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The Mystery School of Cash

The Mystery School of Cash

The Spirit of Your Mind, Your Money, and The Mystery School of Cash

By Asara Lovejoy

Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world.
~ A Course in Miracles

There is a power within you to create and master your mind and your money in brand new ways that is your natural birthright. I have had the opportunity to share The One Command process that activates this natural ability with over 200,000 individuals.

I discovered this great ability when I came to a pivotal moment in my life where I faced the cross roads of loss of my home and investments or a life of financial abundance lived with joy and peace.  In many ways the understanding that arrived was more than a miracle, and in others it was one I had prepared for all my life.

I was about to lose my home and there seemed to be no options to keep it as I had refinanced it to the maximum to remodel it for a healing center. I also had no income as I had taken the time off from work to concentrate on this one project only.

In my moment of despair, seeing all my investments of time and money and my dreams seemingly vanish, I fell to my knees and completely surrendered my life circumstances of what I thought I knew.  I surrendered my moment of despair into a new idea of possibilities and lifted my mind into a new dimension of thought.

I lifted my mind by the simple technique of looking up under my closed eyes that immediately changed my brain wave from ordinary duality of thought – our beta mind – into my extraordinary brain wave of theta – our unified mind.

In the moment of surrender, I was given the gift of The One Command process, the 6-Easy Steps to theta and the statement that instantly changes your brain chemistry, that delinks negative fearful thoughts and by the One Command statement asserts what it is you want instead – speaking directly to your subconscious mind – the place of your reality filter system.

There are three essential truths of mind and money that I discovered since my moment of awakened intelligence.

The First Essential Truth


The first truth is that each and every one of us is biologically designed to engage in the quantum field of open potential and in creating a new probable result – one that is what you truly want instead of what you may have settled for. This ability is found in your brain wave activity.

As you have various brain wave frequencies – you have different engagements with levels of consciousness that relate to those frequencies.  Every discipline, spiritual pursuit and practice is for one purpose only – to engage your mind in a field of source intelligence –beyond your ordinary circumstances. The promise of that engagement is deep peace, invisible support and divine companionship. Scientific study of the spiritual mind has shown that the place of greatest peace and illumination occur while in your theta / delta brain state.

There are qualities of thought that are found in your theta / delta brain wave that don’t exist in your beta thinking – ordinary consciousness of limited thought with constant duality of this or that, yes or no, maybe, maybe not, judgment against yourself and others and fearful thoughts and ideas about your limits and losses. In addition, beta mind looks to the past and projects the past into the future – recreating the same thought template again and again with the same limited results.  You cannot solve a problem or create new money or wealth or solve a financial dilemma from the same place in your mind that the problem first developed. Most people try to problem solve in their ordinary beta mind 98% of the time with a 1% return causing ongoing suffering.

However, an unlimited potential of reality exists in the theta/delta frequencies of your thought. Here you mind perceives reality in a unified field of now with no past to draw upon or future to imagine – only unlimited ideas and potentials to create.  Here you think in a state of peace, joy, security, and inventiveness, as solutions arrive in unimaginable ways all within a deeper connection within the heart and mind. For a 1% moment of concentration in theta you get 100% return of your time and energy.

You get that result because as you command a thought in theta you physically and biologically interrupt all the thoughts that derail that truth at the same time you simultaneously create a new DNA blueprint for that thought to appear in physical form. And you are hard-wired with the ability to accomplish this.

It used to be thought that only great spiritual masters or years of study and discipline could place your mind into deeper more universally connected states.  And that used to be true.  But what is true now, is that you have evolved and that in a moment of physically changing your eye focus to look up under your closed eye lids you can mechanically shift your beta mind into theta mind and engage those portions of your intelligence – dormant for ages ready willing and able to be engaged by you at this very moment. What is true now is that you can engage your theta brain wave while completely awake and in that moment create something new and wonderful.

The theta brain wave has some unique and powerful properties.  First, it is the place where you go into deep Rapid-Eye-Movement sleep at least three times a night, REM sleep.  Next, while in REM sleep you discharge negative thoughts and fears from the day and from the past. And you also create what you dream to be realized in making your hopes, wishes and desires come true.

The theta / delta slow brain wave frequencies heal the body, engage directly with the cells of your body, and your DNA and establish neurological pathways for thought – your belief system and your habit of thought. By directly accessing this fantastic powerhouse of reality you can consciously change the direction of your life by choice and you can do all of this in a moment.

The Second Essential Truth

There is a process of change that takes place in many aspects of yourself as you delink your old synaptic pathways of thought, and create new DNA blueprints of reality.  This process of change is a physical, emotional event. Let’s say that you are frustrated with your finances at the moment. Here are the A, B C’s of making a change in your beliefs about your present state.

