Phenomenological Truth

Humans understand Universal Law as well as they are capable of understanding the grander scheme of things. We are limited in our ability to describe these laws in that there is insufficient language to reflect the actual process and purpose they bring.
Additionally, as each of us experiences these laws, we subject them to our own perspective, filtering it through our experience, and creating a phenomenological version of what it means. This is the phenomenological truth experienced by every individual on the planet.
How we experience reality, and ultimately what we consider as our truth, is subjective. While certain human experiences are universal, such as emotions: joy, grief, depression, anxiety; and physical responses: pain, pleasure, hunger – the individual perspective drives when these emotions manifest. Many times what is considered physically pleasurable to one person may not be to another. Pain thresholds vary. Each of us reacts to life differently; what stresses one person is stimulating to another.
We also create our reality by the way we look at the world. When we choose to experience life as a great adventure, it is one. When we choose to look at everything as a problem, it is one. To change our reality, our truth, and our range of experience, we simply need to change our perspective. Each person comes into the world with their own unique gift and purpose, which shapes and directs the person’s actions, thoughts, and understanding. This is what makes the phenomenological truth the most compelling.
What we focus on becomes our truth. If one person chooses to focus on all the struggles of the world, then their truth is that the world is a dangerous and difficult place. If another person chooses to see that personal and societal struggles are a mechanism by which to learn and move past difficulties, then their truth is a world filled with opportunities to improve.
Psychology, philosophy, scientific, and metaphysical schools of thought support this perspective. Truth shifts and changes depending on who is experiencing the situation. Look at research on any topic. You can pick a subject and find a study that says it is true, one that says it is false, and one that says no definite conclusion can be drawn. The design of the research study is a function of the researcher’s perspective on finding the truth about a particular subject. The tools and mechanisms used to uncover the truth about the subject may influence the outcome of the study. How we choose to measure the phenomenon limits our ability to find the truth. In physics, we know that the potential of a particle is unlimited until it is observed, and then it is fixed in its observed state.
The number of variables considered, the perspective of the person analyzing the available data, and the depth of knowledge the person has in the subject all modifies the truth derived from that experience. At any point, we have no idea what piece may be missing from the equation; therefore, it is difficult to be confident that our conclusions about Universal Law or how it functions are accurate. We can only surmise what the Universal Energy truly is, or how we can use it to our benefit.
One thing, however, is absolutely true: What your world looks like is completely up to you. You have the potential of seeing, and creating, a beautiful world filled with opportunity, where anything is possible.
What does your world look like?
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Diane Wing is an author, intuitive consultant, teacher, and personal transformation guide dedicated to liberating you from negative thoughts, behavioral patterns, and energies so you can release your Inner Magick and be free to create the life you really want!

Author, teacher, personal transformation guide, and intuitive consultant Diane Wing, M.A. enjoys exploring the mysteries of life and the way that people experience themselves and the world around them. Wing's books create a transformational experience for the reader while incorporating a bit of the unexpected.