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Holly’s Heavens

Holly’s Heavens

by Holly Hall

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Horoscope for the Week

ARIES-  With Uranus in your sign and all this Gemini energy it is a great week to collaborate with others, through ideas and many many conversations. The week starts out with a new sudden project that will expand your vision of your future. By the end of the week you will be introduced to a group of like minds. This weekend look forward to gathering with many friends, putting your feet up and having some fun!

 TAURUS- After a rough weekend, you can look forward to this week, especially mid week, when you can finally get down to business. Wrap things up as your workload, or busy schedule will slow down by the weekend. This weekend a friend gets on your nerves, before you go anywhere make sure you have your own ride back.

 GEMINI- Could you be any more busier! Yes . And you will see how busy you can get this week.  And if anyone can multitask its you. But you are burning your candle at both ends and this week it shows. The advice is that you mutlitask and micro manage, that is to  get someone else to help you. This weekend you socialize in an unusual way and meet new friends!

CANCER- The weekend was intense, but you needed the outlet. This weeks starts out chaotic. And you not sure what to do. Mid week you argue or have some trouble with a boss or a bossy person. And some how is ways on your mind this weekend. This weekend you may want to keep to yourself until Sunday roles around and you will be at peace again with family support.

LEO- Are  you excited or what! You begin this week engaged in many many conversations and working with others and all your collaborative ideas. Except now the ideas have a future, this is exciting times for you! Mid week you head to head with someone whose intent is to help you, or bully you.Either way your not happy about their approach. This weekend a friend or loved one literally gets on your last nerve. Breeeeaaaath…

VIRGO-  Still alot of talk and detailed conversations. Your excited! Yet all the Gemini energy has you worrying whether you can multitask all that you are asked to now. Yet you can, its not draining you at all. Stay in the NOW. The future will take care of itself. Business is very serious mid week and a person in power wants in the game. This weekend brings you a little surprise!

LIBRA- To start this week off someone will talk your ear off, and with a bit of sarcasm. I want you to hear the sarcasm, they are trying to tell you something. Otherwise your energy is still low, but your much more sociable now. Another may  offer you a loan or some financial help mid week. This weekend is fun, your invited to a rather large social gathering, the stars say go!

SCORPIO- After a very , passionate weekend you’re ready to get down to business. Finances are on your mind first part of the week. So crunch some numbers and by Thursday you will be able to manage your material life to get that special something you have wanted. This weekend a party or gathering gets out of hand. When it does just walk away….

SAGITTARIUS- Your witty, sarcastic, funny as heck and a bit truthful, to a fault. Somebody is gonna get hurt. Its best to let the person know exactly how you feel. If you cannot, write it down or talk to a close friend, please do not blog it, Facebook it, or tweet it, that’s just plain cowardly. This weekend you will enjoy fun times with a sibling or two, or go on a short road trip.

CAPRICORN- Its best to lay low for a couple of days. Others sarcasm is misunderstood. Ask them, “what exactly did you mean by that?’ Most people will not repeat sarcasm.  By mid week someone may ask you to take charge of a project or help them organize. It a great compliment to you, however you soon see what a mess you have to clean up. A confident, feel good about me and my friends weekend. Make new goals.

AQUARIUS-Still a busy mind, busy life and mutitasking . Need help? someone will help you Monday and Tuesday. A lot of this takes place in the home, mid week.  you have a lot of work to wrap up this week, to accommodate some freedom you need for the weekend ahead.

PISCES- Your angered easily by a loved one. And there is no holding back the first part of this week. Careful you may put your foot in your mouth. However the truth needs to be told.You have more then you can manage, you get some relief by mid week. Your wordy with wit! At the same time you can be easily hurt with words. Yes words can hurt. Pen your thoughts. Have some outlet before you speak your mind. This weekend every bodies ion a party mood, your not. Time to recharge your batteries and rest.

Question of the Week

Dear Holly

My husband is a Virgo Sept 1 1963. Im a Virgo to Sept 5 1960. But we are so different! Why?

Virgo Marriage

See Also
2019 Gemini New Moon OMTimes

Dear VM

To start you are both boar different years. But the best way to explain this is your moons, Your is in Pisces. You may suffer from depression, or many bouts of  it, You are extremely hard on yourself. And yet when another is in need your right there fro them. You actually like someone to need  you.  Your husband has an Aquarius moon, he distance himself from you when you depressed, he thinks that’s what you want. Because its how he deals with his emotions. hes also quite hard on himself and feels like a poor provider when he cant help  you. When you not in your low mood, talk as friends. Tell him what he can do when you r down and out. And the best thing you can do for each other is write down all the things you love about each other and like, even down to the perfect pinky toe. Compliment each other as much as you can.

Dream Intpretation

Dream Question: What are nightmares?

Nightmares almost always creep into your night sleep when you are working through a difficult issue. It may be temporary problem or a life long one. Nightmare are great because it your subconscious fighting back. Shows you are killing off or putting to rest a characteristic that is holding you back. If your being chased or hurt the a characteristic you have is holding you back still and your recognizing this.


* If you know your Rising/Ascendant and or Moon sign, read those predictions as well.

Contact Holly Hall at or Om Subscribers receive 50% off readings.

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