A.  Identify your fears and thoughts about your financial limits. There are a variety of reasons you can come up with: the economy is poor, I don’t have enough education; my family has always been middle class or poor and I can’t go any higher than them; being rich and successful will make me a bad person, and so forth.

B.  Identify what it is that you want instead. For example: I want to increase my income right now in this economy; I can be rich and a good person; my quality of thought and intelligence is more important than my level of education.  As you see the process is to claim that which you truly want to believe but don’t think you do at this moment.

C.  Now that you know what you truly want, in my system of change you would go through the 6-steps and command a change in your thinking while in your theta brain wave state.

Coherence in your body, mind and emotions now takes place.  As you stop your old idea of limitation by commanding what you want instead while in theta a new blueprint is created in your DNA.  In this new blueprint you have no past and no future.  You only have the now of this event that you created. Faith and trust are required in this moment because even as you have made a change – there is no physical evidence of that change, yet.

Some of the symptoms of change you experience after making a command in theta are feeling relaxed and peaceful about what you want – more income, reduced debt, a better paying job or career – rather than fearful and stressed.  Your body and mind have to come to a new understanding that is relaxed and peaceful rather than fearful and stressed.  This more peaceful state is in fact the natural way of your mind.  But it requires that you accept this new emotional state of peaceful understanding of a new realized potential- rather than engage in the fear of something not happening.

See Also

You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can get used to making change in this way, especially when you see the physical manifestation. One woman who was a personal assistant for a high powered boss in a rich company thought it would be great to get a bonus from her boss – even though a bonus for her position had never happened in the life time of the company. She and I had a coaching session identifying her limited fearful thoughts and established what she wanted instead.  We then commanded for her generous bonus. She called with the best news and the most familiar statement I hear, “Asara you won’t believe what happened.”  I reply – yes I will.  She said, “I just got a check for a $10,000 bonus from my boss in recognition of my above the line contribution to him and the business.  Imagine that.”  This was the exact amount she had commanded to appear.

There are a couple of ideas that you want to focus on when beginning this next mastery of your life.  One is that in fact you do have this power to create new realities – all the time for your life.  Next, that you meet yourself exactly where you are with no judgment against what you have done in the past or what you may do while creating new results.  That you give yourself permission to be in the perfection of experience and from experience you define new roads to travel and new paths to climb remembering the formula of telling the truth about your judgments and fears and replacing them with what you want instead.

Eventually the threshold of your new state stabilizes as you develop new habits of thought in all portions of your brain, mind and body from the frontal lobe images and imagination to the chemical activity of firing a thought. Eventually you live the essence of your true self that deploys a greater good and greater service to yourself and in the world.

The Third Essential Truth

One evening while I was in theta speaking to a group about money, thought and matter, a seemingly magical event took place, the Mystery School of Cash showed up with a message. A new energy appeared in my mind and had a message to share with the group. I simply reported the words I was hearing – new words and new ideas I had never thought before, all delivered in a great field of love and a sense of humor.

A Mystery School is a body of knowledge that is formed by the intention and thoughts of those dedicated to a specific idea.  For example, every great religion has a deeper level of teaching known as the mysticism of that faith. Many such as the Kabala for Judaism, Christian mysticism, Sufi mysticism, Hindu mysticism, and Taoist mysticism, Buddhism and energy systems of healing such as Reiki are all mystery schools.  It was a great surprise to me to have the Mystery School of Cash appear.

How can you correlate cash, money and mysticism? The message was clear that over thousands of years many quadrillion of thoughts of hope, desires and wishes for cash, income, money and financial good have been sent in strong emotional waves to God and the universe.  Oh God, I pray, please help me now to save my home, to increase my cash, to pay my bills, or simply to be fed.

Because there is an embodiment of thought in a focused intent that field exists where attention is directed to answer the call for help and to impart knowledge and information on the subject.  The Mystery School of Cash says that invisible help is yours always in creating your financial good and your wealth.  That wealth masters throughout all ages hold an understanding of how, where, and when you can increase your cash, how you can increase your wealth and have a money rich life.  It is only for you to open to the question, to seek the help and to receive the answers.

In summary, I want to leave you with these ideas: you are magnificent, brilliant and biologically wired to access great knowledge and information in creating your life in new ways, easily.  As you do so you will release old patterns and make new configurations in your brain chemistry, biology and emotions to engage your right to a rich life. Over time you will come to identify yourself with that which you are in fact creating in the moment in new ways.  And please know that you have powerful invisible support at any moment to realize every one of your dreams come true. As I often say this becomes the next great adventure of your life – discovering the truth of who you truly are. Enjoy the journey.

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Asara Lovejoy is a presenter at the June 2012 Spiritual Awakening Conference, June 8th-11th at the West Palm Beach Marriott. For more information and to register, go to

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