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OM Times Magazine May & 1/2 Edition

OM Times Magazine May & 1/2 Edition

2012 05 B 247 x 320T OM Times

2012 05 B 247 x 320T OM TimesOM Times is very delighted to have the incredible Diana Cooper on the cover of OM Times Magazine. Diana is international best-selling author of spiritual books and lecturer teaching people to access their psychic potential and connect with their own Guides, Guardian Angels and other spiritual entities.

OM Times is a Holistic Green eZine with a Spiritual, Self-growth perspective for the Conscious Community. OM Times was created to share new ways of thinking to promote Healing on personal, community and global levels; and to bring attention to the individuals and organizations that are making a difference.

OM Times: The Rolling Stone of the Conscious Community

To read the full multimedia edition, click on the cover or visit:  OM Times Magazine May & 1/2 Full Multimedia Edition

See Also

Keywords: astrology, conscious living, Feng Shui, holistic health, metaphysical, psychics, relationships, self-help, spirituality, Yoga, Diana Cooper

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