Depression Seen Through the Eyes of the Twelve Astrological Signs

Are you prone to depression? It may have something to do with your astrological sign.
Astrology’s Insights on Depression
By Rick DiClemente
I am no clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist. Certainly, if you are experiencing life-debilitating depression, I highly encourage you to seek a professional. You may indeed be suffering a chemical imbalance in need of treatment, and this article does not intend to suffice for professional guidance.
Nevertheless, I’ve had enough depression myself and certainly have dealt with it in hundreds of cases with my clientele. I do think some general advice on an astrological basis may indeed be helpful. At least, it will give you some ideas to consider if in fact you do experience occasional or even chronic blues. This article assumes that you have tried other medical techniques to relieve your depression.
Astrology is a very complex science that certainly can reveal very deep-seated patterns in our psyches. By analyzing each of the 12 signs of the zodiac, I feel I can shed some light in general per sign for you. Remember these are general per sign; you very well may have planets in other signs that compensate for what is said.
ARIES – The Ram is seldom depressed unless other forces are at work. I have seen Aries who are offspring of parents who overly-cautioned them. This can be very serious because the Aries has been taught to not trust their instincts. Therefore, it becomes hard for them to get in touch with their fire (zest for life.) Aries are not to be cautioned. They thirst for activity and adventure. The cure for Aries is to get more active and get into more adventures where they can challenge themselves. Adrenalin junkies. Usually, they don’t have to contend with depression too much though – as is true with all fire signs.
TAURUS – Taurus is an unusual sign because they are fixed and earth. (Many of these descriptions are further explained in my new book, The Exquisite Zodiac [TEZ].) In general, Taureans have ONE mood – steady-as-she-goes. Usually possessing an even temperament, this sign hovers just above the level of depression. It’s a hard sign to get excited. Fixed signs are exactly as described. If they do get depressed, I have few answers for them. Usually, the best way out is a good meal, a bath, something tactile. Taureans really know how to feast the senses and are very sensual. Usually, they don’t get too depressed but stay on a nice even keel.
GEMINI – This flighty air sign is seldom depressed. Boredom is more their bane. There are so many new discoveries to be found for the Twins that they can usually wait 2 minutes, and the depression will pass. It is hard for Gemini to get in touch with deeper feelings – it’s just not their nature. Because of this, if they do have deeply disturbed feelings hiding underground, their depression can often be expressed by sudden, sharp outbursts of criticism. When it is hard to dig deep, introspect and uproot old painful memories, they can be haunted by them. A real favorable quality for Gemini is their ever-inquisitive, sharp intellect. They are obsessed with how the mind works and can usually figure out what’s bothering them. The main thing they must do is not run from or evade their hurts. Gemini is the evader of the zodiac. Many times they would be much better off if they can just slow down, take a breath and face the music.
CANCER – Clearly the moodiest of all signs, Cancer is very prone to depression. Theirs is mainly because they often feel that “nobody loves them.” That response comes with the territory as Cancer is the first of the water signs (TEZ.) When a Cancer has the blues, they almost always try to find a friendly shoulder. This can get old for both parties but actually doesn’t help the Cancer that much in the long term. This is where enabling can become quite dangerous. Many times the Crab just doesn’t feel as if they can deal with life’s hardships alone. They must learn that they can handle it, else considerable depression can last a long time. Certainly the cure for Cancerian doldrums is to surround themselves with family and support. If the Cancer has their all-important Moon in a fiery sign like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, this will help greatly, keeping their feelings buoyant. The main thing the Cancer must avoid is retreating into their shell, moping and expecting other to read their minds. Also, they must clearly ask themselves, “Is this really true that xxx doesn’t love them?” Many times an honest no answer will kick-start them out of their funk.
LEO – The Lion is the sign that is hardly ever depressed, but don’t let that fool you. Being ruled by the fiery Sun and being a fixed sign (TEZ), they are usually quite upbeat. However, they’re good at hiding their pain; especially from themselves. If they feel disrespected (which they have to truly inquire about) then they can really suffer from depression. Remember, inside every Leo is a recent Cancer (TEZ). Leos try so hard to remain upbeat and act as if everything is FINE. But it’s not always the case – therefore they can do a lot of suffering in silence, simply because they don’t want it known to anybody that they could be toiling with emotions. Leos believe that emotional baggage was left behind in the former sign of Cancer. Far and away though, Leos usually experience a quite active and upbeat life. Their problems come in when they’re alone.
