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Raising Your Vibration in the Digital Age

Raising Your Vibration in the Digital Age

The Subliminal Power of LOVE

Global Healing Begins with Personal Transformation

by deZengo

It’s time!   Change is without a doubt something most of us contemplate and believe we are ready for and willing to put forth the effort necessary to manifest the changes necessary to sustain a health life for our people and planet!  What we do “not” have is leadership, organization or a clear plan of how to accomplish individual and global healing.    With the influx of Eastern philosophies, medicine and yoga our Western society has seen incredible potential through looking beyond what we are told to believe, think, say, and do.   Change is inevitable, but there is no need to fear it.    Rather than living in fear, another approach would be to allowing yourself the luxury to “SEE” yourself as the empowered, amazing soul that you are.

Once the discovery – you realize you are a child of the universe— the challenge redirects to “remembering” who you truly are and where you come from.  To look beyond what we are “told” to believe | think | do and focus our conscious intention inward for guidance.    Through the redirection process of your consciousness, you begin to develop the gifts of the spirit and with practice a direct connection to the collective consciousness.  The significance of changing individual “energy vibrational patterns” cannot be emphasized enough.  It has been suggested that as we change our vibration, it can in some way be a shield for what the planet will experience as the Mayan Calendar Ends and the New Calendar begins.

Does this mean we have to be happy all the time?

It may not always constitute happiness that we currently understand and that does not suggest that we should not have empathy for the suffering of others and do everything in our power to help as many as we can.  IF we create reality based upon our thoughts, then it becomes important to go beyond seeing the glass half full, but to being thankful for the glass and the ability to pontificate on questions of the universe verses fighting each moment for our very survival.  We can make a conscious decision to relate to the world from our heart chakra and from a place of love.   Through connectivity we feel for one another, a bond of love is built and those bonds have the power to create change!

We will be discussing some ideas that have helped many on their path to love, light, and inner bliss.  Through raising our vibration and creating spaces of love on our planetary grid, we in essence create a shield that might have the ability to save the entire species.   If you have any suggestions please send us an email at

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deZengo Moore is the Health & Wellness Editor, co-Founder of SACREDspace TN, a Humanity Healing Pilot Studio Project, a Yoga & Zumba Instructor and health advocate.  Creator of the yoga2GO program, she brings the workout or meditation where you need it to be.  Also a stage III breast cancer survivor, Ms. Moore knows the importance of creating change within the food industry and created a campaign series to support “Prevention NOT Treatment.”   She believes the profit made from diseases that could be prevented through diet and lifestyle modification, must end.

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