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Venus in Retrograde – Astrological Forecast

Venus in Retrograde – Astrological Forecast

Astrological Forecast for the end of May

by Holly Hall

Venus is in retrograde while in the constellation of Gemini. And we will be feeling this for the next month, until it returns to the place it was before it went all retro on us! Venus is Love, self worth and personal interests/desires. Gemini is all about, the mind, knowledge, keeping busy, gossiping and playing around. Here we have the Brain in Love, an odd combination. Add a spice of Mars in Virgo and this is where the challenge lies. Criticism, neglect, negative self talk, easily irritated by loved one/friends or they are easily irritated by you. Creating a temporary division.  Its all good, really! Here is what you do for the next 2 weeks; practice construction criticism,  think before you speak, share with others  and open a discussion on how you can come to a mutual agreement and solution. Now here is the trick, give it a month! Yes until the end of June. It will be easier, the first week of June however you will have to wit till the 3rd week of June for this energy to dissipate. ( more in the forecast in the next issue of Om)

As for the self talk; for every negative thought follow it up with a positive thought and think/say it 3 x.

ARIES- You would be surprised at your ability to create value in your life, be it self, finances or a new way to make an income. What you want to look at is how patient are you in the manifestation process. And how much more reading on the subject must you do? Talk to as many people as you can,this week,  gather more information. You have some great ideas brewing!

TAURUS- This is your week, you will receive the information you need to get things started. A loved one may be quite reserved. Thus communication is weak. Let them rest it out a few weeks. This week, its time for you to create a foundation for your new project. Build it and they well come. You demonstrate great patience, others admire.

GEMINI- Love is in the air, OK maybe 2, or 3? You’re a multi tasking genius!  No one can stop you!! Your desires are on fire and you have so many new interests to pursue! Mid week ,is the perfect time to put all that you desire on paper, after that rearrange your list in the order of ‘most wanted now’, and “it can wait till later.” If you do not you will burn your candle on both ends, and end up accomplishing nothing.

CANCER- A yackity yack friends has alot to talk about but nothing to say. In fact its best you understand that they really do not want your emotional support, so do not waist your energy on them.  Suggest a good book , or movie. You’re quite the  worker bee lately and organized, next week  you will accomplish a lot. You may surprise your self and others with  the ‘housecleaning’ you do, and how much you throw/give away!

LEO- I hope you enjoyed your social weekend, because starting Sunday of this week, its all business for you. A boss or someone in charge (at least they think they are) crosses their arms and puts down their feet on a matter that bursts your bubble. It may create a financial mess that you have to clean up. Constructive criticism  is needed, but emotions may get in the way.

VIRGO- The Cosmos Circus is in town and you’re the first in line! Your ready to get down to business. A clear plan will get you where you want to go, the urge to try to do too much is tempting, however its wise to focus on one and do as much as you can with that one project. Then success is yours! Oh and yes loved ones are irritating you, for no reason. This to shall pass. Be kind to yourself.

LIBRA- Life has been unpredictable and a bit unsettling lately.  You’re hiding your true talent.  That is your ability to understand what motivates others to act as they do. You have the wisdom now, your know what to say. Now is your chance to speak your mind and others will listen! You have a great idea that will help other collaborate with better results.

SCORPIO- Take care of your health and moods through diet. You can blame others all you want this week, but what it comes down to is your nutritional intake. Look at vitamins, greens, protein and iron. Go shopping and only buy in the fruit and vegetable isle for a weeks worth of food. And eat as much raw as you can, I dare you. And see if it makes any difference at the end of this week.

SAGITTARIUS- Funny, Witty, smooth talking wise guy you are. And everyone loves and needs your optimistic view. The challenge is you struggle to talk to the people/person (loved one?) that deserve to know what is really on your mind without the side remarks and sarcasm.  You will receive some news earlier then you wanted to.

See Also
March 2024 astrology forecast

CAPRICORN-  It’s a uneventful week for you. (unless you have some Sag in your chart)  You cool and calm. However this is alot of commotion going on around you. This week you lend a hand and help manage others and their situations. Organizing closets, kitchen, garage and work place is on your agenda.

AQUARIUS- Its like magic, everything you do works in your favor. Well maybe not so much within your love life. However friends, organizations, and work are amazing. You are intellectually on top of your game. And busy! This week is the start of a busy few weeks. Like your Gemini cousin, watch how much you pile on that plate!

PISCES- A lot of emotional people expressing there feeling in every way but straight forward. They talk, they complain but never seem to get to the bottom of what is really the problem, And this week you sit on the side lines, completely frustrated at this. And there is nothing you can do. So I advise you take many bathes, light candles and breath.

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* If you know your Rising/Ascendant and or Moon sign, read those predictions as well. Contact Holly Hall at Om Subscribers receive 50% off readings.

Holly Hall

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