VIRGO – Virgo is very seldom depressed. They’re not allowed to be, and neither is anyone around them. Depression is seen as a weakness that can only be remedied by getting off of their butts and getting back to work. Being productive is the solution to everything? Right? Remember “depress” is a verb, like pushing a button down. Virgos will not allow themselves that choice.
LIBRA – Surprisingly, this strong air sign (TEZ) is seldom depressed. If they are, it’s commonly because they have other planets in moody Scorpio. Remember, it’s very common to have a considerable number of our other planets (besides the Sun) in neighboring signs. Librans are smart and find intriguing dialogue and the latest news irresistible. Therefore, talking with friends or engaging in social events is the ticket out of depression for them. In general, Libran feelings do not run deep, therefore they are less likely to suffer depression. Air signs live in thought. Shopping and surrounding themselves with beauty and harmony can provide a temporary fix. The key to getting out of the blues for this sign is to strengthen the self instead of always thinking that a stronger partnership will do it for them.
SCORPIO – You knew it had to come sooner or later. Scorpio can be one of the most depressed signs there is because they feel so deeply. Too many times their blues are experienced simply because their relationship has lost its luster. Scorpio and Libra both put too much emphasis into their relationships, but that’s their archetypal essence (TEZ). Scorpio will constantly surprise you, i.e., they can go a low as you can go and as high as possible. This is not a sign to stay stuck forever. Remember, they are a fixed water sign, which means that it’s their job to master emotions. Sooner or later, they can summons the willpower to overcome depression if they really want to. It’s all about the will with this intense sign. And the answer is no, sex will not always provide an instant cure.
SAGITTARIUS – Without a doubt, this is the most upbeat sign of the zodiac. Surely, they can become depressed like anyone else, but in general, their mutable fire (TEZ) nature has them back up and hopping before you know it. This is the excitable sign. Their job is to be upbeat and cheer everyone up. Yes, sometimes they can become flippant, but any means is worth it to avoid depression. Sag just can’t be around downers as they are the optimists of the giant circle. Their cheery moods are one reason people love being around them. They make everyone else lighten up!
CAPRICORN – Next we deal with the most depressed sign of the zodiac in general. Ruled by serious Saturn, the Goat is usually flying low and steady, not too high above a depressive state. No sign can paint themselves into the corner of limited thinking like Capricorn. They often can see no way out of their self-imposed darkness. Because they want a guarantee in life before they’ll move or take a risk; this often leads to their “depression.” Remember, the working motto of Capricorn is to “make sure” (TEZ). Well, most times in life you simply cannot make sure of how life will turn out. It cannot be controlled. This is clearly what leads to their depression besides the fact that they are generally the pessimists of the 12 signs. Since the Goat is willing and able to take responsibility for everyone else; it generally stems from not trusting others to do what they must. That is their way out. Letting go, letting things be and trusting others.
AQUARIUS – Seldom do you find a depressed Aquarian. Again, we see the nature of fixed air keep them upbeat and interested in just about everything and everybody. They are almost never bored either. Don’t let them surprise you; this oft-aloof sign can have waters that run deep. Usually, however, they are so strong mentally that they won’t waste the time being down. This is a very advanced and evolved sign. Depression sometimes comes to this sign as they commonly feel very misunderstood. Surprisingly, they can feel like an alien on their own planet. This is because they are usually way ahead of their time.
PISCES – Few signs can wallow and suffer in silence like Pisces. However, they really don’t want to make a scene about it, not wanting anyone else to feel bad. Pisces simply can’t stand it when others feel bad as they are essentially very self-sacrificing. Usually, their depression is because they will not fight for their own rights as they feel a built-in attraction to martyrdom or sacrifice. They must fight off a sense of victimhood that they have actually invited. The key to staying happy for Pisces (TEZ) is not trying to save the world. They are here to do God’s will, not everyone else’s.
*Note how the “male” or odd-numbered signs which are either Fire or Air do not tend toward depression. *Note how the “female” or even-numbered signs which are either Earth or Water tend toward depression.
