5 Reasons Your Complaining Blocks Finding Love

If you are in the habit of complaining, it can send the wrong signal out to the universe and prevent you from finding love.
Is the Habit of Complaining Keeping You Single?
Are you tired of waiting? Tired of affirmations, positive thinking, blind dates, and online dating?
I know it is easy to lose faith when you have just broken up with another disappointing lover. I realize that it is easy to panic when 40 is approaching and you want a baby worse than anything. Of course, it feels unfair when you think someone tossed you into the desert without your ok. Distant memories of fruitful times of abundance may torture you and make you want to give up.
While you may not be sure what TO do when you finally surrender to your surroundings, take a good look around and search for a hidden blessing (which always, always exists, BTW), I can tell you what you absolutely must NOT do and that is to complain. When you find yourself in the desert, complaining will propel you into the Ghostlands, and you don’t want to be there, trust me.
Here are the five reasons you have to stop complaining about your circumstances and if you want to get out of the Barren Desert and find True Love.
Five Reasons Complaining Can Prevent You From Finding Love
1. Complaining is sending a sure fire signal to the Universe that says….More of this please. Seriously, is that what you want? Your voice is made of vibrational energy. Your words are echoing your thoughts and feelings into the ethers. I’ve said it before and I will say it again…Guard your mouth and measure the words you speak carefully.
2. Complaining drains your positivity. In the desert, it is crucial that you conserve your resources. Every drop is precious. Start practicing this phrase: “I used to complain about not having money, a job, a lover, you name it but now I choose to see my situation as temporary and changeable.”
3. Complaining makes it impossible to be grateful. Gratitude is the oasis in the desert. Sure you are struggling, I am not making light of that but I guarantee you there is something you can be grateful for. I have a colleague whose desert was rectal cancer. She told me there were times all she could feel grateful for was her big toe. She would thank it for its years of service to her. There is always something to be grateful for.
4. Complaining blinds you. Sometimes there are mirages in the desert that can fool you or pull you into quicksand that will overcome you. When you are positive and accepting of your surroundings you can make a strategic plan and find your direction. Close your mouth and open your heart. Spirit is right there waiting for you to seek its guidance.
5. Complaining blocks you from your God-given Spiritual guidance. You have an inner GPS just waiting for you to plug in your current location. When you complain, it is like unplugging the GPS and throwing it out the window. No wonder you feel so lost!
Lastly, here’s a little secret. People are sick of hearing about it. You have friends, family, and colleagues who love you and want to support you, but, if all you do is piss and moan about your life, they will slowly and steadily pull away from you.
Everyone has something challenging they are facing. Your acceptance of your current situation with grace and patience opens you to love and support.
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Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and best selling Hay House author who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. Powerful motivational speaker, charismatic broadcast personality, and acclaimed performer, storyteller and recording artist, Colette uses her extraordinary spiritual gifts to empower her clients to live a life that is ‘awake and authentic’ and to create a reality that is spiritual, deliberate and meaningful.