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The Power of Numbers

The Power of Numbers

Let me first say that this is not an article about numerology. It’s an article about the advantages of sitting with people who are like-minded, who all have the same intentions and goals in mind, and how that benefits you.

Have you ever been with a group of people, whether it’s at a church, synagogue, meeting, event or special occasion, when they ask for a moment of silence? Something quite powerful happens when everyone in attendance turns his or her attention to a single focused thought in silence.

I recently discovered in a nearby town a Meditation Center that was offering an advanced class in meditation. I have been to many group meditations and found them to be quite special. Yes, I have meditated on my own and will continue to do so – but when you’re with a group who are all looking to raise their awareness and consciousness, something magical happens. If the group’s spiritual energy or mine is low, it will be raised to a much higher level after sitting together.

I am a big believer in synchronistic events and this class came at the right time. I travel so much and never have the opportunity to take a class that runs for eight consecutive weeks, because I am sure to miss a few. But this time, my schedule was open and saw that I could commit every week to attend this particular meditation class. There is a lot going on in my life and this came at the perfect time. Actually, I HAD to make the time!

I’ve been going for a few weeks now, and so enjoy this class and find myself looking forward to it every week. This particular meditation class is about working with and dealing with our hindrances. When I say hindrances, I am referring to anxiety, restlessness, desires, doubt, laziness, etc. Many of us can get caught up in the hindrances to the point where it seems they dominate our entire thought process. I find this class very therapeutic and I am learning tools for life!

Our teacher first discusses the hindrances to the group, and then we proceed to a very peaceful meditating room where he takes us through certain exercises to bring up or remember when we had one of the hindrances. We are instructed to look at the hindrance, see how it affects the body, and how to look at it from outside ourselves, instead of being “in” it. This is so helpful because when one of the hindrances comes up, I now know or try to understand where it’s really coming from and how to quiet it.

This group meditation helps me to be all that I can be, gives me more power to overcome obstacles, and has a special benefit – I get to meet new people who just might be friends for life. It’s a powerful way to share in each other’s experiences, and to be with those who support you, and are there to listen and to help. Sometimes after I’ve heard someone’s story, it seems like they are talking about my story, and this is what being truly connected to one another is all about.

John’s Lesson

Does this sound familiar? You are feeling alone and that something is missing. There doesn’t seem to be anyone who understands you, and the people who are around you seem to be at a different place in their lives than you are.

Does the idea of a group meditation feel like it resonates with you? Are you ready to commit to such a practice? If you are hearing an immediate “YES” then trust what you’re feeling, and don’t let the excuse of being too busy get in the way. Joining a group meditation could help you to experience a connection with others, as well as your soul and the Universe. Aren’t you worth it?

See Also
Human accelerator

Look in your area to see where there is a group mediation class being offered. Try yoga centers, and even if you live in a remote area, there always seems to be a yoga center or even a gym that offers classes like these. You could also start one yourself. As long as the group has the same goal and intention in mind – everyone will benefit from it.

Please think about it, and begin your own journey of learning and practicing with a meditation group. In just a few weeks, you’ll reaffirm your personal and spiritual connections and hopefully enjoy a healthier way of living for the body, mind and soul.

Live a Soul-filled life!

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