(1)Aries, (3)Gemini, (5)Leo, (7)Libra, (9)Sagittarius, (11)Aquarius (4)Cancer, (8)Scorpio, (10)Capricorn, (12)Pisces
Exceptions: (2)Taurus & (6)Virgo
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You will also enjoy The 12 Children of the Light: An Astrological Tale
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Rick DiClemente – Starself™ – 2012

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality
Seldom get depressed? Im going on 25+ years!
I been to the doctors, on meds for years, nothing helps.
If there are other forces at work here, then I need to know.
P.S. My parents were not overly cautious.
I’m a Sagittarious with my moon in Capricorn. I’ve suffered from clinical depression since a small child. My sister is a Libra and is Bi-Polar, more on the depressive side. Both of us had very abusive childhoods. I’m not sure that zodiac signs explain everything about personality and certainly not on the nature v nurture debate.
I find this article really offensive. General sweeping statements and no advice. Virgos ‘don’t get depressed’, no advice given!!!!! Stupid.
Sorry, not going to read past the first page. I’ve had enough of articles that make you click to the next page for each damn point.
Gemini’s don’t get depressed and if they do, only lasts for two minutes? Please explain to me being depressed days or months on end, where I have completely shut down and won’t do anything, talk to anyone or go anywhere? O.o
I have found, for the most part, your writting to be very accurate for me. What caused my depression was my own self refusing to let go of certain events that happened to me in my life, where someone hurt me in some sort of way. Once I learned how to cope with what happened to me, and once I learned to except the fact that those certain things happened, and I accepted the fact that I could do nothing about it, I then began to grow, learn, become more open, and more accepting, as well as more forgiving. Yes, I am an adrenalin junky, but a controlled one
and no I’m not depressed all the time and never medicated myself when I was depressed. I did, however, do some soul searching, and did become active in the community, and became more involved with my children’s extra curricular activities, and it saved me!
This guy that’s a gemini is in a depressed stage similar to what your explaining and I was wondering did you have any advice on how to help?? I really would hate to just stand by and see him him shutdown!!
Do you meditate? What types of physical and mental exercises do you do to practice silence and breathing? These are fundamentals in centering your self and soul. Often misunderstood as Eastern far off and unattainable focuses of enlightenment. If you truly seek joy seek it from within and practice these ancient philosophy. It has transformed my own life.
I do not believe Aquarius are as advanced as your description tends to indicate. With the coming age of Aquarius, you must realize the direction the world is heading is that of control and loss of identity. The Aquarian energy doesn’t mind shedding ego for the great good. However it has its prices. Every age has it’s upsides and downsides.
Plus sides of the age of Aquarius : better technology. Longer life spans and increase in genetics to propel humanity and a self controlled evolutionary path. Cures for chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes. more unification. Understanding and acceptance. Information is free.
More safety, and people will partner more for love then responsibility. More socialist government to take care of everyone. Third world countries will be picked up, but nations high on the chain will drop down. Cities will become more efficient. The rising cost of natural resources will be debunked a bit by the packing of people into larger areas.
More efficiency in the work environment. Production will become a promise without interruptions. The further development of the internet will make seeking information easier. Robots will become more and more mainstream and do the things regular people can’t. They will increase productivity for companies.
Downsides : loss of identity, freedom, humanity. Economy goes south. The gap between the rich and the poor may be substantial under current money ideals. Little to differentiate people apart from one another to free information. People may need to partner less, as the need for one another decreases due to a social government taking care of needs. Eugenics May limit the ability to reproduce, and a “takes a village to raise a child” attitude may adapt since auarian energy wants to take care of all.
Dictatorship possible, even when everyone will subconsciously agree to it. Mega adjustment in humanity through eugenics over long periods of humanity probably will occur. Population will decrease over a long period due to “combing out” undesirable DNA and traits through eugenics.
Mass war, disease (plague?) and death may be possible due to people living in major city centers. Do the wide gap in the rich and poor, cities might have high crime rates. Eventually you may high upper rich class, and people in slums. The rich people may own companies, while what was once a functioning middle and lower class reduced to poverty thanks to robotics taking all the work. Even with the rich helping take care of those less fortunate, the aloff-ness in emotional bonding may cause rifts between the classes. People need a reason to live, work and feeling special provide that. Two things that might be deleted by the Age of Aquarias.
Ha! I’m a Taurus and fight lifelong battles with depression. I wish I was even keel.
