Angela Martindale – The Ultimate Transformation Muse

Working with all five aspects of your life; physical, emotional, physiological, mental, and spiritual we are able to make lasting changes.
I believe The Ultimate Transformation is so effective because it addresses a common thread: This body is the only one you’ve got. I want people to understand that lasting change comes with hard work, determination, and education. There is no “quick fix” for good health and nutrition. Even in this instant gratification society, the answer does not lie in a single pill or a diet shake. Lasting change comes with making the right choices.
That doesn’t mean it has to be difficult; small changes yield big results. If you introduce one good habit, every day, you’ll transform your life in just a few weeks. [Please see Angela’s Top Tips for Transformation, for easy ways to get started improving your health today!]
Meals that Transform, my food delivery service of all-natural, organic, healthy meals, makes it even easier to make the right choices. It delivers 3,200 meals a week to Park City and the greater Salt Lake City area, with high demand to start franchising around the country. Celebrities fly into Salt Lake City and stay in hotels while I consult with them, feed them and train their minds and bodies into optimum health.
Meals That Transform works because I base meal plans around an individual’s specific needs and goals.
Your body is a machine. It needs fuel. If you don’t give it the right fuel, it won’t run properly. It will break down, leading to everything from heart disease to diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression… Any number of syndromes and illnesses stem from improper nutrition. We are walking around dehydrated and malnourished in the greatest country in the world … and there’s no reason for it.
I know I’m not the only person who’s faced challenges in life. But I also know that we all have the choice to turn things around, no matter how bad it is. I did it. I’ve been through abusive relationships, business betrayals, bullying, you name it. I walked away from everything in my life with nothing but a backpack of clothes and $50, and my determination to turn my life around.
Now I am in a healthy, supportive marriage with to the most beautiful man in the world, who is caring and loving. I have a wonderful business that allows me to transform lives every day.
Do I still have moments that bring me down? Of course. I handle them better because I am healthy — physically, emotionally and spiritually. I can get through anything.
My motto is BE, DO, HAVE. You can BE whomever you wish, DO whatever you like and HAVE whatever you desire.
Hard work, giving back, respecting yourself and others and believing you can achieve your dreams are the keys to manifesting the life you want. I am living proof.
If I had just one more wish, it would be that everyone could experience Transforming their mind, body, being and life without any doubt that it’s possible.
Angela Martindale’s 12: Top Tips to Transform Your Life
Choose to change just one thing in your life today. Continue it until you have it down and then move to the next step. Small steps transform.
1. Wake up every morning and have 2 glasses of water.
2. Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking (try my power packed protein shake.
3. Move your body and sweat at least 3 times a week, 20 minutes per day … and more if you can manage it.
4. Listen to your body. Stop eating when you’re full. Go to sleep when you’re tired. Be in tune with how you feel, what gives you energy and what makes you happy.
5. Try something different. Yoga, meditation, or tai chi classes to get more in tune with yourself (go to for a Chi Yoga Flow workout for all levels)
6. Wake up a few minutes earlier and stretch
7. Replace coffee and soda with herbal tea and water
8. Replace your carb-laden breakfast of cereal, doughnuts or a bagel with oatmeal and egg whites
9. Replace sugary or salty afternoon snacks with Transform Vanilla Cranberry Power butter ( and apples for an instant boost without the starch and sugars, or choose an OM Bar, an all-natural raw snack with a list of ingredients you can actually pronounce!
10. Manage your time and make choices that serve YOU.
11. Replace negative self-talk with positive thoughts and affirmations
12. Remind yourself that you are worthy to BE, DO and HAVE anything you can imagine, then DREAM BIG!
Angela Martindale’s Philosophy
Angela says:
“I AM” are the two most powerful words anyone can say.
I AM Powerful.
I AM Beautiful.
I AM Loved.
I AM Abundant.
I AM Capable.
Repeat those words and any other positive attributes that resonate with you, to yourself. Write them on sticky notes (Picture of IAM sticky notes) and post them around your home and office. Feel their positive energy. It is within you, it is within everyone, to BE, DO and HAVE all that you can imagine.
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Angela Martindale Radio Interview
To listen to Angela’s interview with Shay Parker of Metaphysical Minds, click on the following link:
Angela Martindale Interview on Metaphysical Minds
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