101 Relationship Myths
Exploding common myths about love that drive us CRAZY!!!
In this entertaining and thought-provoking book, Tim presents a revolutionary new way of looking at our relationships and why they can be so problematic — and then he goes on to offer some refreshing, new advice as to what we can do about it.
The book’s basic premise is that most of us believe in a wide range of myths about men and women, love and relationships that we have never questioned. It is our unquestioned belief in these myths that confuses us and makes us unhappy in our relationships. To help readers understand the power of myths in our lives, Tim identifies some of our most common “relationship myths”. And then he shows us how we can free ourselves from them. The result is much greater clarity, joy and love in our relationships.
Some of the myths Tim Ray unveils are:
- A relationship can only work if you compromise
- I need a partner to be happy
- My happiness is dependent on my partner
- If you love me, you?ll do what I want
- I’m more selfish than my partner if I don?t do what my partner wants
- I know what is best for my partner
- It’s better to be in a relationship than to be single
- Strong sexual attraction means we?re a good match
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To learn more, or to purchase the book, click on the cover, or visit: Findhornpress.com

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