Harmony in the Universe – How Does My Intention Help?
By Susan Ni Rahilly
I published a wellness book for women twelve years ago. It was such a positive book – it’s a pleasure to read now how important my intentions were at that time. Here’s an excerpt:
“You have to know exactly where you are right now – what you are changing. So that’s why I ask you to start becoming aware of what is wrong and what you are going to change, in what order and when. You can’t change anything without being aware what you are changing.
You need a clear picture so you can change that picture. Then, when you can see clearly what is ahead of you, and what it is going to entail, you can start making some informed decisions about how to start. Once you have started you will take control … you’ll know what to expect, because I’ve told you. You can start thinking about how as you change, other things around you will change – and how do you feel about that?
As you change, you will be aware of what you are leaving behind and why; and how you feel about it. This means that there’s an emotional process you are going through, too”.
So, obviously this was a book about improving wellness through lifestyle changes, using intention for a more balanced self. The steps for balancing our physical being are the same steps we take for any intention to bring harmony. What are you starting with, what is your intention, how are you going to plant the seed and make it grow? What will you experience on the way, and how does your change affect other changes?
What about now? Twelve years down the road, it is clear what my intentions have brought about. My experiences have brought an amazing knowledge. The Universe is continually creating by manifesting an infinite number of possibilities at any given moment. To do this, it relies on synchronicity to bring order out of chaos.
When we create an intention, for our life, our practice, anything, we are affirming that our individual intentions are part of this great big scheme of things – we’re part of the whole, our minds are part of the universal mind. Our individual intentions are important in the amazing process of synchronicity – our change makes other change.
We are part of this great creative process with the Divine intelligence, and how intelligent exactly, is awe-inspiring. Part of our mind, in our psyche, is engaged in the spontaneous ordering, or creative process. It can take years to learn this, and experience it as our own creative process.
What helps the process is trust. What hinders it is our misplaced sense of the importance of our small illusions about our lives.
In Yoga, we know that our hearts are always in silent communication with the Divine, especially in meditation. We know that our minds are continually linked to the Universal mind, through Bindu Chakra – back of the head – both sending and receiving information to the Universe. How absolutely miraculous we are as human beings, how potentially Divine we all are!
Once we’ve understood, usually through practice or some process of change, that there is a part of our mind that is about experience versus illusion, then we are open to the understanding that the Divine Intelligence is basically just waiting for us to “call home”. We do this by intention. Right now, many of us are sending our intentions out to the Universe, calling home for harmony for humanity.
So, how can you start this process and practice of harmonizing your thoughts? Do it simply by calling on your power of intention. Start by taking time for contemplation. Look deep within yourself regularly, and you will find inner beauties and love you may have overlooked or forgotten about. A simple intention for harmony for humanity could be one of the Zen noble truths: May all beings know happiness.
Spend time appreciating beauty, inspiration and music. These all raise our vibrations because they take us momentarily to a Divine, sacred place. We return to our normality, bringing that sense of the sacred back with us into daily life, leaving us somehow changed forever for the better. Songs can provide special messages just for you. A very simple intention for harmony could be: May all beings know peace.
Albert Einstein was a man to whom harmony in the Universe was of prime importance. He said with great beauty and lucidity:
“The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical. It is the sower of all true art and science. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself with the highest wisdom and most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms – this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness and art.”
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Susan Ni Rahilly has been a meditation and Hatha Yoga teacher for 26 years. Susan is inspired by Zen, our innate abilities for deep listening and intuitive practice – especially in her work with children and young people. She makes her home in West Cork, Ireland, and can be found at: www.suzenyoga.com