Dreams, Visions, and Metaphors

Our subconscious tries to share information with us through dreams and visions.
Dreams, Visions, and Metaphors: What Is Your Mind Sharing with You?
By Maggie Chula
Our angels and guides are around us all the time. We do not actually need to call on them to get their attention since we are a part of their vibrational energy they are always around us helping us find the meaning in our life. They are working to help us fulfill our soul’s destiny and guiding us ever onward through the material world of existence.
Our visions, dreams, and thoughts are shared with us by our higher wisdom as well as our angels and guides. We receive this information and interpret the meanings through our emotional guidance system which is a part of our intuitive intelligence located within the energy vibration of our body, mind, and spirit.
We can expand on our understanding of how our mind is working to heal memories, thoughts, addictive behavior by the visions that are shared with us. Thoughts that repeat in our head can have a larger meaning when you examine the actual words.
Songs that we remember and play over and over in our minds may have deeper meanings when you examine the lyrics.
Whether a dream or memory from your past is real or a metaphor it is still information our subconscious is sharing with us to help us heal a certain aspect or issue within our life and does share important knowledge to our mind.
The real challenge is to understand the language and symbols your higher wisdom is sharing with you. There isn’t one perfect meaning for a symbol or sign there is only the way we have individually perceived and interpreted the information. Some of us are writers and so we have written our experiences and when you go to do the research you will find what has been shared. You may feel very supported when you learn other people interpret something the same way you do but it will not provide the benefit of healing to your mind, body or emotions if the interpretation has no meaning within your mind or your emotions. It makes no difference to your healing what another person might think or how they would interpret something. What matters most is the intensity of the message and how you accept, interpret and absorb the knowledge.
When I am working with someone on a Vibrational level, I can pick up on their symbols, signs or guidance which has a healing effect to my client because I am able to verify for them that they are in touch and in tune with their higher guidance. Sometimes working with another is a good way to see your problems or issues from another perspective. Reviewing something and using your intellect to perceive the issue or problem without emotions can be very beneficial but the real healing will come when you can emotionally absorb the feelings, thoughts, and intention of the information being shared with you.
There are many symbols that do carry common themes. Reiki is driven by the energy symbols used within this healing modality. We have agreed on interpretations for many colors. We also have archetypal patterns in common. An archetype is a template of energy associated with a symbol or image. This template has commonly understood associations. For example, the archetype of the Vampire is very popular right now. However, if you are having issues with someone and you think of them as “sucking you dry” you might not realize you are associating them with an energy vampire and yet that is probably what you are experiencing. Your higher wisdom talks to you in this language which is the language of the soul.
We are all unique and come from different backgrounds, faiths and educational levels but we share in common the source of our energy or vibration. On that level the soul level we share the language of the soul. What we do not share is a common way to interpret the language. Each of us is unique. Our interpretations can and will be unique. When I have helped a person to heal something in their life whether it was on a mental, emotional or physical level it was because we were able to engage their mind and emotions in a manner that shared information related to an issue or problem and they were able to see, feel and/or understand the issue or problem from a higher perspective; Maybe for the first time. Maybe it was already known.
The real key came when they finally “received” and “absorbed” the knowledge. At that point, their energy or vibration shifted. The issue, problem or concern was realigned and integrated within their energy field and the density of the thought, feeling or belief was shifted. When that happens true healing takes place within all the layers of their energy and they feel better.
So the best way to continue on the path of healing, growing and expanding your conscious understanding of who you are as a person or soul is to work with your dreams, visions or the stories and songs that play in your head and learn to recognize your higher guidance and become comfortable interpreting the language of your higher wisdom.
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About the Author
Connect with Maggie Chula at her visit her website at http://ACenterForEnlightenment.com.

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