Lame not true, sad in fact very harming, damaging, invalidating and shaming to those under sign you deem not depressed aka Aries. Sun sign or even rising sign alone don’t give a full picture of someone’s psychological make up or their history or karmic lessons.
Pfff… You should be ashamed to say so much lies! Just this: I know like 4 poeple who are saggitarius and who’ve been so much depressed they had to take xanax…
My rising sign is Taurus, which means the breakdown for Taurus would apply to me as well. It’s true. When I get upset over something that is very troubling, eating something helps relieve the pain. It gives me more energy, and makes me feel less empty inside.
I’m a sun sign Leo, but I have the moon in Scorpio. I used to feel depressed a lot when I was younger, but as I got older, I realized I wasn’t missing anything to be sad about. Now it’s pretty hard to shake me, though not impossible.
My last girlfriend was a Virgo, and she was one of the most depressed people I have ever known. Her rising sign was in Cancer, so she was quite moody all the time. The interesting thing is that she did try to hide her depression in work, but the people who knew her well were not fooled.
I am a Leo and I am happiest when I am alone, life is too short for drama and other peoples crap. I think this was way off mark, (for me at least.)
Total horse shit.I’m a Capricorn and as a Capricorn I pride myself in having a very down to earth and grounded way of viewing life. With that said, when I find myself sad, I can always put whatever my issue is into perspective. All Capricorns I know are also the same way. Saying that the Capricorn is one of the most depressed signs is so inaccurate to all our descriptions and personality traits. I’m really starting to question this website and the material they allow to be published.
I’m not sure where you found this information but it is totally false, I worked is a psych united and every birth sign has been a patient, Depress is something that could effect everyone no matter their sign.
The Virgo I know gets very depressed.
depends on how you were raised and any trauma causes many things ; ))
I have to agree for the most part and felt the same way when I first read this article. Reading it a second time, I noticed that it talked about what I have been thinking about the past months. Growing up having the people around me quiet me down and shame me or discipline me for being myself really formed who I am today and I think I suffer from depression because of that fact. This past year has been “fixing” myself back to who I truly am and healing my depression. For that I think it’s accurate to me.
A person’s sun sign does not define their inner nature. That is defined by the sscendent. The sun sign is a person’s quest in life – who they are striving to be. Finding depression in a person’s chart is more complex. You might find it in the 6th house ( health) or in the 12th house and/or in planetary aspects to the ascendent, 6th or 12th
I found the description of the Capricorn in this article to be accurate for me.
I’ve been battling depression and bipolar 1 disorder for many years.
Though, this may be accurate for me, it doesn’t mean it’s accurate for all other Capricorns.
I find it really stupid article as well. The author doesn´t seem to know almost anything about astrology or at least zodiac signs.
Tired of the Capricorn bashing…so unoriginal. These are so general and vague.
I think the Virgos you’ve been talking to just hide the depression from the people around them. Maybe you just haven’t noticed the depressions of Virgos because they hide them on a deeper level. Virgos have a hard time showing emotions because so much of them is ruled by logic.
Normally you have great articles. . .this however was not one of them. My mom is a Virgo, and the most chronically depressed person i have ever met. I am a Libra and feel more deeply than most people i know. The difference is that we can see that there is a bright side to every dark night. We are balanced and thoughtful. We feel deeply and love hard. Highly disappointed in this shallow article that doesn’t come close to matching true astrology. Better luck next time.
I see there is no love for Ophiuchus here either. Disappointed.
Yes. It’s been noted that Virgos tend to not show their emotions when it comes to anything that is not pleasant. As for me, I don’t show it but somehow people very close to me tend to notice it.
This didn’t really help me, I am a Sagittarius and I don’t know if it’s a phase but I am depressed I just don’t show it, my mood is always very happy but thats not really how I feel on the inside.
Not impressed by this article at all. Is it a coincidence that almost every sign I read about, wasn’t even remotely their character. The ones that are said to be the most depressed, are not. The ones that are supposedly more balanced and less depressed, are actually the most depressed people I know? I believe the author/writer needs to go back to astrology school.
Well it sure as hell is taking me more than “before you know it” to get fucking better
Not true, I’m an Aquarius and I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder.
Libra..” If they are, it’s commonly because they have other planets in moody Scorpio.” Mercury conjunct South Node, Mars conjunct Chiron…yup..
Yep, me too. Got through Aries and just said no to the click bait. Find another sucker!