, because Venus is still in Retrograde. Venus is in retrograde while in the constellation of Gemini. And we will be feeling this for the next month, until it returns to the place it was before it went all retro on us! Venus is Love, self worth and personal interests/desires. Gemini is all about, the mind, knowledge, keeping busy, gossiping and playing around. Here we have the Brain in Love, an odd combination.
Astro Advice
Write down your thoughts , arguments, role play what you want to say first or talk to an outsider, before you express your need to be right to another. This include all of us!
ARIES – You will find you are simply witnessing all the chaos amongst others this week. Especially within your family, brothers and sisters, Rescuing them is not a good idea, they will turn their harsh words on you. However you can talk to each one separately and listen, do not give them answers but ask them questions. This weekend, is a time to write, teach and/or take a workshop.
TAURUS – Your self worth is challenged by your monetary value of your self this week. It means, your feel your material achievements reflects on how others value you. This could not be any further from the truth. You are a hard working being this week. Keep this up and another will reword you in time. This weekend, you will find out that there is a secret you have not been included in.
GEMINI – You have the gift of the gab, and so much to say. So why is so many arguing with you. This week you say White they say Black? Your approach is more aggressive then others now. This is misunderstood as competition. Simply say to the others, I did not mean to argue or challenge……I just want to share my ideas. This weekend you may experience a lot of gossip.
CANCER – I want to be alone. Your emotional radar is high, its clear to you others are hurt, but the drama is unbearable! Especially with family. So you may prefer to stay behind the scenes this week. You have some reading and writing to catch up on anyways . This weekend, you will enjoy some peace and quite with a friend or loved one. And someone shares a secret fear.
LEO – Its a party weekend! Family, friends, and of course you, no party is a party without you. So you start the week a little exhausted.This week, you tend to the details of your finances, you are not happy about this, take your time. This will take a few weeks to resolve. The idea is to change your spending habits. Otherwise arguments that you have this week will continue.
VIRGO – The onset of this week is very productive. Others will not appreciate the value of your constructive criticism. Mid week, you feel like doing a bit of shopping or prettying up a room. You’re feeling calm. A secret you knew all along is revealed the end of this week. Therefore you may spend your weekend angry and looking for answers.
LIBRA – Working behind the scenes suits you just fine lately. This week you want a little of the limelight. And you partner up with another. The communication is good and if you allow it you both will accomplish a lot this week. A little rumor is exposed by the weekend.
SCORPIO – Not too interested in the serious side of life this week. It would be perfect if you are on vacation this week. Others will notice your lack of motivation and your desire to be social. Which you tend to deny. By Thursday you may feel isolated. The weekend coming is when you shine.
SAGITTARIUS – Not as on the ball as you have been, you start the week with some frustration. Rise above this and avoid being attached to what others think. Especially at work. More so with those in charge. Mid week a friend helps, in a simple way, like making you laugh. The weekend your tired and spend alone time is favored.
CAPRICORN – Your ready to work hard this week. You have a plan. And the plan will work, if you allow for a few unexpected changes. A conversation you have with a peer is irritating, try and read between the lines. This means you have to really listen. This weekend you enjoy finishing a home project.
AQUARIUS – Your mind is going a mile a minute. You’re so busy inventing so many ideas you may forget to take care of your nutritional needs, make sure you eat and drink water. Panicking this week because you have to much on your plate, to much on your mind. This to shall pass. The weekend is full of fun and games. Do not take anyone’s words seriously.
PISCES – You really need a hobby. Why? Because dealing with people lately annoys you. Mid week, you will see what I mean. Take my advise, try drawing, reading a new book, music, learning a new alternative way to live. Add something new. A loved one is a challenge, you are best to write down your frustrations. Talk later. This weekend you can look forward to some more alone time. No Escape? Find a few minutes here and there.
Questions from Readers
Dear Holly
My daughter is a Leo born Aug 3 1991 at 3 pm. I am a Aquarius, born Feb 2 1965 at 2 am . Both in Nebraska. All we do is argue! And if we are not bickering, we avoid each other when we can. This is not what I envisioned our adult relationship would be. When she was young we where so close. What is going on? Please help.
Signed I lost my daughter and my best friend. :'(
Dear Lost
If you where not there she’d argue with herself. Seriously she is very hard on herself and anyone she loves. She is having great difficulties understanding her part in any relationship. Think of it this way you helping her learn how relationships work. I know not fun, And yes your natural tendency is to walk a way. Its almost like your in a bad marriage. Remember she is soul searching right now. Looking for the right career move. Although you may see this as lazy. She is very self critical although her ego would never let you see this side of her. Tell her you believe in her. Any choice she makes will be perfect. She likes the word perfect. Not perfectionist, just say “Hey hon what a perfect idea” your Aquarius influence wants friendship. Add distance when it is not fun. Your Capricorn nature wants control, and you may be trying to hard. Right now she needs a mom, guidance, and solid support, not a friend, That will come later. A little tough love in the form that you designate boundaries of respect.
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Dream Question
Dream Question: I had a dream about an elephant and I was riding it?
Meaning: Elephants can represent your memory or a need to remember. You riding it means you have control, you’re the driver. Is there a memory in the past you are taking control of now? This is a good dream.
* If you know your Rising/Ascendant and or Moon sign, read those predictions as well.

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