Money Can Buy Happiness
Mindful Spending in Today’s World of Too Much!
Most of us by now firmly believe that money cannot buy happiness. On the other hand, statistics in the world prove that when we do something for the happiness of another, we make ourselves happy. Amazingly, you CAN buy happiness by spending money for the benefit of another person or a less privileged person, and by not spending it for self-gratification. In this way we can buy happiness, but the money always has to be utilized in the right place, for the right cause, for right outcome!!
To realize true happiness, it is important to participate in some social cause, and involve your family and children in such work. Grow together in awareness of the pains and agonies of the poor. 852 million people around the world remain hungry. Those who are living in India, and are associated with the Lokenath Divine Life Mission that I oversee, are taking active part in volunteering. They are working with the street kids’ schools and serving the villages.
Those of you who are away in other countries can always spread the message of caring and sharing, and associate with work that takes care of the underprivileged children. You need to select the right organization that is genuinely trying to make a difference in the lives of the poor children. That way you will find a new depth of happiness in your heart.
It is also important not to neglect yourself, and your own true needs. Love begins with self-love. And while you are caring for your own needs, your actions can also meet the needs of others. One must buy the proper healthy food for his or her family. You must not be parsimonious in such cases. Spending for health is an investment, the benefit of which you shall reap in the long run.
DO NOT WASTE; utilize every bit of the food that you buy. Buy as much as your need is. Never overbuy. Don’t go for the typical bulk and huge food packaged sizes. Not wasting is in itself a great service to the Mother Earth and to her hungry children. It is not by feeding the poor children that you really can take care of the problem.
There are many issues that need to be taken care of. The most important is the task of creating consciousness among the poor people so that they don’t keep bringing more and more mouths into the world that they can’t feed. My mission is to work more on creating consciousness at every level of this social life, into the purview of which the rich and the slum dwellers all come.
It is a continual battle against the system that is ROTTEN from the top to the bottom. We are now caught in a whirlpool created by our own ignorance. As such the present system all over the world is not going to work anymore. As we put more and more burdens on Mother Earth, the Divine intervention is imminent that will correct the haywire system, which is responsible for creating a man-made disparity of incomes that widens the gap between the extraordinarily rich and the hungry poor.
The entire agriculture system of the world is no longer sustainable. It has done the worst damage to the human society; chemical fertilizers and pesticides have made the world no longer habitable and young children are getting diseases which were never heard of! Yes, we all have to work toward creating the right awareness of this ever-degrading situation.
This awareness comes when we realize the spiritual value that we can buy the ultimate seamless happiness in life from God for only two cents .The first cent is Shraddha, which means faith, in Sanskrit — faith in the words and in the teachings of the masters about God. If the Enlightened Masters teach that through compassion you reach higher goals, then you need to practice compassion for all living beings on Mother Earth. The more you practice it, the more you realize it. So the first thing that is very important is faith and trust. That is the first offering to the Divine.
The second cent is our Patience and Perseverance. Patience in the material world pays. Patience in the spiritual world pays infinitely. If we are not patient and persevering through all the tests and tribulations in our life, which are but blessings to us, we will not be able to reach a higher state.
“The greater the tribulations we face, the greater the potential for grace.”
We need to be prepared to endure every test of life. We prepare by attuning our mind with trust and patience. In family life, if there’s trust among the family members, there is better harmony and balance. In professional life, if there is trust between superiors and subordinates, there is more harmony and peace. And, finally, in this Cosmic Life, if there is trust between people on this beautiful Mother Earth, we can begin to join together to bring forth a happy loving world. With trust, with faith in all that God has presented to you in your life, offer your love, patience and perseverance, and your steadfast devotion to God. Then move steadily forward, in harmony and balance.
I am deeply inspired by the street children of Calcutta, who embody the Bliss and Purity of our souls. They are the ones living on the streets, braving the scorching sun, the lashing rains or the biting cold and have survived and live daily life with so much positivism and joy. They never complain to God why He has been so unkind to them! They are my teachers, my gurus. They teach me the highest principles and ideals that are in scriptures for to me they represent the stark reality of the present day world. They live the scriptures!
Religion and Spirituality is all about the feeling heart. Nothing can give us happiness other than love and forgiveness, compassion and communion. Yes, money can buy happiness, if you are willing to spend it on those in need. Live one ideal or idea that is closest to your heart and the world will be a happier place!
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