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Oracle – Trueness

Oracle – Trueness

by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of June are all about you stepping into your True Being, your authenticity, Who You Really Are!  So many celestial happenings this summer with the Summer Solstice, Jupiter’s transit of the Sun (not again until 2117), Jupiter retrograde, Uranus (unexpected changes) Squaring Pluto (Transformation) (for the first of seven times on June 24, 2012) all portending of some wild energies flowing in, on and through the planet and all who have awakened or are in the process of awakening.

Those of you who know these are the times of birthing the new reality need to step up to increase the intensity of the clearing, cleansing and purging that has been going on, lo these many years.  It is time now, this month of June to take the big step of allowing more and more of who you really are to express itself in the world.  Go ahead…it is now time.  Express more of your truest self, as you are for now, go ahead let your Trueness be revealed.

It is time to let the illusion of protecting yourself, the superficiality, the untruthfulness, the little white lies, the “affectations,” the “pretending” you feel or are one way when you are another…it all needs to go away…and now is the time.  This month is maybe only the beginning, but begin you must!

As you manifest your new reality of Trueness, you must step each day more and more this month into being your Self, with a capital “S.”  Your true thoughts, your true perspective on reality, your true heart’s knowingness, all expressed cleanly with authenticity. Even “negative” emotions such as anger, annoyance, irritation expressed, in love, not making someone wrong or blaming them…”this is how I feel, it’s not really about you.”  It’s time to be real, folks!  The new reality of Oneness functions within the paradigm that each individual being is a sovereign unit, being who you are is about expressing that sovereignty.  If spiritual work and practices have brought you to a level of being able to trust your intuition, grow your spiritual awareness, non-attachment, non-judgment, non-resistance, relinquishing the illusion of control you are, again, expressing outwardly, by loving tolerance, compassion, and understanding, your Trueness.

Your true path is being revealed to you one step at a time.  You can feel it in your heart as your intuition guides you.  As these winds of change blow through the planet right now you need to know that you are moving into your authenticity…finding the way to clear, cleanse and purge those vows from past lives or shadow experiences from this life…this will expand you further and further into your Trueness.   Now, I am not saying this is easy or without potential for emotional upset or even resistance to what you are presented with, but what I do say is moving into the unknown with love and trust has rewards beyond measure.  This has been assured for eons in all dimensions at all levels by your angels, guides and spirits supporting you in every way as you grow in consciousness.

Your life is shifting, eh?  Do you feel it?  As this shift continues, no matter what your “life situation” is,  you will find yourself and even those you love including your planet, shifting with you.  Yes, it is true.  As you move to be true, authentic, transparent…Real, no matter what! You will find, maybe slowly, but surely, others shifting in this direction too.  As you grow into being no longer concerned with what others think or how they judge or view your actions, you can bloom more and more every day, like a flower.  People will see the real you as long as you are True to who you are.  The great thing about this is they now see the real you, wonderful, wonderful you.  You know you really are? Can you feel it?  Do you know how well loved you are by Spirit?  Do you know you are to love your Self too?  I had a hard time with that, when I first discovered the importance of loving yourself as a perspective for spiritual growth, because it really took some practice to get there for me.  I pretty much felt most of my life that I was unlovable.  When I started working on this aspect of myself, I used to practice looking in the mirror telling myself “I love you!” “I love you!”  “I love you!” Over and Over and Over.  It has been a long road but I can now unequivocally declare: “I love who I AM; I love where I AM and I love what I AM doing!”  I wish for you the same!

And so, dear Oracle readers, with eyes wide open this month of June, stay tuned to how you can engage, expand, create and express your Trueness, Who You Really Are, with love…always with love…love for your Self, your family, your kids, your friends, you acquaintances, your planet and all the beings thereon.  This Trueness will ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…all you need is love…it will propel you into being true to who you are.

See Also

Let your mantra for June be:  I AM open and allowing my true self to express…And So It Is!!!

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Note:  Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2012 Darity Wesley All Rights Reserved.

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