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The NonJudgement Day Project

The NonJudgement Day Project

NonJudgement Day Project OMTimes

Is it possible to go through an entire day without judging anyone, including yourself? Join The NonJudgement Day Project and find out.

The NonJudgement Day Project – If we can’t face the dark, we can’t aim the Light


sometimes it feels like every day is judgment day
and every boundary line is a battle line
we’re losing sight of what we share in common
and we’re paying dearly for our lack of empathy
it’s time we take a closer look at ourselves
and at each other

Take the NonJudgment Day Challenge


This is an informational video about the Penn State University NonJudgement Day Project. The cards are anonymous submissions provided by a variety of Penn State students and Alumni. The Nonjudgment day project is a non-profit non-commercial organization, dedicated to exploring and understanding non-judgment as a life practice.

The videos are centered around the question of whether or not It is possible to go through an entire day without judging anyone, including yourself.

This video is strictly for educational/informational purposes. To check out the project and browse through our extensive archive of judgment cards, or to submit one yourself please check out:

Our Gratitude to Brandom Kim for sharing this wonderful Healing outreach with us and our Respect and Blessings to the students and facility of Penn State for making it happen!

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Video Information

David Foster Wallace – 2005 Kenyon College commencement ceremony.

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