Today’s Solar Eclipse and Cleaning Karma
Working with the Energy of an Eclipse
Since the dawn of time, there are few astronomical phenomena that are as exciting to the human mind as an eclipse. In Karmic astrology, the lunar nodes are seen as the connections or invisible threads between the Soul and its numerous past lives.
In working with the energies surges of an Eclipse, some caution should be observed. Keep in mind that an eclipse is always a planetary cleansing process on a major scale, as well as an opportunity for a heavy duty Karma clearance on a personal level.
Humanity Healing Network is sharing a free eBook for working with the energy of an eclipse. You can download it at
Eclipse Information
This eclipse will be a total annular solar eclipse.
May 20th‘s Gemini New Moon joins with the south lunar node, engendering the first annular eclipse in 18 years — an eclipse that appears to have a “ring of light’ around the Sun. The eclipse starts in southern China, passes through Japan and ends in the western US. In other parts of the world in daylight, the Moon will partially cover the Sun. The eclipse starts on May 20th at 8:56pm UT (Universal Time) and ends on May 21st at 2:49am UT. For more information on the timing for your area, you can go to: http://www.timeanddate.
You can see how the eclipse will look from your location by visiting:
Analysis from Darkstar Astrology
The Solar Eclipse on May 20-21, 2012 is at 0°20? Gemini on the fixed star Alcyone in the notorious Pleiades. This star cluster is also known as the“Seven Sisters” and is located on the shoulder of constellation Taurus the Bull. The Pleiades are the source of great magic and wisdom, but they also have a quite unwarranted, evil, wanton and turbulent reputation. This is probably because the Pleiades were said to bring floods. On the positive side the Pleiades were also associated with fertile crops and green meadows since they were “Rainy Stars”. The Pleiades constellation has sometimes been associated with tears and sorrow, but the seven sisters also liked their wine and ecstacy. Alcyone’s themes fit well with other aspects of this important eclipse as you will see.
Solar Eclipse May 2012 Horoscope
The closest aspect to the moon is a square from Neptune. We know Neptune’s waters can be holy uplifting water or vile septic poison depending on the intention and vibration of the individual. Neptune is on Archangel star Fomalhaut, which can also go either way, sinner or saint. With Neptune Fomalhaut is “Sharp, shrewd, self-seeking, analytical, detective ability, many secret enemies, connected with secret affairs or government work.” This Neptune is squaring the eclipse Nodes and it is also most fitting that this solar eclipse is conjunct Egeria, Roman goddess of the healing spring, sacred wisdom and childbirth.
There is certainly a watery theme then. This eclipse contains the potential of deep cleansing hydrotherapy of the soul or for those stubborn demonic stains comes complete with added hydroblast water jet! I say this because of the amount of potent stars and a super-conjunction that are adding juice to this eclipse. We have a tight Venus trine Saturn which I think is beautifully healing and powerful for lovers to affirm their commitment to one another no matter how treacherous the icky Neptunian sea gets.
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