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The Paranormal Psychic

The Paranormal Psychic

By Justin Chase Mullins

In recent years a great debate has occurred in the paranormal community about the use of psychics.  Jason Hawes said during an episode of Ghost Hunters last year, “Take what a psychic says with a grain of salt”.  In looking at his point of view, I can see where he’s coming from, from my point of view I believe the paranormal community needs to work with Psychics more.

The Paranormal Community’s Point of View

Psychics and sensitives in the paranormal community have rightfully faced criticism. Psychics have worked investigations, providing insights to the clients that have turned out to be disturbing or profoundly false.  A sensitive once told a client that she had spirits in her walls; the client took a sledgehammer, removing the walls, only to not find any bodies. There have been countless situations where Psychics felt the client’s homes were haunted from a demonic presence. This causes clients to live in fear, believing their home to be haunted by a powerful inhuman presence. Demonic haunting are very rare. Most clients will not have a demonic haunting. I believe that it’s crucial for teams to test their Psychics, to ensure that he or she is providing accurate information on walk-throughs and investigations.  I can certainly see why Jason Hawes would make that statement last year on his show.  Psychics who are not accurate can do more harm than good.

In my experience a few paranormal teams have the viewpoint that Psychics are “of the devil”, and “unholy”.  I have faced criticism in the paranormal from a few teams.  Those same teams believe Psychics should never charge, nor refer to themselves as Psychics; they believe we should be ashamed of our abilities and use the term “sensitives”.

A Psychic’s Point of View

I am a Psychic Medium for the paranormal team Zero Gravity.   I do walk-throughs on each investigation, having no prior knowledge of the history, or the claims from the clients.  I am able to use my abilities to communicate.  We capture an astonishing amount of EVPS or electronic voice phenomenon.  Spirits interact with me, providing conformations for the things that I am feeling and seeing.  I am able to pinpoint the location of spirits that allows the team to focus on crucial areas and for us to know when a spirit enters the room.

Spirits communicate at a different wavelength and frequency; their voices can be captured by devices through the white noise, such as digital recorders and spirit boxes. Psychics are able to tune into the frequency from Spirits, and receive information. I consider myself a device or vessel, able to receive information. That information comes in as feelings, images, emotions, and words.  All civilizations have mentioned humans communicating with Gods, Angels, and other entities. Communication from the traditional human-sense is not possible. Angels and other entities communicate psychically. Psychics can use their abilities to sense, feel, and hear to communicate with those entities.  There is nothing evil about what Psychics do.  Most humans lack the ability to receive information from other dimensions and forms of existence. Spirits and entities cannot verbally communicate, like humans would do.

A few years ago, I resigned from a paranormal team that did not want to advertise the use of Psychics, nor did they support my work as a Psychic. I felt a higher calling and was compelled to use my abilities to help others on a larger scope. A few months ago, I faced the same criticism from another team that did not support using a professional Psychic. They felt it would be a conflict of religion, interest, and that the paranormal community would believe that I charge clients for paranormal investigations.

The community does have Psychics and paranormal teams that charge for services to remove “demonic forces from homes” to “cleanse the homes”, and other so-called services. I believe that no one should ever charge for services in the paranormal. I am a Professional Psychic, but at the same time, I keep my work as Professional Psychic, separate from the paranormal. All of my work in the paranormal has always been volunteer based.

What can be done?

In the paranormal, we are all professionals, trying to gather evidence to present to the client to validate the phenomena in the home. I believe that teams should use Psychics, because we can provide a different perspective to what is occurring spiritually in the home.  At the same time, teams should gather a body of evidence, such as location history, video and audio evidence.  Teams can check the accuracy of psychics based upon the body of evidence. Clients put their trust into teams that enter their homes, it’s the paranormal and metaphysical community’s duty to ensure that we are providing our due-diligence and protecting the people that we are helping.

See Also
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I believe that it’s important to ensure that the Psychics who are entering the client’s homes are accurate, and ethical. I believe if teams welcome in Psychics, test their abilities, and find a way to use their gifts that can add another aspect to investigations. Teams should become better educated on what Psychics do, how our abilities work, and find a way to use Psychics as a compliment to other evidence gathering methods.

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