Finding the Calm in your Frantic Day

Tips for Daily Meditation
by Deborah King
Today’s pace is faster and more frantic than ever before! With all of our society’s modern technology and advances come even more responsibilities and increased workloads. Everyone is dialed-in by blackberries and iPhones to the point that it is difficult to even find down time in the car or on plane flights! Remember when “I’ll call you back later?” actually meant later? Now people seem to expect an instant email or text back, or else they suspect you aren’t doing your job or paying enough attention to them. Our society is living in the now, now now world where it is increasingly impossible to find any quiet calm!
Well, it is time for everyone to find and make that time, because that quiet calm is what is needed to be able to keep up with this pace while still functioning as a whole person! You may not be able to slow down the outside world or create more hours in the day itself, but there is something you can do to allow yourself more breathing room and invite calm into your hectic life: learn to meditate!
The good news is you do not have to leave the world and your busy life to learn to meditate! All you need are a few minutes in your bedroom or car a couple of times a day and the will and dedication to practice meditation techniques daily.
Simply follow these easy tips and you will be seeing and feeling the benefits of daily meditation in every aspect of your life in no time:
- The best time to meditate is first thing in the morning when you wake up – before you leave your bedroom, feed the kids, walk the dog, or check your email. Make it a habit to start your day right with meditation and you will find the transition into your busy day will be so much smoother and seamless!
- Find time in the later afternoon or at the end of the day (before dinnertime) to fit in another 10-20 minutes of meditation. If you have an office at work, try closing the door for privacy and ask to not be disturbed. Or sit in your car for a few minutes before you start your drive home. If you take public transportation, close your eyes and appear to be sleeping.
- Make your daily meditation space “quiet-proof” and try to shield it from as many disruptions as possible. Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door for the deliveries or interruptions. Tell your assistant not to disturb you. Turn your phone off and the sound on your computer off for just these few minutes. Your inner self and body will thank you for these few moments of quiet time you are giving yourself daily!
- If you fall asleep, don’t panic! Let yourself follow what your body is telling you to do and give in to the sleep. However, if you find that you are falling asleep every time you meditate, then your body is telling you that you are sleep deprived and you might want to consider fitting more zzz’s into your nightly schedule. Sleep is super important to being able to function and stay calm during the day!
- Make sure you learn proper meditation techniques. You cannot learn meditation from a book or online. The best way to learn meditation is from a qualified teacher who can show you how to correctly meditate and lead by example.
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If you are interested in learning how to meditate, please check out my online meditation workshop where you can learn to meditate properly in the comfort of your own home at:

Deborah King is a Master healer and teacher whose New York Times Best-Seller, Be Your Own Shaman: Heal Yourself and Others with 21st Century Energy Medicine you on a one-of-a-kind journey into the powerful esoteric world of healing. Deborah travels worldwide, helping thousands of people transform their lives through her experiential workshops. Her online training program, 21st Century Energy Medicine, attracts those who want to become healers for themselves or others. She also hosts a popular weekly Hay House radio show.