Holly’s Heavens – 11 June
Astrological Forecast for the Week of 11 June 2012
ARIES– You are just not feeling the love this week. In fact, its more like you do not feel like giving the love this week. And this may cause some arguments that are started by someone who wants your emotional understanding. mid week you say exactly what is on your mind. And you well versed, however someone ignores your wise advice and is hurt, simply because the need a shoulder. Best they go elsewhere this week.
TAURUS- Finally with Mercury in Cancer you can rid yourself of all the pesky people who have been in such a rush and so arrogant! Back to nature, you are enjoying some new cooking habits and taking on the garden. If you cannot garden, at least start a pot of cherry tomatoes or herbs. This a great week to get thing accomplished and sort out financial issues.
GEMINI- A higher up, boss or bossy person is quite moody, and you are not appreciating how unprofessional they are. Love is slow but its in the air. You are simply not “in the mood”. The week starts our emotional, actually dealing with other emotions, it is wise not to give advice til mid week.
CANCER- YAY! Mercury the ruler of communication is in your sign! no is the time to articulate your feelings. Understanding that they may not be easily understood by your significant other or loved one be it a friend or family member, however the conversation will begin.
LEO- WIth Jupiter in Gemini you are ready to get out a play. Play is more important then work for you now. So money may be tight. This week, you make your summer bucket list. Love is in the air! You are a little needy lately, try and spoil yourself.
VIRGO- Jupiter will challenge you to keep up! And you will love the challenge. You are on top of your game. Do not let others sway you. This week you will have trouble with young people or immature people. A conversation may get nasty. Think before you speak.
LIBRA- A conversation with loved ones, maybe children involved, is needed to keep the peace. The trick is when. The starts suggest the end of the week or even the weekend. Its time to find some activities that are just plain fun.
SCORPIO- Ommmmm…. You have not felt this peaceful and fulfilled in a long time. This week you may find a loved one a bit to chatty and tense. This disrupts your peace of mind. Instead of trying to change them, why not just walk away. Or if you can the two of you could go to a movie with some comedy in it.
SAGITTARIUS- Still witty and sarcastic. You may not want to admit it but someone or many people are really getting under your skin lately. This week is no exception. And what you have to say is cutting. If they want to point out your flaws you can certainly point out theirs is your motto.
CAPRICORN- Feeling very sad and maybe lonely, even if you are in a relationship. Controlling how the other person is dealing with their feelings will backfire. Words are said and feelings are hurt. This is a great week for some self examination.
AQUARIUS- The week starts out frustrating with a little bit of depression. But mid week you are ready to take on the world! Conversations with loved ones are better then ever! This is a great week to address any issues you have had in the past.
PISCES- Calm, serene, is how you feel, if left on your own, Its everyone else and all their own problems that ruffle your feathers. You may have to have an intervention with a few colleagues or simply eliminate them from your circle.
* If you know your Rising/Ascendant and or Moon sign, read those predictions as well.
Contact Holly Hall at www.facebook.com/astroholly or astro@a2zen.fm. Om Subscribers receive 50% off readings.
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