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Banish Worry!

Banish Worry!

Celebrate Independence Day by declaring your freedom from fear!

By Ken Lauher

Are you a chronic worrier? Do your behavior patterns make it hard to be happy, because you’re always worried about the next big disaster to come to pass?

Worry stems from a fear of a negative occurrence. But the catch is, fear doesn’t actually exist. It’s something we create in our minds as a survival mechanism. Because, in extreme, (and even some not-so-extreme) cases, fear can cause us to take action that prevents us from harm or even saves our life.

When fear becomes harmful, however, is when we dwell on it without taking positive action. Once you’ve taken action, there’s no need to be fearful because you’ve given yourself the best chance at a positive outcome. The only thing left to do is put your energy into envisioning and expecting that positive outcome, relax, and let the Universe do its job for the greater good.

That’s a key to success and happiness: Have faith that the Universal energy is on your side, not against you, and that everything that happens is, ultimately, exactly as it should be. I recently shared three ways to calm any fear or worry.

Here’s a list of people’s most common fears and how to deal with them constructively. Which ones sound most familiar to you?

Common fear #1:

1. Worry about natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other doomsday-type, society-changing events – Whether your concerns are about another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, large-scale natural disasters triggered by climate change, or any other event that threatens life as we know it, this kind of worry can make you sick — and crazy. Watching shows like Doomsday Preppers, where people seem to add validity to these concerns, can make it worse, especially if you feel ill-prepared for such an emergency.

How to Calm the Fear: First, assess the probability of such an event occurring. (Very small!) Consider all the steps that have been taken to protect the U.S. from another attack like that of 9/11/2001.

Still worried? Take action. Make a list of everything you can do to make your home safer and prepare for a natural disaster or an attack. This could include everything from keeping three days worth of water for every person in your house to having a small overnight bag packed for every person in the event of an evacuation. Do you have a generator in case of a long-term power outage? Candles and flashlights in case of a storm? These are the basics of storm prep and every home or apartment, no matter how small or large, should have at least that much.

Now that you’ve done everything you can do, expect that, whatever happens, you and your family will survive and be stronger for it. And if nothing happens? You’re not any worse off for the preparations you’ve made.

Common Fear #2. Fear of dying/concern about your health – Dying is the number two fear of people everywhere. But fear of disease and getting sick goes hand in hand with this fear. With cancer, heart disease and diabetes rates rising, it’s natural to be concerned about your health. These fears can be doubled when you also have financial worries and fear losing your health insurance coverage (or don’t have any right now.)

How to Calm the Fear: Go to the doctor and get a clean bill of health. Get annual check-ups. Ask any questions you might have concerning specific symptoms. Open communication is the best way to get the best health care. If you don’t have insurance and it’s been a while since you’ve had a check-up, you may be able to go to a clinic for the basics, or talk to your family doctor about a payment plan and discounts.

Once you’ve taken these steps, ward off illness with a healthy diet and exercise at least three times a week. You might also consider using Feng Shui to improve the energy around you for better health. Remember, there are certain things that are out of your control but you can still increase your odds of staying healthy longer.

Common Fear #3: Worry about your relationship or a break-up –

Is she cheating? Does this fight mean the end of our relationship? What did he mean by that comment? Over-analyzing a relationship leads to unhappiness for both people but it can be hard to resist the temptation, especially if you’ve been betrayed or cheated on in the past.

How to Calm the Fear: Take a realistic assessment of your relationship right now, without bringing past baggage in to the mix. Has he ever given you reason to dis-trust him? If she acts out at the end of the night, could it be she’s just tired or frustrated at work? If there are two ways to perceive a specific comment, re-frame it in the best possible light.

You might also use Feng Shui principles to give yourself a sense of greater stability in your relationship. You can make sure you are using a solid headboard that is firmly attached to the bed, and that both sides of the master bedroom are equal and symmetrical, for instance, with matching nightstands and table lamps on either side. Here are more Feng Shui tips to strengthen a relationship.

When you use Feng Shui to change the energy in your home or apartment, you will begin acting in alignment with that energy. Make changes with the intention of creating a more stable relationship, and you’ll start acting as if your relationship is more stable. Your actions will then reflect on your partner, who, with time, will begin change his or her behavior to match yours, too.

Of course, if you find real reason to believe your partner is cheating or believe your differences can’t be solved, it may be time for couple’s therapy. Remember that no problem is insurmountable if you stop worrying about it and start acting.

4. Common Fear #4: Worry about job loss, a lay-off or other financial concerns –

In today’s economy, it’s natural to be concerned about money and job security. If you’ve been laid off in the past, or know many people who have been, fear about job loss is completely natural. However, there are steps you can take to put your mind at ease.

How to Calm the Fear: First, assess your current financial situation. Do you have three months living expenses set aside in emergency savings? If not, what small steps can you take today to work toward that goal?

If you have fears about your job performance potentially leading to your being fired or laid off, discuss your concerns with your supervisor right away. I wouldn’t recommend saying, “I’m afraid I’m going to lose my job; is this true?” Instead, put a positive spin on it by asking what additional projects you may be able to take on, or just asking for an evaluation of your work because you’re interested in improving and becoming an even more valuable employee. (Assume you are already highly valued in the workplace, because why would you think any differently?) If your boss does cite performance issues, you’ve now taken the initiative and given yourself the chance to fix them. And if your boss assures you that he’s pleased with your work, you can further secure your position by improving.

See Also

If your concern, instead, relates to the financial security of the company, it’s time to take matters in to your own hands. Trust your intuition and polish off your resume for a preemptive strike.

If you’re the entrepreneurial type, now’s the time to start that business you’ve been dreaming of, on a part-time basis. If you’ve been contemplating a career change, see what it may take in terms of education or certifications and get started now.

And if you discover your company’s actually doing fine? You still might discover an even more lucrative or enjoyable opportunity…. It’s amazing what you’ll find when you set your intention and begin looking for new wealth-building opportunities.

Common Fear #5: Concern about our children’s safety, social development, success, grades, health, etc.

When it comes to kids, is there anything parents don’t worry about? You might be concerned about your child getting injured on the playground, a terminal illness, poor grades or not fitting in at school. When we watch the news and see some of the awful things that happen to children, it adds fuel to our fear-fire.

How to Calm the Fear: First, realize there are things in life we can control and things we can’t. If your fears are about your child’s health, take the same actions you do to protect your own health: exercise, healthy food choices, doctor’s check-ups.

Evaluate, too, if the fear is something you can control, or not. For instance, you can instill good social skills in your child, but you can’t, ultimately, change whether or not they make friends or how people react to them. Keep the lines of communication with your kids open so you can detect any problems related to school work, social activities or even their safety. Then determine if the situation is one in which you, personally, can take any practical action.

Is intervention needed, such as with bullying or low grades at school? Or is it something your child has to figure out on his or her own? The best action might be to let your child know you’re there to listen, and offer advice if asked. Ultimately, know that you’ve done your best and sometimes, with children (as with worry itself!) you just have to let go.

Some Closing Words of Wisdom

How much happier do you imagine your life could be if you banished fear forever? This Fourth of July, we celebrated America’s independence. Now it’s time to celebrate your own independence from fear and live more fully in the moment, appreciating all the good things life has to offer and knowing the Universe always acts in your best interests. With all that positive energy on your side, what could you possibly have to fear?

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About Ken – One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants, Ken Lauher helps thousands of people achieve their goals through Feng Shui. He can help you become a money magnet, attract passionate love, jump-start your career and get unstuck. Visit to get your FREE Feng Shui guide and discover the ancient secrets that can help you unlock your true potential.

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