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Ask Whitedove- July 2012

Ask Whitedove- July 2012


Celebrity psychic Michelle Whitedove is a world-class medium whose mission is to empower humanity as a spiritual teacher and visionary. Named America’s #1 Psychic by Lifetime TV, Whitedove answers your metaphysical questions. Ask-Michelle-Whitedove_OM-Times

Dear Michelle,

Do you believe in coincidences?  When my husband and I moved to this town I began an unfulfilling job and soon had a hunch that my husband was fooling around.  Through a series of coincidences I discovered the truth and I moved out.   Not long after, I was given a promotion to a position that I love and recently I’ve met someone special. I’m very happy with my new life. Tell me; do coincidences and intuition work together or were these just a series of random events that led to a happy ending?

~Thinking too much in Tulsa

Dear Thinking,

Congratulations on following your intuition. This inner knowing has helped to guide you to a place that was meant to be!  There’s nothing in our Universe that is random…everything has purpose. God has a grand plan. Intuition is your innate guidance system or spiritual GPS that leads you to your destiny.   When consecutive events accumulate into a meaningful pattern then this is called synchronicity.  These are divinely synchronized events that are placed in front of you – on purpose.  So give thanks to your unseen support team for orchestrating the Divine Twist of fate.

Dear Whitedove,

All religions believe that they are the ONLY way to gain entry into heaven, and everyone else is wrong.  Do you think that God has a favorite religion?  If so, I’d like to know which one. 

~Questioning in the Midwest

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Dear Questioning,

There is one truth that runs through the fabric of all religions, which is the Universal Law of Unconditional Love.  If everyone would “love their neighbor” as they love themselves, the world would be a perfect place.  There would be no war, prejudice, segregation, or starvation.

When I had my NDE (Near Death Experience) I became aware that there is no religion in Heaven, all is one.  Heaven is a collective consciousness of great love.  It resonates as overwhelming waves of immense love and angelic songs of praise.

So I would suggest that here on Earth that you come from compassion and unconditional love.  In this way, you will make a positive impact on every soul that you connect with no matter what religious practice you follow.  And when the world joins together in unconditional love towards their fellow man, the animal kingdom, and Mother Earth…then we will have paradise once again here on our planet.

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