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Nightmares and Crystal Therapy

Nightmares and Crystal Therapy

Nightmares are very common among children and fairly common among adults. Contributing factors in the cause of nightmares include illness, stress, troubled relationships, traumatic experiences, emotional difficulties, drugs or medication.  However, some people have frequent nightmares that seem unrelated to their waking lives. Recent studies suggest that these people tend to be more open, sensitive, trusting, and emotional than average.

Traumatic events sometimes trigger a long lasting series of recurrent nightmares often diagnosed as part of PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. These traumatic events are different from nightmares in that they repeat the same scene over and over for months, sometimes years.

Night terrors are different from nightmares. Night terrors usually occur during the first hour or two of sleep. It is not uncommon to hear the person screaming or thrashing around. It is often hard to wake the sleeper and they rarely remember anything. Often seen in children, night terrors are harder to understand. In adults, they tend to come under severe stress. Sleep paralysis is the experience of not being able to move. Sometimes the person realizes they are dreaming and still can’t wake up. In this situation both fantasy and reality feel as if they mix. Symptoms may include the feeling of a heavy weight on the chest making it hard to move and difficult to breath, hallucinations, loud buzzing noises, vibrations, the feeling of being electricuted or the feeling of being touched. Researchers feel that sleep paralysis is really a partial awakening during REM or Rapid Eye Movement Sleep.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a particular sleep pattern associated with imbalance or the diagnosis called dream disturbed sleep. Excessive dreaming indicates imbalance. They are often defined as dreams which cause restless sleep or nightmares, resulting in the person feeling very tired the following morning. Although it is mainly the heart and mind connection involved with excessive dreams, the content of the dream may also give some indication of where there is an imbalance. For example, dreams with crying and weeping could point to the lungs or issues of being stuck could be associated with the large intestine. Plunging into water or being scared may indicate the kidneys and water that is overflowing or flooding could point to the urinary bladder. Issues of anger could be the liver or not being able to make a decision could point you in the direction of the gall bladder. Dreams in which we go over and over the same situation, walking in a circle, reliving aspects of our jobs or our relationships generally are due to a stomach, spleen, and heart imbalance. People with this problem often say they can’t turn off their mind.

Crystals Associated with Dreams

Some of the most amazing tools for healing, are the treasures the earth provides us! Crystals and Gemstones are one of the most beautiful, mystical and profound “energy medicine” tools, which have been used for centuries throughout all cultures, religions and empires.

Amethyst – This stone, whose color represents the transition from day to night, can also be very helpful in helping one to relax and go to sleep. This is the stone for Dream recall. Stone of spirituality, contentment, meditation. Provides common sense, flexibility in decisions.

Hematite – is the most grounding and protective stone (Root Chakra.) Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep. Helps one regroup after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia and dreaming.

Herkimer Diamond – is one of the best crystals for dream recall. Shifts brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, meditation. The “Dream stone” – in meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; use as bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the Chakra.

Moldavite – deepens dreams. As this stone is a psychic cleanser, it may also be very helpful for dreams which help to release psychic toxins. This stone is an excellent amplifying stone and can enhance the properties of other crystals.

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Rhodochrosite – is good if you go to sleep or wake up feeling anxious. Gentle, yet probably the most vibrant loving stone to heal the Heart Chakra, especially for giving/receiving love. “Stone of Love and Balance”. Also for loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurities, inner-child issues, abuse, incest…Helps self-forgiveness, deservingness and trust issues, spiritual-and self-love, desire to live, purpose.

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